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transcendent variable

IsaacShelton edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Transcendent Variable

Transcendent variables are compile-time variables used to hold transcendent values

#define include_fps_monitor false


Transcendent variables can be created in any of the following ways:

  • #define - Sets the value and implies first mention of transcendent variable
#define product_name "Cool New Product"
  • #default - Sets the value if the transcendent variable is undef
#default start_fullscreen true
  • #set - Sets the value
#set max_customers max_child_customers + max_adult_customers

See meta directives for more information


Transcendent variables can be changed by using the #set meta directive

#set name "Isaac"
#print "Hi " + name

#set name "Andy"
#print "Hello " + name
Hi Isaac
Hello Andy


Transcendent variables can be accessed by using their name inside of a meta expression

#print "Building with assets path: " + assets_path
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