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Solution to the Damavis Data Engineer Challenge 2023

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Labyrinth Solver

This is the solution to the Damavis Data Engineer Challenge 2023 by Álvaro Videgain Barranco. It includes a Python code implementation of a labyrinth solver. The code takes a nested list representation of a labyrinth and finds the minimum number of steps required to move a rod from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the labyrinth, considering certain movement and rotation rules which are specified in the challenge instructions.


No external dependencies are needed. The code was developed and tested in Python 3.10.7.

Labyrinth Representation

The labyrinth is internally represented using three main data classes:


  • Represents the position of a cell in the labyrinth grid.
  • Contains x and y coordinates, starting from zero.
  • x increases when moving to the right, and y increases when moving down.


  • Represents the position and orientation of the rod in the labyrinth.
  • Contains a pos field of type Coordinates representing the current position of its center.
  • Contains an orientation field of type Orientation representing the current orientation of the rod.
  • The Orientation enumeration defines two possible values: HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL.


  • Represents the entire system state.
  • Contains the size of the labyrinth (n_rows and n_cols).
  • Contains a walls field, which is a tuple of Coordinates representing the positions of walls in the labyrinth.
  • Contains a rod field of type RodState, representing the state of the rod.
  • Contains a steps field representing the number of steps taken to reach the current state.

A custom exception is raised when the labyrinth is not valid: InvalidLabyrinthError.

Input parsing

The labyrinth_parser() function takes the raw labyrinth representation and converts it into a LabyrinthState object. It validates the input labyrinth using validate_lab() that performs various checks to validate the labyrinth's size, shape, characters, and initial state.

Solving algorithm

The solve_labyrinth() function implements a breadth-first search algorithm to find the minimum number of steps required to reach the bottom right corner of the labyrinth. It starts from the initial state and follows this steps, finding new states to explore:

  1. Check if the current state has already been explored, if this is the case, it jumps to the next iteration. In order to track the explored states the list visited is used.

  2. Find all the potential positions to be reached from the current states and adds them to the states to explore. For this purpose, the function get_valid_moves() is used, which takes into account the movement and rotation rules.

  3. Check if the bottom right corner has been reached, in this case return the number of steps required to reach it. The number of steps are stored in the field steps of LabyrinthState.

  4. if the bottom right corner has not been reached, explore the next state in a new iteration. As a breadth-first search algorithm is being used, the states to be explored are accessed following a first in, first out (FIFO) method, which is implemented using a Python collections.deque.

  5. When there are no states left to be explored, return -1 as the labyrinth can not be solved.


The file contains the solution logic. To use the labyrinth solver, call min_dist_lab() and pass in the nested list representation of the labyrinth. It will return the minimum number of steps required to solve the labyrinth, -1 if it is not possible to solve it or raise a InvalidLabyrinthError if the labyrinth input is invalid.


The file contains a set of unit tests to verify the correctness of the labyrinth solver. The test cases cover different scenarios, including solvable labyrinths, unsolvable labyrinths, and invalid inputs. In order to not use external frameworks, the standard library unittest module is used, instead of other options, such as pytest.


Solution to the Damavis Data Engineer Challenge 2023





