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Since we now differentiate between uninitialized and up-to-date, we
don't need to make the create statements idempotent. This makes the code
more strict, and we will see errors if our versioning system has bugs.

Note that the `IF NOT EXISTS` statement do not bring any guarantee about
the existing table (pg documentation):

> A notice is issued in this case. Note that there is no guarantee that
the existing relation is anything like the one that would have been

Internal tables (used for versioning, locking, etc.) have been left
  • Loading branch information
pm47 committed Apr 19, 2021
1 parent 4759ec0 commit 945ada2
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Showing 13 changed files with 83 additions and 83 deletions.
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/db/pg/PgAuditDb.scala
Expand Up @@ -47,30 +47,30 @@ class PgAuditDb(implicit ds: DataSource) extends AuditDb with Logging {
inTransaction { pg =>
using(pg.createStatement()) { statement =>
def migration45(statement: Statement): Unit = {
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS relayed_trampoline (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, next_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relayed_trampoline_timestamp_idx ON relayed_trampoline(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relayed_trampoline_payment_hash_idx ON relayed_trampoline(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE relayed_trampoline (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, next_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX relayed_trampoline_timestamp_idx ON relayed_trampoline(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX relayed_trampoline_payment_hash_idx ON relayed_trampoline(payment_hash)")

getVersion(statement, DB_NAME) match {
case None =>
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sent (amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, fees_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, recipient_amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, payment_id TEXT NOT NULL, parent_payment_id TEXT NOT NULL, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, payment_preimage TEXT NOT NULL, recipient_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, to_channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS received (amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, from_channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS relayed (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, direction TEXT NOT NULL, relay_type TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS relayed_trampoline (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, next_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS network_fees (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, node_id TEXT NOT NULL, tx_id TEXT NOT NULL, fee_sat BIGINT NOT NULL, tx_type TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_events (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, node_id TEXT NOT NULL, capacity_sat BIGINT NOT NULL, is_funder BOOLEAN NOT NULL, is_private BOOLEAN NOT NULL, event TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_errors (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, node_id TEXT NOT NULL, error_name TEXT NOT NULL, error_message TEXT NOT NULL, is_fatal BOOLEAN NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE sent (amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, fees_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, recipient_amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, payment_id TEXT NOT NULL, parent_payment_id TEXT NOT NULL, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, payment_preimage TEXT NOT NULL, recipient_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, to_channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE received (amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, from_channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE relayed (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, direction TEXT NOT NULL, relay_type TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE relayed_trampoline (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, next_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE network_fees (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, node_id TEXT NOT NULL, tx_id TEXT NOT NULL, fee_sat BIGINT NOT NULL, tx_type TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE channel_events (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, node_id TEXT NOT NULL, capacity_sat BIGINT NOT NULL, is_funder BOOLEAN NOT NULL, is_private BOOLEAN NOT NULL, event TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE channel_errors (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, node_id TEXT NOT NULL, error_name TEXT NOT NULL, error_message TEXT NOT NULL, is_fatal BOOLEAN NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL)")

statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sent_timestamp_idx ON sent(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS received_timestamp_idx ON received(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relayed_timestamp_idx ON relayed(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relayed_payment_hash_idx ON relayed(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relayed_trampoline_timestamp_idx ON relayed_trampoline(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relayed_trampoline_payment_hash_idx ON relayed_trampoline(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS network_fees_timestamp_idx ON network_fees(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_events_timestamp_idx ON channel_events(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_errors_timestamp_idx ON channel_errors(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX sent_timestamp_idx ON sent(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX received_timestamp_idx ON received(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX relayed_timestamp_idx ON relayed(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX relayed_payment_hash_idx ON relayed(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX relayed_trampoline_timestamp_idx ON relayed_trampoline(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX relayed_trampoline_payment_hash_idx ON relayed_trampoline(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX network_fees_timestamp_idx ON network_fees(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX channel_events_timestamp_idx ON channel_events(timestamp)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX channel_errors_timestamp_idx ON channel_errors(timestamp)")
case Some(v@4) =>
logger.warn(s"migrating db $DB_NAME, found version=$v current=$CURRENT_VERSION")
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ class PgChannelsDb(implicit ds: DataSource, lock: PgLock) extends ChannelsDb wit
logger.warn(s"migrating db $DB_NAME, found version=$v current=$CURRENT_VERSION")
case None =>
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS local_channels (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BYTEA NOT NULL, is_closed BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, created_timestamp BIGINT, last_payment_sent_timestamp BIGINT, last_payment_received_timestamp BIGINT, last_connected_timestamp BIGINT, closed_timestamp BIGINT)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS htlc_infos (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, commitment_number TEXT NOT NULL, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, cltv_expiry BIGINT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(channel_id) REFERENCES local_channels(channel_id))")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS htlc_infos_idx ON htlc_infos(channel_id, commitment_number)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE local_channels (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BYTEA NOT NULL, is_closed BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, created_timestamp BIGINT, last_payment_sent_timestamp BIGINT, last_payment_received_timestamp BIGINT, last_connected_timestamp BIGINT, closed_timestamp BIGINT)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE htlc_infos (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, commitment_number TEXT NOT NULL, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, cltv_expiry BIGINT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(channel_id) REFERENCES local_channels(channel_id))")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX htlc_infos_idx ON htlc_infos(channel_id, commitment_number)")
case Some(CURRENT_VERSION) => () // table is up-to-date, nothing to do
case Some(unknownVersion) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown version of DB $DB_NAME found, version=$unknownVersion")
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ class PgNetworkDb(implicit ds: DataSource) extends NetworkDb with Logging {
using(pg.createStatement()) { statement =>
getVersion(statement, DB_NAME) match {
case None =>
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nodes (node_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BYTEA NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channels (short_channel_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, txid TEXT NOT NULL, channel_announcement BYTEA NOT NULL, capacity_sat BIGINT NOT NULL, channel_update_1 BYTEA NULL, channel_update_2 BYTEA NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pruned (short_channel_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE nodes (node_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BYTEA NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE channels (short_channel_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, txid TEXT NOT NULL, channel_announcement BYTEA NOT NULL, capacity_sat BIGINT NOT NULL, channel_update_1 BYTEA NULL, channel_update_2 BYTEA NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE pruned (short_channel_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)")
case Some(CURRENT_VERSION) => () // table is up-to-date, nothing to do
case Some(unknownVersion) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown version of DB $DB_NAME found, version=$unknownVersion")
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ class PgPaymentsDb(implicit ds: DataSource, lock: PgLock) extends PaymentsDb wit
using(pg.createStatement()) { statement =>
getVersion(statement, DB_NAME) match {
case None =>
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS received_payments (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, payment_type TEXT NOT NULL, payment_preimage TEXT NOT NULL, payment_request TEXT NOT NULL, received_msat BIGINT, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, expire_at BIGINT NOT NULL, received_at BIGINT)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sent_payments (id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id TEXT NOT NULL, external_id TEXT, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, payment_preimage TEXT, payment_type TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, fees_msat BIGINT, recipient_amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, recipient_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, payment_request TEXT, payment_route BYTEA, failures BYTEA, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, completed_at BIGINT)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE received_payments (payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, payment_type TEXT NOT NULL, payment_preimage TEXT NOT NULL, payment_request TEXT NOT NULL, received_msat BIGINT, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, expire_at BIGINT NOT NULL, received_at BIGINT)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE sent_payments (id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id TEXT NOT NULL, external_id TEXT, payment_hash TEXT NOT NULL, payment_preimage TEXT, payment_type TEXT NOT NULL, amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, fees_msat BIGINT, recipient_amount_msat BIGINT NOT NULL, recipient_node_id TEXT NOT NULL, payment_request TEXT, payment_route BYTEA, failures BYTEA, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, completed_at BIGINT)")

statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sent_parent_id_idx ON sent_payments(parent_id)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sent_payment_hash_idx ON sent_payments(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sent_created_idx ON sent_payments(created_at)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS received_created_idx ON received_payments(created_at)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX sent_parent_id_idx ON sent_payments(parent_id)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX sent_payment_hash_idx ON sent_payments(payment_hash)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX sent_created_idx ON sent_payments(created_at)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX received_created_idx ON received_payments(created_at)")
case Some(CURRENT_VERSION) => () // table is up-to-date, nothing to do
case Some(unknownVersion) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown version of DB $DB_NAME found, version=$unknownVersion")
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class PgPeersDb(implicit ds: DataSource, lock: PgLock) extends PeersDb {
using(pg.createStatement()) { statement =>
getVersion(statement, DB_NAME) match {
case None =>
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peers (node_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BYTEA NOT NULL)")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE peers (node_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BYTEA NOT NULL)")
case Some(CURRENT_VERSION) => () // table is up-to-date, nothing to do
case Some(unknownVersion) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown version of DB $DB_NAME found, version=$unknownVersion")
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class PgPendingRelayDb(implicit ds: DataSource, lock: PgLock) extends PendingRel
getVersion(statement, DB_NAME) match {
case None =>
// note: should we use a foreign key to local_channels table here?
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pending_relay (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, htlc_id BIGINT NOT NULL, data BYTEA NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(channel_id, htlc_id))")
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE pending_relay (channel_id TEXT NOT NULL, htlc_id BIGINT NOT NULL, data BYTEA NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(channel_id, htlc_id))")
case Some(CURRENT_VERSION) => () // table is up-to-date, nothing to do
case Some(unknownVersion) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown version of DB $DB_NAME found, version=$unknownVersion")
Expand Down

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