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Using Unofficial Updater 2

Mike Henke edited this page Jul 2, 2013 · 33 revisions


Unofficial Updater 2 can only be run against Adobe ColdFusion 8.0.1, 9.0.0, 9.0.1, or 9.0.2. Once you download Unofficial-Updater2.jar from on most systems you can just double click the file and it will start. If you get a tools.jar missing error, you need to run it via the command line. The installer will default to the appropriate install type either GUI or text based.

Be Sure To Stop Server

ColdFusion Server/process/instance should not be running when you use Unofficial Updater 2.

Windows walkthrough (should be similar to linux)

UU2 jar file options

UU2 creates a jar after using initially called Unofficial-Updater2-with-downloads.jar. You can use this instead of the Unofficial-Updater2.jar thus making sure the same patches are applied across servers and environments. Plus you don't need an internet connection for the Unofficial-Updater2-with-downloads.jar.

  • Unofficial-Updater2.jar - download from site
  • Unofficial-Updater2-with-downloads.jar - created after using

Options 1: Double click UU2 jar file

Options 2: Command line

If you need to run from command line:

$ java -jar Unofficial-Updater2.jar
OR using jar with downloads
$ java -jar Unofficial-Updater2-with-downloads.jar

Screenshot 0: Starting

GUI Install Screens

Screenshot 1: Intro

Screenshot 1 b: Intro

Screenshot 2: Install Type

All the directory inputs are defaults and should be modified for your installation either by using the text input or the "Select Folder" button.

Screenshot 3: Install Location

Screenshot 3-1: Backup

Screenshot 4: Confirm Update

Screenshot 5: Running

Assuming everything went ok you will get the Finished dialog

Screenshot 6: Complete

Verifying Updates happened

Login in to the ColdFusion Administrator and verify the latest jar is there.

Screenshot 7: Verifying Updates happened


At any point if Unofficial Updater 2 fails you will get the following dialog

Screenshot 8: Failure

Feedback Appreciated

Please copy all the text from the Output and Errors tab and file an issue on github