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Pending Link

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Small server POC for a REST API to store link to be read. This was made to compare express and hapi node.js frameworks.

Enable to store link, to which you can attach tag so that you miss any link.

The api is available on Heroku


Pending Link is a REST API about one specific resource, Links

Links consist in an url, a comment, a set of tags, a timestamp, and a status archived, and an id. They are available on the server at the endpoint /api/links with the standard POST/GET, and GET,PUT,DELETE on the subresources

Server also have another endpoint /api/hello to ping if the server is online

For more details, See Raml api specification here :)


Configuration is using nconf so you can tweak it from the command line or with environment variable.

The main configuration points are the listening port pl:port, the base uri pl:base_uri and the path of the nedb database db:path.

List of Options


To be specified in details

Data Store

With pending link, you can either use nedb as in memory database, or a dedicated collection on a mongo database. The switch is done with the db:in_memory option.

The /heroku/ application available is running along with a /MongoLab/ cloud instance.


To be specified in details


The best example of a config is the default one:

  "pl": {
    "application_name": "pending-link",
    "listening_address": "",
    "port": 12121,
    "base_uri": "/api/v1"
  "log": {
    "level": "debug",
    "stream": "process.stdout",
    "path": ""
    "in_memory": true,
    "config": { "path": "./link.nedb" }

Api documentation

Documentation from raml spec can be generated with raml2html available on npm, regenerate them using raml2html api-raml.yaml > public/api.html

Can be invoked with npm run generate-doc, or with npm run build that will also update the homepage from the jade template.

Development Notes

Project Structure

As you may expect, tests are in test, and code in src folder. Hapi and Express specific files are respectively in the hapi and express folder. The app.js at the root of the project decide which one to load based on command line argument.

The common object links and it's dao are in the links subfolder, and the config in the folder with the same name.


Logging is being done using Bunyan So if you run the process, you better pipe it to bunyan program.


API REST POC to compare Hapi and Express






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