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Accellence CycloneDX Property Taxonomy, v1.0.0

This is the official Accellence property taxonomy for CycloneDX.

It documents all custom key/value properties that may be added in CycloneDX SBOMs created for software products & components provided by Accellence Technologies GmbH (Hannover, Germany).

For more information about CycloneDX property taxonomies, refer to their official documentation.

accellence Namespace Taxonomy

Namespace Description
accellence:about Namespace for any Accellence specific properties used for visualization in the application about dialogs.
accellence:artifact Namespace for all Accellence specific properties associated the artifacts.
accellence:metadata Namespace for all Accellence specific properties regarding any metadata (like license information, etc.).
accellence:metadata:legal Namespace for all Accellence specific properties regarding any legal advisaries.
accellence:signature Namespace for any Accellence specific properties regarding signatures.
accellence:vulnerability Namespace for any Accellence specific properties regarding vulnerabilities.

accellence:about Namespace Taxonomy

Property Description Type Property of
accellence:about:icon Image prominently displayed in the list appearance of a component or service in the application about dialogs. data:image;base64 component/properties
accellence:about:publish A flag indicating whether the component or service appears in the application about dialogs (true) or not (false). bool component/properties
accellence:about:sortKey Integer value defines the order of appearance of a component or service in the application about dialogs. integer component/properties
accellence:about:urls.homepage URL to the homepage of the components issuer/project. URL component/properties
service/properties Download URL to obtain the of the component packages or sourcecode. URL component/properties

accellence:artifact Namespace Taxonomy

Property Description Type Property of
accellence:artifact:files Array of file describers of the artifacts content.
objectlist component/properties
accellence:artifact:linkage Only mandatory if the license is a weak or strong copyleft license (e.g., GPL, LGPL).

Specifies how the component was integrated in the software.

  • dynamic = The component and other components of the software are compiled separately. The generated objects are kept separately (i.e., in separate directories). The component is linked at runtime to form a joint object code. In case of Java, the component is integrated via the import mechanism in Java (i.e. classloader).
  • static = The component and other components of the software are compiled separately, and the generated objects are linked during an offline process to create a single software component to be distributed.
  • snippet = A part of the source code of the component is added to the source code of the software.
  • seperated = There is no connection between the component and the software at all. The component is distributed along with the software. The only connection to the component is the call to an executable. The components communicate via the inter-process communication mechanisms only (e.g., via file, signal, socket, message queue, pipe, named pipe, semaphore, shared memory, memory mapped files). A further investigation would be needed for message passing. The component is kept separately from the software (i.e., in separate directories).
enum: [dynamic, static, snippet, seperated] component/properties
accellence:artifact:primaryLanguage Indicates the primary programming language the artifact is written in. string component/properties

accellence:metadata Namespace Taxonomy

Property Description Type Property of
accellence:metadata:direct A flag indicating whether the component is a direct dependency (true)
or a transitive dependency (false).
bool component/properties

accellence:metadata:legal Namespace Taxonomy

Property Description Type Property of
accellence:metadata:legal:licenseObligations Important information to fulfill the license obligations for a distribution. string component/properties
accellence:metadata:legal:additionalCopyrightInformation The content of additional copyright information (e.g. NOTICE file - Apache License or additional hints in the license text, readme or authors, contributors files). string component/properties
accellence:metadata:legal:thirdPartyNotices The contents of all third-party notices found for the component, if any. Note that this is not the path to the notice files, but the actual notice text (which may be quite a lot of text). Third-party notices are provided by the component's author.
Since CycloneDX allows only a single String value for this, we separate different notice files by two consecutive line feeds.
string component/properties

accellence:signature Namespace Taxonomy

Property Description Type Property of
accellence:signature:issuer:id Id of the issuer for sigining process. string component/properties
accellence:signature:issuer:pipeline Information about the signing pipeline. string component/properties

accellence:vulnerability Namespace Taxonomy

Property Description Type Property of
accellence:vulnerability:toolchain:id A unique identifier in the vulnerability handling toolchain, aside from referenced id's (like CVE). uuid vulnerability/properties
accellence:vulnerability:toolchain:processed The date and time (timestamp) when the vulnerability record was first processed by the toolchain. date-time vulnerability/properties
accellence:vulnerability:tracking:accits List of tracking ids regarding the vulnerability, e.g. for analysis or from helpdesk. list (comma seperated) vulnerability/properties
accellence:vulnerability:tracking:fixed Information about product version containing a fix. string vulnerability/properties


These properties are maintained by Accellence Technologies. Feel free to raise an issue if you have any questions.


Copyright 2024 Accellence Technologies GmbH (Hannover, Germany).

Licensed under Apache License 2.0.