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Altibase SSL TLS User's

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Altibase SSL/TLS User's Guide

Altibase 7.1

Altibase® Tools & Utilities

Altibase Tools & Utilities Altibase SSL/TLS User's Guide
Release 7.1
Copyright ⓒ 2001~2023 Altibase Corp. All Rights Reserved.
This manual contains proprietary information of Altibase® Corporation; it is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright patent and other intellectual property law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited.
All trademarks, registered or otherwise, are the property of their respective owners.
Altibase Corp 10F, Daerung PostTower II, 306, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul 08378, Korea Telephone : +82-2-2082-1000 Fax : +82-2-2082-1099 Customer Service Portal : Homepage :

Table Of Contents


About This Manual

This manual discusses how to configure and use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols within Altibase.


This manual has been prepared for the following Altibase users:

  • Database administrators
  • Performance administrators
  • Database users
  • Application developers
  • Technical Supporters

It is recommended for those reading this manual possess the following background knowledge:

  • Basic knowledge in the use of computers, operating systems, and operating system utilities
  • Experience in using relational database and an understanding of database concepts
  • Computer programming experience
  • Experience in database server management, operating system management, or network administration


This manual is organized as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Altibase SSL/TLS
    This chapter describes the concepts and features of Altibase SSL/TLS.

  • Chapter 2: Installing and Starting SSL in Altibase
    This chapter describes the software requirements and installation method for using SSL in Altibase.

  • Chapter 3: Managing SSL Connections
    This chapter describes the management methods, such as monitoring when using SSL function, and enhancing communication security for users.

  • Appendix A: Altibase SSL Sample

Documentation Convention

This section describes the convention used in this manual. Understanding this convention will make it easier to find information in this manual and in the other manuals in the series.

This convention described here is as follow:

  • Sample Code Convention
Sample Code Conventions

The code examples explain SQL statements, stored procedures, iSQL statements, and other command line syntax.

The following table describes the printing conventions used in the code examples.

Rules Meaning Example
[ ] Indicates an optional item VARCHAR [(size)] [[FIXED |] VARIABLE]
{ } Indicates a mandatory field for which one or more items must be selected. { ENABLE | DISABLE | COMPILE }
| A delimiter between optional or mandatory arguments. { ENABLE | DISABLE | COMPILE } [ ENABLE | DISABLE | COMPILE ]
. . . Indicates that the previous argument is repeated, or that sample code has been omitted. SQL> SELECT ename FROM employee;
20 rows selected.
Other Symbols Symbols other than those shown above are part of the actual code. EXEC :p1 := 1; acc NUMBER(11,2)
Italics Statement elements in italics indicate variables and special values specified by the user. SELECT * FROM table_name;
CONNECT userID/password;
Lower case words Indicate program elements set by the user, such as table names, column names, file names, etc. SELECT ename FROM employee;
Upper case words Keywords and all elements provided by the system appear in upper case. DESC SYSTEM_.SYS_INDICES_;

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If you need immediate assistance regarding any errors, omissions, and other technical issues, please contact Altibase's Support Portal.

Thank you. We always welcome your feedbacks and suggestions.

1. Introduction to Altibase SSL/TLS

This chapter describes the concepts and features of Altibase SSL/TLS.

What is SSL/TLS?

This chapter introduces the basic concepts of Altibase SSL/TLS.

Introduction to SSL/TLS Protocols

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the de facto standard network security protocol originally developed by Netscape Communications Corporation.

SSL 1.0 was not publicly released. A bug-ridden 2.0 was released and followed by a completely redesigned 3.0 in 1996. Afterwards, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) released TLS 1.0, which was an upgrade of 3.0 defined in RFC 2246. For further information about the TLS protocol, please refer to 'RFC-2246 The TLS Protocol (’.

Cryptography and Certificates

Symmetric-key algorithms have two or more parties share a single secret key to ensure communication security. This secret key encrypts plaintext and decrypts ciphertext with an efficient algorithm. However, it is difficult for the communicating parties to safely exchange the secret key.

Asymmetric cryptography (also called public-key cryptography) was introduced thereupon. It uses a mathematically linked key pair of one public key and one private key. A message encrypted by a freely accessible public key can only be decrypted by the owner of the matching private key and vice versa.

One party encrypts the secret key with the counterparty’s public key and sends it to the counterparty (the holder of the corresponding private key). The counterparty then decrypts the secret key with its own private key. Afterwards the communicating parties can safely communicate by encrypting and decrypting.

However, a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacker can pretend to be both server and client. It is possible that a request for a public key is intercepted and the attacker’s public key is sent, instead of the legitimate one.

Public key ownership can be verified with a public key certificate (a digital certificate signed by an official certificate authority (CA) trusted by both parties). In an opened-system environment such as the World Wide Web (WWW), it is important to use public certificates for communication security. On the contrary, a private certificate is a certificate generated and signed by a non-official CA. Private certificates are useful in a closed-system environment because they are free to use and can be generated whenever necessary.

Secure Communication in Altibase

Altibase adopts SSL/TLS using symmetric-key algorithms to encrypt/decrypt data, and asymmetric cryptography to safely exchange the shared key and public/private key pair for authentication.

When a network connection over SSL is initiated, Altibase and its client perform an SSL handshake as below:

  1. The client and server exchange their information (e.g., SSL version, cipher setting and so on) to set up a secure connection environment.
  2. If server authentication is required, the server sends the client its own certificate and the client verifies server identity with it.
  3. If the server requests for the client's certificate, the client also sends the server its own certificate and the server verifies client identity with it.
  4. The client and server exchange key information with public key cryptography and generate a session key to encrypt/decrypt data and validate data integrity.
  5. The client and server communicate to each other that the future message will be encrypted with the session key and that the handshake is finished.

SSL Characteristics in Altibase

The following list of features are the SSL characterstics when using Altibase with SSL communcation:

  • Altibase uses the TLS 1.0 protocol supported by the OpenSSL library.

  • Altibase supports server-only authentication and mutual authentication.

    • Server-only authentication: Only the server authenticates itself to the client.
    • Mutual authentication: Both server and client concurrently authenticate themselves to each other
  • An additional network port such as port 443 for HTTPS (other than the one that was used) is required to use SSL connections within Altibase. This is because Altibase does not allow a connection switch from non-secure to secure in TCP connections.

  • To use a secure connection, all client applications need to be implemented with Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API, which is integrated into Java 1.5 or above. JSSE provides a framework and implementation for a Java version of SSL 2.0, 3.0, and TLS 1.0 protocols as well as data encryption, server authentication, message integrity and optional client authentication.

  • Altibase provides the JDBC and ODBC interfaces for SSL connection, which is currently supported only in Intel-Linux.

2. Installing and Starting SSL in Altibase

This chapter explains how to use SSL and the required software.

Software Requirements

This section describes the requirements for using SSL communication on the server and client.


  • OpenSSL toolkit 0.9.4~1.0.2
  • Altibase version 6.5.1 or later (only supports Intel-Linux)

The OpenSSL toolkit is a prerequisite for using SSL/TLS in Altibase. The OpenSSL toolkit was developed by the OpenSSL Project and can be downloaded from You should verify that the installed OpenSSL version is not vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug.

The user can use the OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS option to check whether or not it is infected.



The OpenSSL toolkit has to be installed in order to use SSL communication with ODBC, CLI or ADO.NET.


It is recommended to use Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (JRE1.6) or above to conveniently implement the client Java application through SSL. JRE 1.6 or above is recommended for a following reason (JRE 1.5 is also available for use, but not recommended):

  • Only JRE 1.6 or above supports importing the client’s certificate into the keystore (Note that importing the certificate is not always required.).

Configuring the Environment for SSL Usage

This section discusses how to configure the environment for Altibase SSL.

Configure SSL on the Server

  • Step 1: Confirm the Installation of OpenSSL and its library
  • Step 2: Set Server Properties to Connect over SSL
  • Step 3: Specify SSL Client Authentication
  • Step 4: Set Server Certificate, Private Key, and Certificate Authority
  • Step 5: Start the Server
Step 1: Confirm the Installation of OpenSSL and its Library

It is recommended to install the OpenSSL toolkit before installing SSL-enabled Altibase. If an Altibase function is used and OpenSSL is not installed, Altibase reports that it is unable to find the OpenSSL library.

Verify that OpenSSL is installed on the server and that it is not infected with the Heartbleed bug. If necessary, install it with the package manager provided by the operating system (e.g., RPM, Red Hat Linux) or download it from and compile it manually.

After installation, check the installed OpenSSL version as follows.

$ openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.7e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008
Step 2: Set Server Properties to Connect over SSL

The following are properties that you need to set to connect over SSL within Altibase. These properties are located in the $ALTIBASE_HOME/conf file. For more detailed information about these properties, please refer to the General Reference.

    : Switches the SSL feature on or off within Altibase. To enable, set the value to 1.
    : Specifies the listening port number for SSL connections. The value must be unique.
    : Sets the listen queue maximum size for concurrent SSL connections. You should note that more listeners require more memory.
    : The candidate cipher algorithm list available for the server and client to use and negotiate with. Depending on your security policy, you can specify one or more cipher names and separate them by colons. You can check the list at OpenSSL ( or execute the following command in the shell environment.
$ openssl ciphers
Step 3: Specify SSL Client Authentication
    : Sets the SSL authentication mode to server-only authentication or mutual authentication. If the user sets the value to 1 for mutual authentication, the server will request a certificate from the client during the SSL handshake.
Step 4: Set Server Certificate, Private Key, and Certificate Authority


  • SSL_CA



Sets the server certificate path.

For example, if the name of a server certificate is server-cert.pem and it is located in the $ALTIBASE_HOME/cert directory, the value for this property is ?/cert/server-cert.pem.


Sets the server private (secret) key path.

For example, if the name of a server’s secret key is server-key.pem and it is located in the $ALTIBASE_HOME/cert directory, the value for this property is ?/cert/server- key.pem.


The SSL_CA or SSL_CAPATH property must be set in order to receive ownership of the CA certificate issued by an accredited authority. The CA certificate file is located in a user-specified path or a directory in X.509 format.

If you don’t have an accredited certificate, you can use SSL by creating a private certificate.

Step 5: Start the Server

Start SSL-enabled Altibase. Please refer to the sample files provided in the Appendix.

If SSL_ENABLE is set to 1, the SSL listen port is displayed as follows. This means that both the environment variables ALTIBASE_PORT_NO and ALTIBASE_SSL_PORT_NO need to be defined.

$server start
     Altibase Client Query utility.
     Release Version
     Copyright 2000, Altibase Corporation or its subsidiaries.
     All Rights Reserved.
[ERR-910FB : Connected to idle instance]
Connecting to the DB server.... Connected.
  [CM] Listener started : TCP on port 20300 [IPV4]
  [CM] Listener started : SSL on port 20443 [IPV4]
--- STARTUP Process SUCCESS ---
Command executed successfully.

Configure SSL for JDBC

  • Step 1: Import Certificates

  • Step 2: Set up Authentication in a Java Environment

  • Step 3: Set JDBC Properties for SSL

  • Step 4: Set Altibase Environment Variables

Step 1: Import Certificates

The first step is to import certificates into the truststore for the server's CA certificate or into the keystore for its own CA certificate and secret key. Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) uses the truststore and keystore for authentication.

The next step to take depends on whether the CA certificate type is public or private and the job thereafter depends on whether the chosen authentication mode is server-only authentication or mutual authentication.

  1. Private certificates with server-only authentication mode:
    Import the server's CA certificate into the truststore.

  2. Private certificates with mutual authentication mode:
    Import the server's CA certificate into the truststore. Import the PKCS #12 formatted file, containing its own CA certificate and secret key, into the keystore.

  3. Public certificates with server-only authentication mode:
    No action is necessary.

  4. Public certificates with mutual authentication mode:
    Import the PKCS #12 formatted file, containing its own CA certificate and secret key, into the keystore.

When using private certificates (1 or 2 above), import the server's CA certificate into the truststore.

$keytool -import -alias alias_name -file server_certificate_file.pem -keystore truststore -storepass password

For 2 or 4, prior to importing its certificate and secret key, ensure that the PKCS #12 formatted file, containing its own certificate and secret key, is ready and that the Java version is 1.6 or above.

If the PKCS #12 file is not ready, execute OpenSSL with the pkcs12 option to generate the PKCS #12 file which contains the client's certificate and secret key as follows.

$openssl pkcs12 -export -in client_certificate.pem -inkey client_secretkey_file.pem > pkcs_file.p12

Import the prepared PKCS #12 file into the keystore with the following options. 1

[1] You can only import .pem files into keystore with the '-importkeystore' option in Java 6 or above.

$keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore pkcs_file.p12 -destkeystore keystore.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12
Step 2: Set up Authentication in a Java Environment

JRE must access the truststore and keystore for authentication over SSL. The user can select from any of the following three configurations.

  • Configure a Java Application's Command-line Option

  • Use the System.setProperty Method in a Java Application

  • Configure the JDBC Property in a Java Application

Configure a Java Application’s Command-line Option
Use the System.setProperty Method in a Java Application
System.setProperty("", "path_to_keystore");
System.setProperty("", "password");
System.setProperty("", "path_to_truststore");
System.setProperty("", "password");
Configure the JDBC Property in a Java Application
Properties sProp = new Properties();
sProps.put("keystore_url", "path_to_keystore");
sProps.put("keystore_password", "password");
sProps.put("truststore_url", "path_to_truststore");
sProps.put("truststore_password", "password");
Step 3: Set JDBC Properties for SSL

Altibase provides JDBC for SSL connection to use SSL within the database. JDBC properties are categorized into the following two groups:

  • JDBC Properties for SSL Connections

  • JDBC Properties for Authentication

JDBC Properties for SSL Connections
Name Description Range Default Value
ssl_enable Specifies whether or not to connect to the database over SSL connection. An SSL connection is created if this value is true; a TCP connection is created if this value is false. true
port Specifies the SSL port number on the target server. The priority for the SSL port number is: 1) if ssl_enable is true and a value has been specified, this value is applied first. 2) if ssl_enable is true and this value is omitted, the ALTIBASE_SSL_PORT_NO environment variable is applied. 3) if ssl_enable is true and both this value and the ALTIBASE_SSL_PORT_NO environment variable are omitted, the default value (20300) is applied. 0 ~ 65535 ssl_enable(false): 20300
ssl_enable(true): 20443
ciphersuite_list This is a list of available ciphers. Each name is separated by a colon (e.g., SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5:SSL _RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA). If JRE does not support the named algorithm, an IllegalArgumentException with the "Unsupported ciphersuite" message is thrown. String All cipher suite lists supported by JRE
JDBC Properties for Authentication
Name Description Range Default Value
verify_server_certificate Specifies whether or not to authenticate the target server's CA certificate. To use SSL exception authentication, set as false and the client application will not authenticate the server's CA certificate. In this case, it is unnecessary to import the server's private CA certificate for authentication. true
keystore_url Specifies the path to the keystore (a container for its own private key and the certificates with their corresponding public keys). String
keystore_type Specifies the keystore type for keystore_url. Java Key Store (JKS) is the most common type in Java. JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, etc JKS
keystore_password Specifies the password for keystore_url. String
truststore_url Specifies the path to the truststore (a keystore containing certificates that belong to the communication partners). String
truststore_type Specifies the truststore type at truststore_url above. Java Key Store (JKS) is the most common type in Java. JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, etc JKS
truststore_password Specifies the password to truststore_url above. String
Step 4: Set Altibase Environment Variables

Altibase sets the port number for SSL communication, and this step can be omitted.

If the port property has not been set for JDBC, the value specified for ALTIBASE_SSL_PORT_NO will be used as the port number. If ALTIBASE_SSL_PORT_NO is omitted, the default value for the port property is used.

Name Description Range Default Value
ALTIBASE_SSL_PORT_NO Specifies the SSL port number on the target server. 1024 ~ 65535
Considerations When Using SSL with JDBC

Please consider the following when using SSL for JDBC.

Importing the PKCS #12 File into the Keystore (Available for JRE 1.6. or later)

To use mutual authentication over SSL, you must first import the client's CA certificate and private key into the KeyStore. At this time, the supported version is JRE1.6 or higher. This is because, in Java 6 or higher, you can use the importkeystore option to send a pem file to the keystore.

However, after importing PKCS only once in JRE1.6 or later, JRE1.5 can be used. In other words, only the import process requires JRE1.6, and the mutual authentication function itself also works in 1.5.

$keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore pkcs_file.p12 -destkeystore keystore.jks
-srcstoretype pkcs12

Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI

  • Step 1: Verify the OpenSSL Library

  • Step 2: Prepare the Client’s Certificate

  • Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL

  • Step 4: Write a Client Program

Step 1: Verify the OpenSSL Library

ODBC and CLI read the OpenSSL library and call the necessary functions while connecting to the server using SSL communication. Therefore, you should verify that the OpenSSL library has been installed properly, before writing a client application. Where the library is installed can differ among operating systems.

  • Verify the library installation
$ ls -al /usr/lib/libssl*
$ ls -al /usr/lib/libcrypto*
  • Verify the utility installation
$ openssl version
Step 2: Prepare the Client’s Certificate

Prepare the client’s certificate and secret key in a PEM format file for mutual authentication of the server and client. The location of these files should be accessible by a client using ODBC or CLI.

Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL

SSL properties must be set appropriately, before writing a client program using SSL. The client can specify the following properties as a connection string when connecting to the server.

SSL connection properties are located in $ALTIBASE_HOME/conf.

Name Description Range Default Value
SSL_CA Specifies the file path to store CA certificates to certify the ownership of received certificates. CA certificates can exist in a user-specific file path or a X.509 structured directory.
Ex) SSL_CA= /cert/ ca-cert.pem.
SSL_CAPATH Specifies CAPATH in a CA directory format.
Ex) SSL_CAPATH=/etc/ssl/certs
SSL_CERT Sets the Altibase certificate path.
Ex) SSL_CERT=/cert/client-cert.pem
SSL_KEY Sets the server private (secret) key path.
Ex) SSL_KEY=/cert/client-key.pem
SSL_VERIFY Sets whether or not to authenticate the server certificate. An SSL handshake fails if authentication fails, and it becomes impossible to communicate over SSL.
0(OFF): Does not authenticate the server certificate
1(ON): Authenticates the server certificate
0: OFF
1: ON
SSL_CIPHER A cipher algorithms available for the server and client to use and negotiate with. Depending on your security policy, you can specify one or more cipher names and separate them by colons(:). You can check the list at OpenSSL or execute command "$ openssl ciphers" in the shell environment.

The following is a table comparing the server SSL properties and ODBC/CLI properties.

Name Server( ODBC/CLI
The client is same meaning with SSL_ENABLE = 1 if CONNTYPE = SSL
On the client, connect with CONNTYPE = SSL; PORT = 20443 without a separate SSL port.
Step 4: Write a Client Program

Write a program to use SSL connection in the client application. You can find a sample program that uses SSL connection in the altibase directory. Please refer to $ALTIBASE_HOME/sample/SQLCLI/SSL.

Configure SSL for ADO.NET

  • Step 1: Verify the OpenSSL Library
  • Step 2: Prepare the Client’s Certificate
  • Step 3: Set .NET Connection Properties for SSL
  • Step 4: Write a Client Program
Step 1: Verify the OpenSSL Library

This step is same as Step 1 of Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI.

Step 2: Prepare the Client’s Certificate

This step is same as Step 2 of Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI.

Step 3: Set .NET Connection Properties for SSL

When connecting to the server using SSL communication, users can specify the following properties in the connection string:

Name Description Range Default Value
conn type Determine whether to connect to the server using SSL communication. If this value is set to "ssl", the connection is established using SSL communication. ssl
port Specify the value of SSL_PORT_NO, which is the port number of the target server to connect to. 0 ~ 65535
ssl ca Refer to SSL_CA from Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI > Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL.
ssl capath Refer to SSL_CAPATH from Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI > Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL.
ssl cert Refer to SSL_CERT from Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI > Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL.
ssl key Refer to SSL_KEY from Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI > Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL
ssl verify Refer to SSL_VERIFY from Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI > Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL. false: OFF
true: ON
ssl cipher Refer to SSL_CIPHER from Configure SSL for ODBC/CLI > Step 3: Set ODBC/CLI Properties for SSL.
Step 4: Write a Client Program

To enable SSL communication in the client application, follow the instructions provided in the Sample Using SSL Connection in ADO.NET section in "Appendix A: SSL Sample".

3. Managing SSL Connections

Managing SSL Connections

This section describes how to enhance security using the SSL exclusive connection feature, and monitor or manage SSL connections.

  • Limit TCP Connections

  • Monitor and Manage SSL Connections

Limit TCP Connections

The main reason to use SSL is to guarantee secure communication between the client and the server. In SSL-enabled Altibase, remote users are, by default, allowed to access the database over SSL, as well as TCP. Tightened security may require stricter access control of each database user.

The SYS user can control each user's access to the database only via SSL connection by disabling TCP connection as follows.

  • User's TCP connection limit

Permission of TCP connection for database users can be checked by issuing the SELECT query on the DISABLE_TCP column in the SYSTEM_.SYS_USERS_ meta table.


<Query> Create a user who is not allowed to connect via TCP

Create success.

<Query> Verify that the user is not allowed to connect via TCP.

iSQL> SELECT user_name, disable_tcp FROM SYSTEM_.SYS_USERS_;
USER_NAME                                 DISABLE_TCP
SYSTEM_                                   F
SYS                                       F
USER1                                     T
3 rows selected.

<Query> After changing so that an unauthorized user can connect to TCP, check the meta table to see if the access rights have been changed.

Alter success.
iSQL> SELECT user_name, disable_tcp FROM SYSTEM_.SYS_USERS_;
USER_NAME                                 DISABLE_TCP
SYSTEM_                                   F
SYS                                       F
USER1                                     F
3 rows selected.

Monitor and Manage SSL Connections

Monitoring active database connections is important to detect illegal access to the database.

The V$SESSION performance view provides detailed information on database connections such as the connected client, connection properties, and so on. In particular, the COMM_NAME column describes the type of protocol, the client's address, and connected port number. For more detailed information about performance views, please refer to the General Reference.

iSQL> SELECT id, db_username, comm_name  FROM V$SESSION WHERE comm_name like 'SSL%';
1           USER1
1 row selected.

Once illegal access to the database is detected, the database administrator may need to forcefully terminate it. This can be done in the following steps.

  • Log into the database in iSQL as the SYS user in SYSDBA mode and issue a query to disconnect the target session in iSQL.
$isql -s localhost -u user_name -p password -SYSDBA
iSQL> ALTER DATABASE database_name SESSION CLOSE session_number
  • Ensure that the target session is disconnected by issuing a connection monitoring query.

SYSDBA is a special privilege for the SYS user to perform administrative jobs. Logging into the database with the SYS account in SYSDBA mode can be done in iSQL by inputting the -SYSDBA option when starting iSQL or using the CONNECT command with the AS SYSDBA option.

$ isql -s localhost -u sys -p manager -sysdba
     Altibase Client Query utility.
     Release Version
     Copyright 2000, Altibase Corporation or its subsidiaries.
     All Rights Reserved.
iSQL(sysdba)> SELECT id, db_username, comm_name FROM V$SESSION WHERE comm_name like 'SSL%';
1           USER1
1 row selected.
Alter success.
iSQL(sysdba)> SELECT id, db_username, comm_name  FROM V$SESSION WHERE comm_name like 'SSL%';
No rows selected.

Appendix A: SSL Sample

Altibase provides a sample file in which the server and client use SSL connection.

Signed CA certificates, two pairs of certificates, secret key, sample java source code and more are available in $ALTIBASE_HOME/sample/cert.

The sample program that uses SSL can be found in the altibase directry in $ALTIBASE_HOME/sample/ .

Sample Using SSL Connection in JDBC

For a CLI sample program, please refer to $ALTIBASE_HOME/sample/SQLCLI/SSL.

import java.util.Properties;
import java.sql.*;

import Altibase.jdbc.driver.util.RuntimeEnvironmentVariables;

class SslSimpleSQL
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        Properties        sProps   = new Properties();
        Connection        sCon     = null;
        Statement         sStmt    = null;
        PreparedStatement sPreStmt = null;
        ResultSet         sRS;

        if ( args.length == 0 )
           System.err.println("Usage : java class_name port_no");

        String     sDevhome = RuntimeEnvironmentVariables.getVariable("ALTIBASE_HOME");
        String     sTrusStore = sDevhome + "/sample/CERT/truststore";
        String     sKeyStore = sDevhome + "/sample/CERT/keystore.jks";

        // Keystore
        System.setProperty("", sKeyStore);
        System.setProperty("", "altibase");

        // Truststore
        System.setProperty("", sTrusStore );
        System.setProperty("", "altibase");

        String sPort     = args[0];
        String sURL      = "jdbc:Altibase://";
        String sUser     = "SYS";
        String sPassword = "MANAGER";

        sProps.put( "user",     sUser);
        sProps.put( "password", sPassword);
        sProps.put( "ssl_enable" , "true");
        sProps.put( "ssl_port", sPort);
        // sProps.put( "encoding", sEncoding );

        /* Deploy Altibase's JDBC Driver  */
        catch ( Exception e )
            System.out.println("Can't register Altibase Driver");
            System.out.println( "ERROR MESSAGE : " + e.getMessage() );

        /* Initialize environment */
            sCon = DriverManager.getConnection( sURL, sProps );
            sStmt = sCon.createStatement();
        catch ( Exception e )
            System.out.println( "ERROR MESSAGE : " + e.getMessage() );

            sStmt.execute( "DROP TABLE TEST_EMP_TBL" );
        catch ( SQLException e )

           sStmt.execute( "CREATE TABLE TEST_EMP_TBL " +
                           "( EMP_FIRST VARCHAR(20), " +
                           "EMP_LAST VARCHAR(20), " +
                           "EMP_NO INTEGER )" );

            sPreStmt = sCon.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO TEST_EMP_TBL " +
                                              "VALUES( ?, ?, ? )" );

            sPreStmt.setString( 1, "Susan" );
            sPreStmt.setString( 2, "Davenport" );
            sPreStmt.setInt(    3, 2 );

            sPreStmt.setString( 1, "Ken" );
            sPreStmt.setString( 2, "Kobain" );
            sPreStmt.setInt(    3, 3 );

            sPreStmt.setString( 1, "Aaron" );
            sPreStmt.setString( 2, "Foster" );
            sPreStmt.setInt(    3, 4 );

            sPreStmt.setString( 1, "Farhad" );
            sPreStmt.setString( 2, "Ghorbani" );
            sPreStmt.setInt(    3, 5 );

            sPreStmt.setString( 1, "Ryu" );
            sPreStmt.setString( 2, "Momoi" );
            sPreStmt.setInt(    3, 6 );

            sRS = sStmt.executeQuery( "SELECT EMP_FIRST, EMP_LAST," +
                                      " EMP_NO FROM TEST_EMP_TBL " );

            /* Fetch all data */
            while( )
                System.out.println( "  EmpName : " + sRS.getString(1) +
                                   " " + sRS.getString(2) );
                System.out.println( "  EmpNO   : " + sRS.getInt(3) );

            /* Finalize process */
        catch ( SQLException e )
            System.out.println( "ERROR CODE    : " + e.getErrorCode() );
            System.out.println( "ERROR MESSAGE : " + e.getMessage() );

Sample Using SSL Connection in ADO.NET

string ConnectionString = "Server=;Port=20443;User=user;Password=pwd;conn type=ssl;ssl ca=/altibase_home/sample/CERT/ca-cert.pem;ssl cert=/altibase_home/sample/CERT/client-cert.pem;ssl key=/altibase_home/sample/CERT/client-key.pem";
AltibaseConnection conn = new AltibaseConnection(ConnectionString);