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Repository structure

Alexander Gaenko edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 4 revisions

Repository structure

The directory structure of the main repository is as follows:

 +-- common/                            Files that are common for all modules
 |    |
 |    +-- cmake/                        Module files for CMake
 |    |                                 
 |    +-- deps/                         Source of ALPSCore build dependencies
 |    |                                 
 |    +-- scripts/                      Various scripts needed for development
 |    |                                 
 |    +-- build/                        Build scripts for Jenkins
 +-- <module1>/                         A module
 |    |                                 
 |    +-- CMakeLists.txt                CMakeLists file for the module
 |    |                                 
 |    +-- src/                          Sources for the module
 |    |                                 
 |    +-- include/alps/                 Headers for the module
 |    |            |
 |    |            +-- <module1>.hpp    Main header file for the module (optional)
 |    |            |
 |    |            +-- <module1>/       Headers for the module
 |    |
 |    +-- test/                         Test sources and headers for the module
 +-- <module2>/                         Another module
 |    |
 |    +-- ...
 +-- tutorials/                         Tutorials