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AMEE edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 4 revisions

AMEE CRC Calculator

This is an example Rails application that uses AMEE to calculates emissions and construct a report based on the UK Government’s Consultation on the Draft Order to Implement the Carbon Reduction Commitment (see AMEE Explorer for more details).

You can create your own copy of this application in MyAMEE, or you can use this codebase to run your own copy on your own servers. You may also use it as a base from which to develop your own AMEE applications.


MIT (see the COPYING file)


  • Rails 2.3.4
  • gems:
    • amee >= 2.0.28
    • prawn 0.6.3
    • prawn-layout 0.3.2


The application is a standard Rails app, so all the usual rules apply.

Download the app, and customise config/amee.example.yml and config/database.example.yml with your own settings. You can get an AMEE API key from MyAMEE. Then run:

rake db:schema:load

to set up the database. Your app is then ready to use by running script/server.

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