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How to Set Up Dev Environment

friznit edited this page May 13, 2016 · 25 revisions

Setting up the ALiVE Developer Environment

This tutorial will allow you to start up the game, and modify files under 'P:\x\alive\addons` and reflect the changes upon restarting only the mission (in editor), without having to restart the game and recreate the PBO's again everytime you change something in your files. Be aware that if you change main mod config files (like cfgVehicles.hpp, cfgFunctions.hpp, Eventhandler.hpp, stringtable.xml, ...) you still need to restart the game. If you add new files, you will need to rebuild your PBOs.

Note: this may take a while... your A3 working files are being updated

  • Create a P:\x directory

Note: Why the extra 'x' root directory? See here

Note: Some modification of the batch and command files used in the steps below may be required to correct the A3 paths based on your A3 initial install and/or A3 profile being used.

  • Clone the ALiVE repository using Github client or your favourite tool

    • Source: (Be sure to select branch master)
    • Target folder: P:\x\alive
  • Create folder 'x\alive' in your ARMA 3 directory (you may need to run Command Prompt As Administrator to do this), eg:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\x\alive\

  • Create a symlink of the git clone addons folder inside ..\Arma 3\x\alive\ Tip: You can create Symlinks from the Windows menu by using a 3rd-party tools such as Link Shell Extension

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\x\alive>mklink /d addons "P:\x\alive\addons"

  • Clone the latest CBA:

    • Source:
    • Target: P:\x
  • Check P:\x\ directory. The folders addons, optionals, etc. should then be found under P:\x\cba_a3

  • Then create the new PBO files:


  • That's it, you should find your new PBO's in your ARMA3 "@Alive/Addons" folder. If there is no @ALiVE/addons folder and the pbos have been placed to your ALiVE Dev folder, then try to create an empty folder @alive/addons in your ArmA3 root directory and repeat this step (delete the old pbos in your dev folder first).

  • Start your arma3.exe with the following startup params:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -nosplash -showscripterrors -noPause -filePatching -mod=@CBA_A3;@ALiVE;

Note: You can use any tool for editing SQF files that supports the A3 command library. There are plugins for Eclipse and Notepad++.