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Plotting Data

JD edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 4 revisions

How to Plot Experiment Data to Image/Graph

Python Pre-Requisites:

These are the versions that the python files were written and tested with, other version might also work but were not tested.

Anaconda install script: conda create --name apgg python=3.11.4 numpy=1.25.1 pandas=2.0.3 matplotlib=3.7.2

  • Python 3.11.4
  • numpy 1.25.1
  • pandas 2.0.3
  • matplotlib 3.7.2

Step by Step Instructions

To successfully generate a graph, you first need to have run APGG to generate a set of data. Once said data has been generated, you need to navigate into the experiments folder within APGG (APGG/build/experiments). This folder should contain the data from your experiment as well as a set of python files. We will only make use of and, as the other files are only used for legacy support of older experiment runs and can therefore be ignored for the purpose of newer runs. To plot the data we first need to combine it using the script. We will call the script using our python version installed on the machine as such:


Where FOLDERNAME should be the name of the folder containing the data! This step will generate dedicated files to be used by the next script, We will again call the script using:


Where FOLDERNAME corresponds to the same folder that we just combined our data in.

This script will guide you through the process of plot generation via the command line, so follow the steps provided and input the values that correspond to your desired plot configuration! These values will be used to select which iterations and values you want to be plotted and will use those to generate a 2D plot to display them.

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