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Categorize all your favorite code snippets and search them with predefined tags on your own.

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If you are preparing tech interviews you should solve the algorithm problems in hackerrank, leetcode and so on (what platform you prefer). Some questions and solutions gives you really good point. Also you may learn new things to use by looking the other solutions. Sometimes you want to remember the code snippets seen before.

This project may give you a solution.

Tech Stack

  • Next js
  • Firebase Authentication (Gmail)
  • Heroku
  • MongoDB Atlas (Mongoose for ORM)
  • Amazon S3 (via CloudFront)


All snippets in the site uploaded by me. Possibly you don't interested in. So you can fork the project build on your own.


You can search bitwise, tree or sql for see filtering functionality.

Code snippets is displayed perPage = 5 as default. You can use pagination functionality at the bottom of the page.

You cannot add the code snippet with Add Code Snippets link because you don't have authentication. This is just a demo for you.

Add Code Snippets is a basic post page. This is what its look like.

Build on your own

You can follow to .env.example set your own credentials.





# Allowed email list for the google authentication
# You must split with ',' like,

Meaning of PCS_ prefix is abbrevation of Personal Code Search.


const CodeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  imageUrl: {
    /* The snippet image url of the specified code in s3 */
    type: String,
  rawText: {
    /* The snippet raw text of the specified code */
    type: String,
  tag: {
    /* Snippet tag for searching purposes */
    type: String,
    required: [true, 'Tag can\'t be empty']
  description: {
    /* Snippet description to understand better */
    type: String,

export default mongoose.models['Code'] || mongoose.model('Code', CodeSchema);

The main idea of the tag field is searching and the description field is to provide better understanding for the snippet.

If you want to upload the code as rawText not the image you can leave blank the imageUrl and fill rawText.

You can look the paginaton and filtering at pages/api/paginateCodeSnippets.js

let filter = {}

if (keyword !== "") {
  const rgx = (pattern) => new RegExp(`.*${pattern}.*`);
  const searchRgx = rgx(keyword);
  filter = {
    $or: [
      {tag: {$regex: searchRgx, $options: "i"}},
      {description: {$regex: searchRgx, $options: "i"}},

const codeSnippets = await Code.find(filter)
  .skip((curPage - 1) * perPage)
  .sort({"_id": -1})

Run continiously

for i in {1..100}; do echo $i && curl "" >> /tmp/output.log && sleep 300; done