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A disk drive utility for Windows


Origin of the tool

The tool came to life, because standard Windows or other programs like nirCMD don't have a good way of showing a status of a disk drive. In fact, they don't.

Because of that, it wasn't easily possible to use the available features (PowerShell, nirCMD) to create a macro for my keyboard to open and close the disk drive.

The key was to have a switch possible so that one keypress would do a open and close based on status of the drive.


The tool features a comprehensive set of tools.

Function Valid Values Return
open Drive Letter or nothing If specified opens that specific drive.
Otherwise opens all drives found.
close Drive Letter or nothing If specified closes that specific drive.
Otherwise closes all drives found.
dynamic Drive Letter Opens or Closes the specified drive based on the current status.
status Drive Letter Opens or Closes the specified drive based on the current status.
status Drive Letter Displays the status number of specified drive.
0 = Drive closed
1 = Drive open
2 = Drive closed, media loaded

Example Call

NH-CDUTIL.exe dynamic G or NH-CDUTIL.exe dynamic G:

As pictured above, the drive can be specified either by single character or with column.
Then the tool will open or close the drive specified. If you want to close or open all drives use the respective function.


  • DatTestBench - Thanks to my pal for helping me out on C++ questions.

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