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JD edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 1 revision


Calculates the payoff for a group every round. Currently the system assumes a public goods game with punishment, later version aim to replace this assumption with a more flexible system.

At the moment this is the only available variant: -DefaultPayoffCalculator


Used to differentiate the types of organisms.

  • Faction::Cooperator = 0,

  • Faction::Defector

  • Faction::Moralist

  • Faction::Immoralist

  • PayoffCalculatorType::Default = 0

  • PayoffCalculatorType::Group

  • PayoffCalculatorType::Asymmetric

At the moment you can use these two PayoffCalculator variants:

Config Values:

Config Key Type (Limits) Definition
cooperationCost float (>=0) The cost or investment to cooperate
synergyFactor float (>=0) The multiplicator used on the total investment of the group
punishmentCost float (>=0) The cost to punish not cooperating organisms
punishmentFineBase float (>=0) The fine not cooperating organisms have to pay, if a organism decicdes to punish