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A simple web application to handle received emails and to reply or send emails.

Deployed Link

Tech Stack used :

  1. html
  2. JavaScript
  3. React
  4. Tailwind CSS
  5. Chakra UI

Set Up Project locally

  • clone the repository

    git clone
  • enter the project folder

    cd mailbot
  • install all the dependencies required

    npm i
  • to run the project fully on the local host change the redirecting link in the login page from the deployed link to the localhost server file directory is mailbot/src/Pages/Login.jsx

    change the URL redirection from

     window.location.href = "";


     window.location.href = "";
  • then start the server localhost

    npm start


  • User can log in using Google account
  • Switch the theme to light or dark
  • Shortcut key for delete and open reply box, "ctrl+d" & "ctrl+r" respectively.
  • Add variables in reply.
  • CRUD Operation on the thread.
  • Dynamically display thread data.


  1. Login Page


  1. Google Auth Page - Users have the option to choose an account

  2. Theme - Users can switch between dark and light themes, even on the homepage using the toggle button.

  3. Home Page



  1. Inbox Mail - All emails are displayed here. Clicking on them allows you to view all messages in the thread.

mailbox(light) mailbox(dark)

  1. Reply Box - When you press the letter 'ctrl+r', the reply box will open. You can also use the reply button to open it. The reply box is where you can type your response and send it back to the thread. You can also add a variable to sending your reply.


  1. Delete Thread - Pressing 'ctrl+d' opens a dialog box. Clicking 'Delete' will remove the current thread.


Video Presentation of the web application:

How to Contribute

Fork the Repository

  1. Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page.

Clone Your Fork

git clone

Create a New Branch

git checkout -b my-changes

Make Your Changes

Make your changes to the codebase. Ensure you follow any coding standards or guidelines established in the project. Commit Your Changes

git add .
git commit -m "Description of your changes"

Push Your Changes

git push origin my-changes

Create a Pull Request

Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
Switch to the branch containing your changes (e.g., my-changes).
Click the "New pull request" button.
Provide a clear description of your changes in the pull request description.
Click the "Create pull request" button.

For any help or feedback please reach out to me