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Statsbook Tool v1.1.1 - CRG Export that doesn't break on ümlaüts

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@AdamSmasherDerby AdamSmasherDerby released this 20 May 13:35
· 100 commits to master since this release

Update: Quick bug fix, because 1.1.0 didn't handle umlauts or other special characters in skater names, and that's not NEARLY heavy metal enough.

In addition to some minor bug fixes and another error case, the big change in this version is the ability to export the rosters from the IGRF in .xml format that can be read by CRG scoreboard. Just load in your blank StatsBook like you would a file you're going to error check, and then select "Export to CRG" from the menu. The resulting .xml file can be imported into CRG Scoreboard from the "Save/Load" tab.

Installation instructions:

Windows: Download and run Stastbook.Tool.Setup.x.x.x-Windows.exe

Mac: Download and run the Statsbook.Tool-x.x.x.dmg file. Drag the flamingo onto the folder. Right or control click the StatsBook Tool program and select "open." Agree to run the software, despite dire warnings of awful consequences. (The awful consequences are that I have not ponied up $100 for a Developer certificate to sign the code.)

Linux: Download stastbooktool.AppImage, then type "chmod a+x statsbooktool.AppImage" to make the file executable.