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ABelliqueux edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 7 revisions

Available Flags

Remember this is WIP, so these might change !

Flags are custom properties set in the 'Data' tab of the blender objects.



A small blender addon is provided that facilitates setting and copying flags between several objects in your scene.

Setting flags

Available flags are listed in a panel in the object's data tab :

Setting an object's flags

Copying flags between objects

Copying flags

First select the objects you want to copy the flags to, then the object that has the flags you want copied, then access the functionality via the Space bar menu, Object menu in the 3D viewport, or use the Shift+P keyboard shortcut.

Objects flags


Flag Default value Value type Desc.
isRigidBody 0 boolean Object can collide with actor.
isRound 0 boolean Object should roll when pushed.
isStaticBody 0 boolean Object does not collide with actor.
isLevel 0 boolean Designate the level planes. Used for BSP and collisions.
isWall 0 boolean Designate the level walls. Used for collisions.
mass 1 integer Object's mass
restitution 0 integer Object's restitution


Flag Default value Value type Desc.
isAnim 0 boolean Use object's animation data. Use more memory, less cpu
lerp 0 boolean Use lerp for animating. Only keyframes are exported, lerping is done in real time. Less memory, more cpu


Objet will always face camera
Flag Default value Value type Desc.
isPrism 0 boolean Uses current frame buffer as texture, resulting in a pseudo-transparency effect.
isSprite 0 boolean


Flag Default value Value type Desc.
isProp 0 boolean Object is moveable/pushable and is not actor. This is used for BSP.
isActor 0 boolean Object is the actor or player. Camera will follow it.
isBG 0 boolean If set, will be rendered as pre-calculated.

Camera flags

Flag Default value Value type Desc.
exclude 0 boolean Exclude camera from camera path.
isDefault 0 boolean Use as default camera.


Flag Default value Value type Desc.
isPortal 0 boolean Is a portal object.
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