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Running this Evaluation

BSBM named graph handling

To correctly write the data to the named graph, we have added the graph pattern to queries/update/query1.txt and queries/update/query2.txt:

GRAPH <urn:bsbm> { %updateData% }

{ GRAPH <urn:bsbm> { %Offer% ?p ?o } }

This can be done by changing to the bsbm directory and running

patch -p1 < <quit-eval directory>/bsbm-queries.patch

TODO: we should check if this is really needed, or if we can correctly evaluate the URL parameter sent by the testdriver

Setup data and monitor execution

We expect this repository to be directly checked out into a directory named quit-eval, which resides next to the bsbmtools-0.2 directory.

Create BSBM datasets

# Run inside the bsbmtools-0.2 directory
./generate -pc 1000 -ud -tc 1000 -ppt 1

Create a scenario description. You can use scenario.yml.example as a template.

Start the test runs:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./ scenario.yml

Verification of a quit repository after the bsbm execution

reset the repository to the initial commit (currently the initial commit is not tagged with the ./ script so you have to find and tag it on your own.)

git checkout init-graph

sed "s/.$/<urn:bsbm> ./g" ../bsbmtools-0.2/dataset.nt | LC_ALL=C sort -u > graph.nq
./ <quit_repo>-log/run….log <quit_repo> graph.nq

Verification of the Merge strategy

Configure Quit Merge Strategy:

Add these lines to your ~/.gitconfig

[merge "quitmerge"]
name = Quit – Quads in Git – merge driver
driver = quit-merge %O %A %B

and these lines to a .gitattributes file in a git repository:

*.nt    merge=quitmerge
*.nq    merge=quitmerge
  1. create an empty git repository

  2. add a .gitattributes file which points to the configured QuitMerge strategy.

  3. get the dataset.nq file from above

  4. run ./

    ./ [--seed ] [--result ]

(If you want to verify the merge result your self, you can use the --result option to dump the expected result)

Formate results for gnuplot

The script ./ helps in this case.

For generating the output regarding QMpH and QpS run

./ --bsbm <directory with all scenarios>

For aligning the memory log of the run with the number of commits at this point in time run:

./ --align <name of the run> > <name of the run>.dat

Where <name of the run> is the directory name of the respective run without the -log suffix. E.g. quit-gc-2.

If you don't have GitPython installed you can use pip install -r requirements.txt.


This was a run on a laptop with:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-5600U, 2.6GHz, two physical cores (4 virtual cores)
  • SSD: SAMSUNG MZ7LN512HCHP-000L1, 476.94GiB
  • RAM 15.4GiB, 1600MHz
  • OS: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 64-Bit

I've ran the bsbm with 40 warmup runs and 1500 querymix runs


The quit store should be on commit 7aae256b2f8f41ae7ac4da363a8511aee43d9f24 to reproduce the result as printed above.


Copyright (C) 2017 Natanael Arndt and Norman Radtke

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see Please see LICENSE for further information.