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151 lines (108 loc) · 6.52 KB

eVim: Configure for Vim

Configure files for Vim, built for Windows/Linux and macOS.


  • F8 compile and run a single source file(C/C++)
  • F9 compile a single source file(C/C++)
  • F12 making the GVIM window transparent(just for windows platform)
  • ,d brings up NERDTree, a sidebar buffer for navigating and manipulating files, opens a fresh NERD tree
  • ,j brings up NERDTree, a sidebar buffer for navigating and manipulating files, jump to current file in the NERD tree
  • ,a starts project search with ag.vim using the silver searcher(like ack, but faster)
  • ,= begins aligning lines on a string, usually used as ,l= to align assignments
  • ,] brings up tagbar, a sidebar buffer for displaying tags
  • ,f brings up LeaderF, quickly locate files, buffers, mrus, ... in large project, launch LeaderF to search files
  • ,p brings up LeaderF, quickly locate files, buffers, mrus, ... in large project, the same as ,f (or use ctrlp.vim)
  • ,b brings up LeaderF, quickly locate files, buffers, mrus, ... in large project, launch LeaderF to search buffers
  • ,i display the indention levels with thin vertical lines
  • ,, display the whitespace(tab or space)
  • ,ev editing your vimrc($MYVIMRC)
  • ,sv reloading your vimrc
  • ,gs key mapping for command git status
  • ,gc key mapping for command git commit



On Windows Git, MinGW and Clang are required. Also, if you haven't already, you will need to install Vim. Requires Vim8.0+ compiled with if_lua. If :echo has("lua") returns 1, then you're done; otherwise, see below.

  • Installing dependencies

    Note: The Vim build may not include the Lua DLL. In that case, download lua and put the lua52.dll file in the same directory as gvim.exe. Note: After installing Vim, you need to add it to your environment variable path. Just like:

    \> echo %VIMRUNTIME%
    \> D:\Vim\vim80
  • Installing eVim

    \> git clone
    \> cd eVim
    \> install.bat
  • Installing powerline-fonts

    Copy powerline fonts from .\extra\powerline-fonts into your system fonts directory, you may need Administrator permission.

      \> copy /Y .\extras\powerline-fonts\*.* C:\Windows\Fonts
  • Building YCM

    If you enbaled plugin ycm(let g:plugin_ycm_enabled=1), you need to build it. Make sure you are installed CMake and setted the environment for using MSVC(VC2013+).

      \> cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe
      \> git submodule update --init --recursive
      \> python3 --clangd-completer
  • GVim in Windows GVim in Windows


On Linux Git, Clang and ag are required. If you haven't already, you will need to install Vim. Requires Vim8.0+ compiled with if_lua. If :echo("lua") returns 1, then you're done; otherwise, see below.

  • Installing dependencies

    • Install ag:

        $ git clone ag
        $ ./
        $ sudo make install
    • Uninstall old Vim:

        $ sudo apt-get autoremove vim vim-runtime vim-tiny vim-common
    • Install vim8.0(Ubuntu):

        $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
        $ sudo apt-get install libpython
        $ sudo apt-get install liblua5.2-dev
        $ git co
        $ cd vim
        $ ./configure --enable-luainterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-python3interp --enable-gui=no --without-x --enable-multibyte --with-features=huge --prefix=/home/asmlover/local/vim
        $ make
        $ sudo make install
  • Installing eVim

    $ git clone
    $ cd eVim
    $ ./ install
  • Installing powerline-fonts

    $ git clone
    $ cd fonts
    $ ./
    $ sudo cp -R ~/.local/share/fonts /usr/share/fonts
    $ sudo fc-cache -f -v
  • Building YCM

    If you enbaled plugin ycm(let g:plugin_ycm_enabled=1), you need to build it.

    $ cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
    $ python3 ./ --clangd-completer
  • Vim in Linux Vim in Linux


See the document of the Linux part.

  • Install vim8.0

    • Append #include <AvailabilityMacros.h> into os_unix.h

    • Compiling vim8.0

        $ xcode-select --install
        $ git co
        $ cd vim
        $ ./configure --enable-luainterp --enable-pythoninterp=yes --enable-gui=no --without-x --enable-multibyte --with-features=huge --enable-cscope --enable-fontset --enable-perlinterp --enable-rubyinterp --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config --prefix=/home/asmlover/local/vim
        $ make
        $ sudo make install
  • Installing powerline-fonts

    $ git clone
    $ cd fonts
    $ ./
  • Building YCM

    If you enbaled plugin ycm(let g:plugin_ycm_enabled=1), you need to build it.

    $ cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
    $ python3 ./ --clangd-completer
  • Vim in macOS Vim in macOS