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Discord Emoterino

A lightweight, seamless program that separates emotes from your messages on Discord


Download (Windows-only)


Run DiscordEmoterino.exe to manually start the program.

Run ExitDiscordEmoterino.bat to quit the program.

Run EnableRunOnStartup.bat to have this program run on system startup.

Run DisableRunOnStartup.bat to remove it from system startup.


Simply hold down the CTRL key then press Enter to automatically separate the emotes from your message.

For example, try typing ":arrow_up: TESTING MESSAGE :arrow_down:", then post the message while holding down the CTRL key. The Arrow Up emote should be sent first, then "TESTING MESSAGE", then the Arrow Down emote.

Prefix Emotes

If you want to use emotes that start with a prefix instead of a colon, specify the prefix in EmotePrefixes.txt in the same folder as the executable file. e.g. in order for the program to know that forsenLUL is an emote, you must put "forsen" in EmotePrefixes.txt.


-This program is only activated when Discord is in focus.

-You can manually check if the program is running by searching for DiscordEmoterino.exe in Task Manager.

-You can manually check if the program is on system startup by opening the Registry Editor and then going to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

-Feel free to let me know if you encounter a bug or something.

-If you don't trust the release files, you can compile it yourself Okayeg