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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


  • Simple knowledge github action
  • basic knowledge of ECR and ECS
  • basic knowledge of sonar cloud
  • aws cli

project design

Screenshot 2023-12-02 215210

Project steps

create workflow

  • press on the actions and set up a workflow yourself
  • start to write you github action file

create aws user

  • create an aws user with full access to the ECR and ECS
  • save the public and secret access keys in the repo secret
  • I used full access for the sake of simplicity
  • put your AWS account id in the repo secret as well

create sonar cloud account

  • create sonar cloud account and then create a new organization
  • create a new project
  • save the key of the organization in the repo secret
  • create a new token and save it in the repo secret
  • save the key of the project in the repo secret
  • save the sonar cloud URL in the repo secret as well, I mean this URL ""
  • note: write the name and key of the organization and project the same for the sake of simplicity

create RDS

  • create RDS using the AWS console
  • store the credentials in the repo secret to use them later
  • store the name and password and the endpoint in the repo secret

setup ECR

  • create ECR
  • store the endpoint of the repo in the repo secret
  • store the name of the repo in the repo secret

setup ECS

  • create ECS cluster Screenshot 2023-12-01 011355
  • create task definition
  • app works on port 8080 Screenshot 2023-12-01 011438
  • modify the task definition to use the ECR repo endpoint
  • create ECS service Screenshot 2023-12-01 011420
  • modify the ECS service to use the task definition and configure the Application load balancer via ECS service
  • put the health check route /login

Here are all the secrets that I used

Screenshot 2023-12-01 195906

Change the workflow values with the appropriate values that you stored and then run the workflow

Screenshot 2023-12-01 013845

Access the application using the load balancer endpoint

Screenshot 2023-12-01 011616

Finally it works fine :)








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