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.NET Core Snippet Pack

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A pack of around 120 snippets for .NET Core.

In Action

C# (csharp)

Prefix Renders
class-namespace Class and Namespace with some common Usings
class-static-namespace Static Class and Namespace
interface-namespace Interface and Namespace
enum-namespace Enum and Namespace
class-static Static Class
namespace-guess Namespace based on directory structure*
method(-async) Method
method-exp(-async) Expression Bodied Method
field Field
const Constant Field
prop-exp Expression Bodied Property
propfull-exp Expression Bodied Property and Backing Field
propp Property with changeable Access Modifier
foreach-index Foreach with index
for-full Fully modifiable for loop
switch-exp Switch Expression
throw Throw Exception
_ Underscored name based on preceding type
c CamelCased name based on preceding type
p PascalCased name based on preceding type
filename Filename without extension

* For namespace guessing to work your project's root folder must be in one of the following directories: repos, src, test, tests, projects, desktop. Folder name matching is case insensitive.

Preprocessor Directives

Prefix Renders
warning-disable #pragma warning disable directive
warning-restore #pragma warning restore directive

Design Patterns

Prefix Renders
dp-uow Unit of Work
dp-uow-interface Unit of Work Interface
dp-repo Repository
dp-repo-derived Derived Repository
dp-repo-standalone Standalone Repository
dp-repo-interface Repository Interface
dp-repo-interface-standalone Standalone Repository Interface
dp-repo-base Base Repository
dp-repo-base-interface Base Repository Interface
dp-repo-interface-derived Derived Repository Interface


Prefix Renders
asp-mvc-controller MVC Controller
asp-api-controller API Controller
asp-page-model Razor Page Model
asp-view-component View Component Class
asp-action-filter Action Filter
asp-action(-async) MVC Action
asp-action-get(-async) API Action GET
asp-action-get-enumerable(-async) API Action GET Enumerable
asp-action-post(-async) API Action POST
asp-action-put(-async) API Action PUT
asp-action-delete(-async) API Action DELETE
asp-page-handler(-async) Razor Page Handler
asp-prop-bind Property with BindProperty attribute
asp-model-state-guard ModelState Guard Clause
asp-add-db-context AddDbContext() Call

Entity Framework Core

Prefix Renders
ef-db-context DbContext
ef-db-set DbSet
ef-on-model-creating OnModelCreating Method


Prefix Renders
sr-hub Hub
sr-on-connected-async OnConnectedAsync Method
sr-on-disconnected-async OnDisconnectedAsync Method


Prefix Renders
am-profile Profile
am-type-converter Type Converter


Prefix Renders
xu-class Test Class
xu-fact Fact Method


Prefix Renders
ds-nuget-reference NuGet Package Reference
ds-script-load Script Reference
ds-path GetScriptFolder Method
ds-nuget-references-common Common NuGet Package References

Razor (html)

Prefix Renders
asp-view View Template
asp-razor-page Page Template
asp-layout _Layout Template
asp-view-start _ViewStart Template
asp-view-imports _ViewImports Template
asp-form-group Form Group - input field, label and validation span
asp-form-group-bootstrap Form Group with Bootstrap's classes
asp-select-form-group Select Form Group
asp-textarea-form-group Textarea Form Group
asp-functions @functions Block
asp-if If
asp-if-authenticated If with IsAuthenticated check
asp-section Section
asp-foreach Foreach

Tag Helpers

Prefix Renders
asp-for asp-for Tag Helper
asp-action asp-action Tag Helper
asp-controller asp-controller Tag Helper
asp-area asp-area Tag Helper
asp-route asp-route Tag Helper
asp-page asp-page Tag Helper
asp-page-handler asp-page-handler Tag Helper
asp-validation-for asp-validation-for Tag Helper
asp-validation-summary asp-validation-summary Tag Helper
asp-route-... asp-route-... Tag Helper
asp-all-route-data asp-all-route-data Tag Helper
asp-fragment asp-fragment Tag Helper
asp-protocol asp-protocol Tag Helper
asp-items asp-items Tag Helper
asp-append-version asp-append-version Tag Helper
asp-antiforgery asp-antiforgery Tag Helper
asp-host asp-host Tag Helper
asp-src-include asp-src-include Tag Helper
asp-src-exclude asp-src-exclude Tag Helper
asp-partial Partial View Tag Helper
asp-view-component View Component Tag Helper
asp-cache Cache Tag Helper
asp-environment Environment Tag Helper

csproj (xml, msbuild)

Prefix Renders
csproj-user-secrets UserSecretsId Element
csproj-ruleset CodeAnalysisRuleSet Element
csproj-copy-to-publish Content Element with CopyToPublishDirectory Attribute
csproj-lang-version LangVersion Element
csproj-nullable Nullable Element
csproj-exec-before-build Exec before Build
csproj-if-release Condition - if (not) Release

appsettings (json)

Prefix Renders
as-mssql-connection-string MS SQL LocalDB Connection String
as-sqlite-connection-string SQLite Connection String

.gitignore (ignore)

Prefix Renders
vs-gitignore Visual Studio .gitignore (source:

ruleset (plaintext)


Prefix Renders
roslynator-ruleset Rules for ASP.NET Core (disable RCS1090: Call 'ConfigureAwait(false)')

HTML (html)

Prefix Renders
bootstrap-cdn Link to Bootstrap & various themes*

* Themes:

JavaScript (javascript)


Prefix Renders
asp-webpack Simple Webpack Config for ASP.NET Core

EditorConfig (properties)

Prefix Renders
ec-underscored-field Underscored camel case field names Config

License (markdown, plaintext)

Prefix Renders
license-mit MIT License