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User Stories

Adam Guan edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

User Stories

Sign Up Functionality User Story As a User, I want to create an account so I can use the website. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears in the navigation for Sign Up (only when not already logged in)
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to a signup form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button an account is created.
  • A message is displayed to the user indicating that the account has been created.
  • The user is redirected to an appropriate page (determined by the developer)
  • The user has some indication that the user is now logged in.

Login Functionality User Story As a User, I want to login with my previously created account so I can use the website. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears in the navigation for Log In (only when not already logged in)
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to a login form.
  • After filling out the form with username and password and clicking a Login button the user is logged in.
  • A message is displayed to the user indicating that the user has successfully logged in (optional)
  • The user is redirected to an appropriate page (determined by the developer)
  • The user can visually identify they’ve been logged in by having their username displayed in the navigation bar.

Error handling Complete User Story As a Developer, I want to validate the LogIn/Signup forms being submitted so my users have a good experience when using my application. Acceptance Criteria

  • (Log In) If the username/password combination is wrong, or the user does not exist the login fails.
  • (Log In) A message is displayed to the end user indicating which fields are invalid.
  • (Sign Up) If the username/email already exists, the signup form fails
  • (Sign Up) A message is displayed to the end user indicating which fields are invalid.

Logout Functionality Complete User Story As a Logged In User, I can log out of my account so I can ensure it isn’t used without my permission. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears in the navigation for Log Out (only when logged in)
  • When clicking this button/link the session ends and the user is logged out.
  • When refreshing the page or traveling to other pages the user does not appear to be logged in
  • The logged out user can log in with a separate account without issue.

Demo Login Functionality Complete User Story As a Project Manager, I can use a Demo Account so that I can use the application without having to use the signup form.
Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears in the navigation form and/or Login Form titled “Demo Login” (only when logged out)
  • When clicking this button/link the user is automatically logged in as a Demo User (a previously created account for testing) without the need to fill out the signup/login form.
  • The user is redirected as if they successfully completed the Log In form.

Auth Styling Complete User Story As a User, I would like to see at least basic styling on the signup and login forms so that the application doesn’t appear too similarly to the default application provided. NOTE: Specific style choices are up to you. But use common sense given your time, ability and wireframes. Acceptance Criteria

  • Sign up and Login forms have been styled appropriately.

Create Deck Functionality User Story As a User, I want to create a Deck so I can use the have put Cards in it. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears in the My Decks page for new Deck creation
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to a New Deck form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button a Deck is created.
  • A message is displayed to the user indicating that the Deck has been created.
  • The user is redirected to the page for the new Deck detail page

Delete Deck Functionality User Story As a User, I want to delete a Deck so I can remove a Deck when I no longer need it. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears on the Deck detail page for Deck edit
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to an edit Deck form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button a Deck is modified.
  • The user is redirected back to the Deck detail page

Edit Deck Functionality User Story As a User, I want to delete a Deck so I can rename the Deck info (name and Deck image). Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears on the Deck detail page for Deck deletion
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to a delete Deck form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button a Deck is removed.
  • The user is redirected back to my Decks page

Create Card Functionality User Story As a User, I want to create a Card so I can use the have put information in it. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears in the My Cards page for new Card creation
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to a New Card form.
  • There is an optional images creation section on the New Card form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button a Card is created.
  • A message is displayed to the user indicating that the Card has been created.
  • The user is redirected to the page for my Cards page

Delete Card Functionality User Story As a User, I want to delete a Card so I can remove a Card when I no longer need it. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears on the Deck detail page for Card deletion
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to a delete Card form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button a Card and its associated images are deleted.
  • The user is redirected back to my Cards page.

Edit Card Functionality User Story As a User, I want to edit a Card so I can update its information. Acceptance Criteria

  • A link/button appears on the Card detail page for Card deletion
  • When clicking the link/button the user is redirected to an edit Card form.
  • There is an optional images edition section on the New Card form.
  • After filling out the form and clicking a Submit button a Card is modified.
  • The user is redirected back to my Cards page.

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