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A Discord Bot Framework Utilising Discord.JS v13 and WOKCommands

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⚠️ This Bot Is On Discord.JS v13 and I Will No Longer Support It! ⚠️

Discord Management Bot

A Discord Bot Framework Utilising Mainly Discord.JS v13 & WOKCommands

This is a Discord Bot framework written in TypeScript for mainly User & Text/Voice Management, including slash commands to Kick, Ban, Timeout, and Purge, as well as other commands. Make sure you follow the install instructions!

Make sure to have a Discord Bot setup and a MongoDB Database created beforehand.

If you don't have/know how to make a MongoDB database, watch the video here.

To add a slash command with WOKCommands, add a .ts file to the 'commands' folder and insert the following code

Note: The name of the .ts file will be the name of your command in Discord

Note 2: You can replace all of the args stuff with an options: [] array if you know what you are doing

import { ICommand } from "wokcommands";

export default {
    category: 'Category Name',
    description: 'Command Description',

    slash: true,
    testOnly: false, // If you have a Test Server added in your index.ts, you can set this to true for it to only show there, else leave it on false
    minArgs: 0, // Set this to the minimum required args for your slash command
    maxArgs: 2, // Set this to however many args you have in your command
    expectedArgs: "<arg1> <arg2>", // Insert *all* your args into this surrounded by either <> or [] (No difference between them), and have the required args first
    expectedArgsTypes: ["STRING", "BOOLEAN"], // Set these to the types of args they will be in Discord, types should be visible if you use VSCode or anything similar
    permissions: ["MANAGE_MESSAGES"], // These are the permissions assignable to roles in Discord. Mulitple can be required and are seperated by commas

    callback: ({ interaction }) => {
        // Insert command code here
} as ICommand


Node.js: ^16.13.2

Typescript: ^4.6.3

TS-Node: ^10.7.0

Discord.JS: 13.9.1

WOKCommands: ^1.5.3

Mongoose: ^6.0.10


Installation of this bot is simple, aside from the setting up of MongoDB (which won't be explained here cause I'm too lazy lol)


A MongoDB Database

A Discord Application with a Bot Assigned to it (find your applications here)

Node.JS and NPM installed


(Optional) A Code Editor or IDE (I prefer VS Code but go figure)


Run the following command in Powershell in the folder you want to install the bot into: Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile .\setup.ps1; .\setup.ps1. This will install the setup script from the repo and run it. Once prompted, paste your Discord Bot's token into the shell and then the MongoDB URI which will be prompted after. The shell will then run the start script, deleting the setup files on the first run. On first run the start.ps1 will auto open the config script, and after that will prompt you if you want to run the config script.

Command Documentation

User Management

Ban & Kick

The Ban and Kick slash commands can be used for, as the name suggests, banning and kicking users. The commands arguments are the same for both: [user] then [reason]. Discord will provide a list of users above the typing area, and will filter them out as you type in more characters. The reason is a requirement-less string to use, and is not actually required for use.


The Roles command is used to add/remove a role from a person, or check if they have a role. The command uses 3 required arguments; [user], [role], and [action]. The user argument works the same as the Ban/Kick commands, and the role argument works almost the exact same as the user argument, just with roles and not users. The action command can be one of 3 (or like technically 6?) options. Add (or just 'a' for ease), Remove (or just 'r'), and Check (or, once again, just 'c'). The names are self explanatory to what they do, but trying to add a role to someone who already has it (as well as remove from someone without it) will not do anything except reply to the activating user that they do/don't have the role (so use the check command first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).


The Timeout command is structured similarly to the Ban & Kick commands, just with a measure of time added to it. The [time] portion of the arguments is in minutes, so time: 5 would result in a 5 minute timeout. The user and reason arguments are the same as the Ban & Kick commands.

Warn Add, Remove, and List

The group of Warn commands are all tied to the MongoDB database, so if that isn't added then these will not work if used. The first listed warn command is the Warn Add command. The Warn Add command requires two arguments: [user] and [reason]. These work the same as the Ban & Kick commands, so no further explanation needed there. The next listed warn command is the Warn Remove command, but needs to be used alongside the list command. The Warn Remove command also requires two arguments, [user] and [id]. The user argument works like any other, and the id argument is a string. In the id argument you add the id of the warning to remove, which can be found using the Warn List command. The Warn List command simply requires a [user] argument, and returns an embed with all the warnings of the user.

Text & Voice Administration

VCMute, VCDeafen & VCDisconnect

The VCMute, VCDeafen, and VCDisconnect (that will now be reffered to without VC at the start) are commands used to manage users in a Voice Channel. These commands can only effect a user who is actively connected to a Voice Channel or - specifically for the Mute & Deafen commands - are not already Self-Muted/Deafened, and are all toggles; meaning that if someone is - for example - already Muted, they will be Unmuted. The names are self explanatory, with Mute server-muting the specified user, Deafen server-deafening the user, and Disconnect disconnecting the user from the channel they are connected to. All of the commands use a singular argument, a user.


The Purge command, also known by some as a Clear command, deletes a specified amount of text messages from all users in the channel it's used in. There is no cap to the amount of messages that can be deleted at one given time, however there is a limit on how many days ago text can be deleted. The purge command may only delete messages from no earlier than 14 days ago from the time of use. The limit is specified here in the Discord.JS official documentation.


Send & Rolesmenu

Now it might seem strange having two seemingly different commands together, but you actually need the Send command for the Rolesmenu command. For the send command, there are two arguments: [channel] and [text]. The channel argument, similar to the user argument, shows a list of all the channels you can access. While you can select a voice channel, it will not work, so don't do that. Just select a text channel, then enter the text for the message in the text argument. Once you have a message sent by the bot, you can setup a Select Menu for Roles. The Select Menu is the successor to using Reaction roles. To use the Rolesmenu command, you need 3 different arguments: [channel], [messageId] and [role]. The channel is the same as the send command, giving you an option of all channels. Only use the channel that the message is in. The messageId can be found by right clicking the message and clicking Copy Message ID. If this option isn't there, go to Behavior in Discord Settings, then enable Developer Mode. Once you have the message id, paste it into the messageId argument. The final argument is the role argument. Discord will give you a list of roles to pick from, similar to the user argument. After exectuing the command a box should appear under the selected message with the role you selected showing in there. You can add more roles to the menu by repeating the command with different roles. Clicking on the roles you want in the Select Menu and then clicking off the menu will add the roles to you after a second or two.


By using this Discord Bot template, you agree to abiding by the license that I'm using, the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (or just CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 if you don't have time). What this allows you to do is explained here, but I'll summarise.

The BY (aka Attribution) part of the license means that in using this, you must credit me as the original author of the template. Not too complex, and on GitHub all it takes is to just link this repo or my account. To make this easy, you can just copy this: [ASPNyan](

The NC (short for Non-Commercial) part of this license says that you may not use the image for commercial use, without asking me for permission first. This next part isn't stated on the CC website, but this what I will let you do with it as well. If the bot is used in a non-profit use then just let me know that you're using it and what you're using it for, but you don't need permission. (You can contact me on Discord @ ASP Nyan#1169).

The SA (short for Share Alike) part of the license means that simply, if you publish the code somewhere else online (like GitHub or somewhere else) publicly, you must set the same license as I have set.