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Part 8.

A red armored boot trampled on top of Asuna's right hand, which was stretched towards Kirito.

As she looked up, a red knight, whose both eyes filled with horrible hatred in the visor seemed to be shake, started gripping the long sword with both hands.

A sword is thrust down with a stinging screech.

She has no physical power in her to fight anymore, but Asuna still insisted on staring at the steel blade as it attempts to pierce her.


Hard metal clashing sound is heard. Orange spark's are emitted.

The knight's sword bounced off into the air, as though it had been knocked away by a colorless and transparent blade.


The knight who revealed a disconcerting voice swings down the sword again. However, sparks scatters again, the sword is unable to reach Asuna.

Even for the third time, the fourth time, the results are still the same.

Before the fifth attack was executed, Solterina, who came running to Asuna, pushed the Red Knight back greatly with the sword skill "Torrent", producing knockback using the handle of the large sword. While helping Asuna up, Solterina asked surprisingly in a small voice.

"Asuna...was that the "Sword of Mind" just now...!?"

"A "Sword of Mind"...?"

She shoke her head a little towards the words she heard for the first time.

"No, it is not me."

"Well, Renri is..."

As Asuna followed Solterina's line of sight as she turns around while saying that, the male knight, who was terribly injured was giving instructions to the troops to intercept the army of the approaching red knight, don't think he is able to afford to keep an eye on her any longer.

However, while we are trying to solve this phenomenon, we must first defend as many Underworld people as possible.

Asuna stood up with the help of Solterina, inspiring the exhausted spirit, as she assess the circumstances.

And she felt something new, and full of despair came into her mind, like cold dark water pouring in.

More than 80% of players in China and Korea, over ten thousand players have already entered the battle between allies. Even if it is said, the morale difference, the main faction is still overwhelimg the resisting factions. As avatar's disappear here and there, effect in the form pillar of blue light rises, and every time it happens, a ferocious scream echoes.

In addition, some of the resisting factions…… Little potential to fight is left in the Japanese, and the underworld people including the integrity knight, Renri also which are all running out of life. Even if there is an advantage from the possession of sacred art and sword skills, I don't think the opposition can be repulsed much.

She cannot find any words anymore, she can only stand up while gripping Solterina's arm.

Echoes of loud laughter from PoH arrives...

Beside Kirito, who was lying down, the death god who has a large hole in his chest raised his right hand and all his five-finger extended and his left hand, which is holding the giant Mate Chopper at its highest and laughed with his upper body resisting its weight. Huge black clouds swirls in the sky at daytime, a funnel of life resources dissipated in the battlefield forms a tornado as they all are absorbed into PoH's body.

To be precise, it is the magic sword in his right hand that absorbs life resources. If we can destroy that, the energy supply to the owner will be cut off, the death god who lost his heart should die immediately.

However, the situation has already come to the point where even if one of the enemy commanders is defeated it can no longer be salvaged. The main factions is driven by PoH's inciting words and evil talent. Even if the commander leaves, they will continue fighting until they kill all the Japanese and Underworld people who are also acting as a source of further anger.

How should I act? What should I do?

As Asuna was being torn by frustration and despair, she noticed a strange phenomenon.

On the ground where dark gravel has been drawn until a while ago, white fog is spreading thinly on top of it. Sliding like ribbons made of thin silk, they go under Asuna's feet as it continues to spread backwards. At the same time, a refreshing sweet scent starts to tickle her nostrils.

This...The fragrance of the rose...?

Asuna and Solterina's gaze traces the ribbon-like mist.

And at the moment when I saw the source, I let out faint sigh from my lips.


once again.


The source of the fog was a young teenager lying a few tens of meters away.

To be precise, it is the long blue sword, grasped with his left hand. The blade is broken from the middle, but the mist wraps its whole, it seems as if it emits light faintly.


At the same time Asuna calls the name of the person who she loves more than anyone in a shivering voice.

"That “sword of mind” just now, was Kirito’s..."

Impressed, Solterina murmured alike.

The white fog reaches the feet of the Allied Chinese-Korean Army that surrounds the peripherial space, and it still continues to spread. Although they do not seem to notice it because as they are in the midst battle, they are already being swallowed by pure white ribbons around the knees. At last, it seemed that POH who kept on laughing has also noticed something strange.

First of all, he lowered his gaze towards the footsteps, and then, he saw Kirito behind him. Wasting no time, he raised his right hand holding a Mate Chopper into the air, and should he run and hit him, the damage would be absolutely fatal.

Unleash it down now, the damage will be colossal.

One step. Two steps.

However, before the third step starts being taken.

It sounds like a whisper, across the battlefield, like a quiet...but a confident voice reverberated.

“Enhance Armament”

It was definitely the voice of Kirito, but in the head of Asuna sounded a second, lower male voice.

In the next moment.

A a super phenomenon with a tremendous scale that is comparable to Stasia's terrain manipulation, wrapped the entire battlefield.

In the midst of the white fog, blue vines made of ice grew. More than ten thousand Chinese, Korean players, along with PoH's body was entwined. Even though the ice seemed to be easily broken just with the touch of fingers, the players who had fought fiercely stopped moving instantly as if a time-stop magic is casted on them.

After short silence, voices filled with surprise and anger emerged, but soon dies out. Avatar's were wrapped by vines of ice was covered with white frost as they watch each other froze in just a few seconds.

Asuna glanced at the red knight who came to help Klein behind the scenes, but he's also turned into a statue. However, However, no pain was felt. The eyes deep behind the visor were softly closed. This is a technique that stops movement but does not bring pain and suffering.

Turning around again, PoH was also frosty white. As both Asuna's and Solterina's eyes meet, she nodded.

"Thank you, Rina-san... I'm fine now."

When the female officer's hand gently departs, she steps quickly to Kirito while stepping on the frost covering the ground. From behind, I also follow Solterina and another girl, Ronnie, who ran from the human forces army.

Kirito who holds the sword broken with his left hand still has fallen down. But Asuna knew. Indeed, at this moment, the heart of Kirito is about to revive. Touch your hands, hug you, call, if you call me back. Tightly. Tightly.

A distance of only tens of meters is as far as the end of the earth. Just ten seconds, as long as eternity. However, every time I move my exhausted legs hard, the figure of a loved one gradually grows little by little.

Look, you can reach it in slightly more.

Asuna's stretched out right hand, trying to touch old-fashioned black hair, that moment.

A sharp crushing sound roared as if I could catch the eardrum.

Asuna who looked at the face quickly saw it.

It was a figure of a god of death who shattered white frost and ice vine into pieces and stepped one step fiercely.

While fluttering the black poncho's hem like a demonic wing, POH shouted like a crackling bell.

"Tired of waiting ... ...! Now, let's dance ... Kirito!"

To the best of Asuna's knowledge, POH who called its name for the first time through the former SAO era jumped like a monster, swinging a friend knife in his right hand.

While wearing a red - black death -A terrible thick blade falls until it is terrible. It is not Kirito that is aimed at, but also Asuna.

"You should not……!"

It was Solterina, who first came out quickly, held the long sword wounded with scars overhead and tried to pick up the blow of the god of death.

However, the magical sword that got enormous up to nearly triple the original did not touch the blade, but crushed Solterina's sword into two with only the aura that stuck together.

By the impact, the chief director collapses behind. Asuna and Ronnie desperately support the back.

A fatal slash closes to the three people who are lumping on the ground.


A terrible impulsive sound occurred, and Asuna made a butterfly rush.

But the knife blade has not arrived. I am trembling in the air that I crashed into a transparent barrier. It is the same phenomenon that protected the Asuna from the red knight's attack as before.

This time, Asuna also felt. It is warm, reliable, nostalgic feeling protected by both arms. Just before the barrier, I could see something glittering a bit. It was drawn in the air with grain of light gold, it spread the five fingers steadily - right hand.

It was then, and a faint sound was heard.

As if slowly sucked in, Asuna turned to see on the left.

Kirito lying downwards strikes the ground with a left hand, with a white sword broken from the middle.

As a result of that, the body that touched slowly starts to get up slowly.

The black sleeve, the right sleeve with no contents shook in the wind. No, not. While gradually recovering the bulge, approaching toward the right hand of the vision that supports the barrier forward.

The moment when the cuffs and phantom hands touch.

The golden glow bursted and scattered the red-black aura swirling across the barrier. Barriers hit the body of POH violently as it was and bounced back to the rear.

When the brilliance faded, what Asuna saw in the eye was the right hand that regained completely. I traced back my somewhat sluggish arm with my line of sight, passing by my shoulder - and Asuna saw.

A slightly long bang, shaking in a breeze. A calm smiley lips. And two black eyes looking back from the same height.

The lips moved, that voice called a name.

"I’m home, Asuna"

I could not stop the tears from both eyes one after another, thin from the throat and the high sound leaked. Grasping both hands in front of my chest, Asuna voiced the feeling of overflowing.

"...... Welcome back, Kirito-kun"

Then I also call Solterina and Ronie at the same time.

"Kirito ...." "Kirito-senpai"

While smiling, they nodded deeply, and Kirito returned his gaze to the front. Strictness returns to profile.

POH which was bounced off more than 10 meters was just about to rise with a movement that does not feel gravity again.

The players in China and South Korea who had entered into full-scale squabbing are supposed to have stopped the generation of new spatial resources because they are all wrapped with frozen ice vines and everyone has been frozen, but in the sky still black clouds It swirls like a living thing, POH knife seems to continue to absorb resources. If we do not destroy the magical sword of all, the death god will never stop.

Kirito who stood up a little behind the POH, staggered for a moment but stopped stepping on. Asuna desperately tolerated the urge to rush to support the body. Because I do not have the power to walk satisfactorily myself, even if I break into the clouds, I will only be in my feet. I believe in Kirito now. Just believing is supposed to be power.

When lifting up the right hand that Kirito regenerated, the longest sword of black darkness which had been rolling in a remote place got out of the sheath by itself, lifted up without sounds and fell into the palm.

The shape is different from the former love sword "Elucidator" and the white sword on the left is broken from the middle, but still that figure with white and black swords is defending, guiding and fighting Asuna from the day that we met It was no other than "Black Swordsman" who gave me power.

From the white long sword on the left hand side, cold air including sparkle like diamond dust continues to be released. Although it still maintains the transcendent technique which froze over 20,000 players instantly, still quiet profile of Kirito does not feel it. As if someone came close to each other, giving power.

I looked at Kirito who Hanging the two swords walked up slowly, with POH looking at the twinning shining red from behind the hood. He spreads his hands not to mention that he welcomes, and speaks words while exposing the large chest.

"...... you finally awakened. Since when was I looking at face like this ...?"

In the voice of the god of death like scratching a stubborn metal, Kirito responded with a voice with a cold squeakiness in a stupid, reminiscent of the Incrad era.

"Well, I forgot, but this is certainly the last time."

“Phew”, POH whistled, "Okay ... Best of the tower, Kirito ... Come on ... continue, are not you going to continue the show time that was interrupted by Incrad?"

He lifts friendship kitchen knife, which has been enlarged more than three times and converted to Great Knife, with one right hand. The black clouds above the sky are swirling violently and a red-black spark creeps around a thick iron mass.

Kirito confronts himself immediately sprinkling a black long sword on his right hand.

However, the moment the sword reached the peak, the shaky shake swayed again as if the thin body was unable to withstand the weight of the weapon.

Asuna understands that the world of this underworld is not just a VRMMO world of the standard of the seeds. All objects are "mnemonic visual data" - i.e. the memory itself, interference by images can occur.

Integrity knight Alice said that Kirito had been in a state of mental loss for nearly six months in this world where time has been accelerated. Whether or not there is memories during that time is unknown, but you should understand that you were almost bedridden. Perhaps the image that I am declining has weakened the body of Kirito in reality.

No, it may not be just that.

Higa Takeru of RATH explained the reason why Kirito's subject — the self-image — was destroyed as follows.

“Apparently Kirito seemed to have some collaborators, that is, companions. In the battle with the Church of Axiom, his colleagues almost died, and as a result, he was blaming himself violently when he succeeded in opening a line to here. In other words, he was attacking their own fluctlight himself. In the meantime, the black men cut off the power line and the surge current generated by the short instantly raised the output of the STL. As a result, Kirito 's self - destructive impulses became reality, inactivating his "ego"”.

Although it was hard to swallow quickly, in the end, Kirito lost an important person in this world. The sadness was so big that his heart broke. Asuna already knows the person's name. A name that came out repeatedly overnight in the tent by Alice, Ronie, and by Soltielina. Advanced senior swordsman Yujio.

Kirito has regained its mind by some miracle and still can not accept the parting with Yujio. A sadness that is not healed, shadow drops to the heart ... ... and to the body.

... ... Kirito.

Asuna called in the mind while watching the standing figure of a black sword.

No matter how hard you and sorrowful you are ... ... It can not be imagined by me now. But, I can say only this.

Your precious friends are still alive in my heart. Just like Yuki lives in me. That memories will surely give you strength. Once again take the sword and have the power to fight.

Like the power that Asuna's thoughts conveyed as voice.

Kirito held the black sword with his right hand, grabbed a broken white sword, lifted the left hand and pressed it against his chest.

Seeing the gesture as a gap, POH moved.

Instantly tilt the tall body forward, or instantly fill the distance of ten meters, as if sliding on the ground full of debris. He sweeps the Onata (Silent Hill -> Great Knife -> CH -> JP) with the movement that doesn’t suggest any weight.

Kirito tried to take it with a sword in his right instead of step avoidance. However, the sharpness that was delivered had been lost in the former sharpness as seen from the eye of Asuna.

The long sword that collided with Onata gave me a chance to escape from being spared, but I could not bring it to the obligations of five minutes, and it got pushed from directly above. Kirito's knee broke to the ground, his back bowed. Boots stepping on the ground slide backwards for more than 30 cm.

"...... Hey hey, do not let it go on ... I have been waiting for you this day for nearly two years ....?

If you whispered in a loud voice, the death god of black poncho put a left hand on the handle of a friend cut knife like a blade as well as a blade.

The contact point squeezed with “giggitsu” (sound), Kirito's knee further sunk. If I shift to both hands as well as PoH ... I think, a white sword is held on the left hand of Kirito. Moreover, since it is broken in two, it can not attack it.

In the depths of the god of death's hood, the thick lips are martially distorted. Little by little, but the steadily decreasing blade of Onata approaches Kirito's neck.

"... ... Kirito ...!!"

Solterina whispered in a hoarse voice tried to get up with a broken long sword.

Asuna pressed down her left shoulder.

"All right, Rina-san."

Whispering to the female deputy chief who was a leader of Kirito at the fencing school of the human world while suppressing her own fear.

"Kirito is okay ... He will not lose to such a guy ... absolutely"

On the contrary, Ronnie who Kirito was the leader, nods while holding both tears in both eyes.

"Yes, Kirito-senpai will not lose to him"

"... ... That's right."

Solterina answered so strongly, grasping the hands of Asuna who was on the shoulder.

But shortly afterwards.

As if laughing at the conviction similar to the three prayers, PoH pushed the friend cut knife a lot. Kirito pushes the left knee to the ground. The right arm supporting the black sword trembles with trembling, and it makes us feel that the limit is close. PoH approached her face again, on the face of Kirito who ties her teeth.

"... .... Nasty, discard that debris sword and use your left hand. And they freeze the frozen Chinese and Korean fellows have killed each other of you, when you know that these guys will kill each other Is not that true? "

To the whispering of the devil — Kirito repented coldly while resisting the pressure.

"I know your gimmick well, I will confront humans, sow seeds of hatred, cause the next fight.

In SAO era I was scattered and scratched by his hands, but in this underworld, I will not let you do like ... ... absolutely "

"Who ... ... what will they do?" The people will survive the Japanese survivors and dissolve your important underworld people if the water melts There is no choice but to kill them to prevent it. You can split off from one end while you are laying it in. You ought to be able to do it if you are a friend of yours ... Come on, give me an order ... kill the guys in China and South Korea and kill them. "


Kirito did not respond to poisonous fingers.

PoH's wicked plot was able to be perceived as an asian as well.

Chinese Korean players who are frozen by ice vines are not feeling any pain at the present time, but if you break it up, you will have tremendous pain. Pain calls for anger and will decisive hostility towards their Japanese players.

At the same time, PoH can suck up a large amount of resources released into the space by the death of the Chinese-Korean player with a friend knife. You can have the power enough to annihilate the remaining Japanese fighters and underworld people who have won the fight against Kirito.

Kirito, who ought to understand it, can not get on the incentive of PoH. However, in order to avoid decisive catastrophe, it is only necessary to maintain massive freezing by the sword of the left hand, which makes the fight with the enemies more difficult.

Every time the right hand shaking the Onata trembles, the sparks are scattered from the contact point. The blade of Onata keeps descending steadily and there are only two fists to the left shoulder of Kirito.

"... Well, if you want to put on a nerve and die, that is good"

PoH said with a laugh smiling widely.

"Do not worry — after killing you, "Flash" and the rest of the guys will be caught in the coffin all by themselves"

In the back of the hood, the god of death of God of death glows red like a big fire. Bones visible through ripped cheeks, and a fang tooth peeped.

"Come on ... ... let me taste your blood and life, Kirito"

I licked my lips with a sharp pointed tongue like a reptile, and PoH put in my hands the power to hold my friend knives in both hands. A black sword screams gently and a lethal blade approaches a centimeter a second at a time -.

Unexpectedly, a slight faint prayer voice sounded just behind Asna.

"Please, Yujio-senpai, help Kirito-senpai"

Three people who looked back were redheaded girl – Tiese holding hands in front of their chests. At the moment, Asuna certainly felt. The hair of Tiese is spreading fluently, and the waves similar to the gentle wind are released.

I look forward again.

A friendship kitchen knife that had turned into Onata was just touching Kirito's left shoulder.

Only by that it was torn apart so that the fabric of black shirt could play. Subsequently, I felt the sight of Kirito's blood, and Asuna stuffed my breath.


So the descent of friendship kitchen knife stopped.

On the contrary, it gradually gets pushed back little by little, but surely. Such a force is lost to anywhere on the right arm of Kirito who is exhausted, exhausted ......

"Ah ... ...."

It was Ronnier or Soltyirina who gave a close voice.

At the same time Asnas saw it. Another hand transparent to the gold color is gripping firmly the handle of the black sword.

Slightly behind, Kirito was aware of his skill. Spread both eyes, then distort the face with comb. Tears seeped in the outer corner of the eyes, scattering as light grains scatter.

My lips moved small, but I could not catch the voice.

But immediately after.

"Oh ... oh oh !!"

The spirit of the fissure caught from the throat of Kirito and repelled the friend cut knife violently. The PoH which was bounced up in both arms turns back while revealing the murmur.

Suddenly Kurito stood up quickly from the posture of one knee standing. Shout at least a broken sword on your left.

"Release • Recollection !!"

The dazzling flash exploded and dyed the world into pure white. As PoH does not hate light, PoH retreats further while holding one hand in front of the face.

While narrowing my eyes, Asuna saw.

The blade of the white sword, which had been broken away from the midst of the mind, is regenerated as if the light itself aggregated and crystallized.

A sword that regained its original appearance in just a few seconds shines intensely.

Shiyubatsu!! (chimes) And the sound flickers spread.

After a momentary silence, thousands, tens of thousands of bells trembled throughout the battlefield sounded pure and magnificent sounds. The four including Asuna who moved their eyes opened their eyes wide of their eyes.

Numerous flowers are blooming in the body of VRMMO players in China and Korea who were frozen white. A clear blue rose that seems to have carved out from the lapis lazuli.

The large flowers rose in bloom, and began to release silver particles from their flower centers. Asuna intuited that it was a pure life resource ... ... that is, the HP of players.

Players who were going to be furious just a few minutes ago and players who were trying to kill each other are wrapped in a pillar of light, one person, one person, and another will remain disappearing as if to sleep. There is neither pain nor suffering, the quietest forced logout as far as possible.

The species of hatred that PoH tried to plant in Chinese-Korean players will not germinate at this.

"Motherfucker ... ... doing funny things ...!!"

The god of death who was defeated the prospect harshly announced, but immediately regained an undesirable smile, and raised the giant of the right hand.

Looking at its behavior, Asuna noticed PoH's aim.

Now, on this battlefield, the life resources emitted by countless blue roses - holy powers are drifting densely in the style of underworld. I try to make it all my own with friendship knives with resource absorption capabilities.

"Kirito-kun ... ... ... ...!"

While trembling, Asuna suffocated and called the name of the thought.

The Japanese player who was killed in the previous battle, sucking about the life of about 1,000 people, the PoH kitchen knife has tripled and it exerts the power equal to or higher than that of Stasia's GM equipment . Ten times that, if you take the lives of ten thousand people, PoH becomes a real demon ... ... It becomes a demon king. If Kirito can not move during the exercise of a large scale operation, Asuna should help -.

However, it was time to whip up on the withered leg and to stand up.

The way it is ... it looks like ...... Hey.

The voice of Yuuki who thought it had disappeared, like the breeze blew back my ear.

At the same time Asuna noticed. The silver-colored light that gathered in the air and turned into several ribbons completely ignored PoH's friendship kitchen knife. No matter how deeply God pushed up the Demon Sword, there was no sign of approaching.

Again, a faint sound.

Asuna was saying that. Life carries the mind and tells it.

Even people in various countries gathered in this world, I really do not want to kill each other.

Everything wishes the same. The throbbing, exciting world ... I want to go to a world that is beautiful, fun, happy, like fairy country me and Asuna met ... ... that's all.

"... Yeah, that's right, Yuki"

Asuna's dazzling dazzle has become an indispensable thing.

Kirito kept the white sword completely regenerated as it was and the black sword on his right hand side quickly passed over to the sky. The swirling black cloud that PoH called is diffusing while rotating inversely. From the blue sky that peeped in the center a bit, the golden sunlight gushed down and made the sword of the black sword sparkle like a black crystal.

"Release • Recollection"

Kirito invited the same command as before to stop himself this time.

Numerous silvery ribbons slowly flowing through the battlefield sky began to be sucked into the black sword while fighting each other.

"Suck !!"

PoH who sweared in English uttered a stroke of friendship kitchen knife as opposed to it. But Ribbon avoids the Evil sword as if he had his own will and fuses with the Kirito sword one after another.

"... Yujio senpai said that Kirito's black sword was a big black cedar tree originally born to the northern end of the human world."

In the back of Asuna, Teise said with a trembling voice. Immediately, as Solterina got his mind, she nods.

"Okay ... ... So, the power to inhale the divine power ... ...."

The words and the whispers of the earlier Yuki melt in their heads, and the Asuna finally realized the meaning that it is occurring in front of me.

Even if Kirito 's black sword has the ability to absorb resources, why does PoH' s friend knife that should have the same power fail to absorb the resources released by blue rose at all? That is because the power of kitchen knife is not "sucking out life" but "sucking death".

PoH himself was saying. Friend cut knife is that it becomes strong enough to kill a player ... ... if you kill a human being. If that imagination of the owner had given the magical sword the ability to absorb resources, even though I could eat the "death resource" released by the terrible killings, I could die by the power of the white sword It does not absorb the "resource of life" directly released without passing through.

But Kirito's black sword is different. If it was originally a tree growing up with the power of the earth and the sun, you should have the power to suck life, the sword, and the imagination of the owner.

The white sword on the left froze a wide range of objects and unleash their lives in the air.

The black sword on the right hand absorbs life force from the surrounding space and turns it into energy.

It is tremendously simple, hence strong and unrivaled synergy. A pair that is perfect. The best partner.

As it breathes a huge amount of ribbon, the center of the black sword starts glowing gold. Resources also flow into the arms of Kirito through the handle of the sword.

The body which had been decayed like a stick, regains its original sternness suddenly. The resurrection phenomenon is not limited to the body alone, the black shirt that was torn apart in the fierce battle instantly reproduces, the hand gloves and the boots with rivets on the feet appear.

Furthermore, the line of light goes down from the shoulder stroke to both arms and back, and the leather that blackens slightly is realized. It appeared in the long coat which was a trademark of SAO era. When the skirt that changes greatly gets settled, the two sheaths that fell to a remote place come flying and are worn in a shape crossing the back.


Asuna embraced the thoughtful feelings, Asuna watched the completely resurrected appearance of "Black Swordsman" Kirito holding a sword over the overflowing tears. Solterina on the right, something glittering also on the head of Ronnie on the left. The Tiese on the back also leaks narrow stasis.

A few seconds later, Kirito slowly swept the left and right swords, which had absorbed all the ribbons of life.

The players in China and Korea who had filled the battlefield seems to have logged most of them. Asuna looked back and looked to told a gaze the red knight who help Klein with. Immediately afterwards, he also disappears, the barren wilderness is surrounded by the tranquility like a lie next to the death strikes.

I can hear only the dry wind and the sound like metal that gets hot at high temperatures like kimono. Its source is a black sword that accumulates enormous energy and wears a golden aura.

PoH finally gave up on resource absorption, put down a friend cut knife silently.

On the chest, The large hole hit by Asuna's OSS "Mothers•Rosario" remains open. When the resources remaining in the devil sweep run out, the life of PoH ends.

It should be understood, but the god of death does not raise anymore, it stands quietly upright. However, it seems that he do not intend to admit defeat, and from the whole body aura like frosty of fierce is radiated, stabbing the skin of Asuna just looking away.

In the back of the hood, the lips engraving a distorted smile moved slightly at one end.

"After all you are the best, Kirito. only You can kill so much with your own will, after all, you are the only one. I'm sorry to make it to the end, but I guess there will never be any more opportunity ... ..."

Hold the rope of the right hand slippery and protrude the left hand forward. Beckon with a long fingers as if to show the tattoo of "laughing coffin" carved on the back of the hand.

"... ... Now let's have fun, Black Swordsman"

Kirito responded in a single word to an invitation as if he had condensed malice to the limit.

"Oh, let's finish"

When you open your feet and lower your waist, you will hold a white sword in front and a black sword behind you.

Fighting spirit of both the face to rises rapidly swelling, were scattered violently spark at an intermediate point.

As two people say, it ends with the next shot. Asuna who felt so, opened his eyes wide to the limit and stopped breathing.

At that moment the dry wind blew and stopped, the black swordsman and the black death god moved at the same time.

PoH wrapped friendship kitchen knife, red-black mucous light wrapped. Immediately after, the body of the god of death running at a horrible speed splits into three. Asuna's unknown sword skill.

In contrast, Kirito left the sword of his right hand down and left the glow of Crimson Red on the white sword on the left. Sword skill for one handed sword, "Seven Sins".

Kirito's continuous technique intercepts PoH' s slash that can be released one by one from the front and the left and right. Every time blood red Onata and red ruby red swords hit the, the ground and the atmosphere shake violently.

When three PoH attacked twice, six times in total, the left and right alter ego disappeared. The remaining body steals a thick blade bluntly from the top. Kirito 's oblique slash cuts it and catches the explosive fire and shockwaves.

"Deadly Sins" is a seven consecutive shoot. Here Kirito is forced to cooldown after the technique. If PoH has the next blow, it can not be prevented anymore.

The reaction of the upper slaughter was bounced back and the death god's hood turned up and the inner face was exposed for the first time since SAO era.

A dreadful smile on a carved face, somewhere apart from the Japanese - PoH tried again to strike Kirito's shoulder with Onata who was dressed in a red - black aura. Eighth hit.

However, immediately.

A black sword held in the right hand of Kirito shrieked the flash of crimson. It is deeper, hot, flame red than deep light of "Deadly Sins ".

Cancel the rigid time that should have lasted longer than one second, and the black sword will trigger God speed technique. Continued use of one-handed sword skills with left and right hands, an exercise which is used only by Kirito

— "Skill Connect".

A single-shot heavy attack "Vorpal Strike" released with a metallic roaring sounded on an external combustion engine crashed in the air with the last attack of PoH's eighth consecutive attack.

The greatest shock wave ever released, the ground cracked radially. A blast of mixed air and dust caught in, but Asuna tried to see the last scene of the fierce fight just by narrowing his eyes.

When the blast got in, there were two people looking at them while they kept in contact with the black sword and the tip of the red tassel.

The battle has not ended yet. Both are concentrating with full power to concentrate the maximum energy at the extremely small contact point


and push back the opponent's attack.

If you compare only the amount of resources accumulated in weapons, Kirito 's black sword who inhaled the lives of ten thousand people would be overwhelming PoH's “friend knife”, but that is not so simple. In this world, imagination ... or as knights call it “incarnation”, has the possibility to override any numerical spec.

PoH's mind is simple, hence strong. To kill ... That death god is fighting to fill the world with discord, distrust, hostility and malice.

Then, why does Kirito fight?

In this world he lost his precious friend. Although it has external factors, it has tasted enough sadness that it has been mindlessly lost for six months. But then he stood up again and was holding a sword. What exactly gives the power to his mind and great spirit?... ....

The answer could not be word to Asuna. However, I thought that it was not necessary to do so. Kirito has been fighting back with so many things. Even in the former SAO, ALO, GGO, it came. And tight, now also this moment.

Struggle, suffering, sorrow and becoming a force. I can turn tears into light. That light can not be beaten by the darkness of PoH.

That's right, Kirito.

I could not tell if Asuna's prayers arrived. But shortly after, a faint and decisive sound echoed.


Magic sword of PoH, a weak instrument born to kill people from "Friend cut knife" From the tip to the root, the red shining crack ran like a lightning bolt.

Immediately afterwards, Onata became countless fragments and diverted.

Kirito 's “Vorpal Strike” blew up even the right arm of PoH, which was holding the kitchen knife, into pieces and stretched for more than five meters.

Asuna who was blasted again and robbed vision, stood up without being tolerated. Besides the Teise also standing at the same time, Klein, Silica, and Lisbeth, which were undone from restraint in the back.

Soon the smoke faded and exposed the former SAO players closely approaching.

The black sword of Kirito is sticking deeply into the heart of PoH who loses its weapons in hangs and arms as much as possible. However, Asuna was originally leaving a large hole there, there seems to be no new physical damage.

Because his supply of resources was cut off by “friendship kitchen knife”, PoH still smiled faithlessly smiling fresh blood from large holes and bronze.

“...... As expected, it is awful. But ... this is not over. Even if I log out from this world, I will show up in front of you many times. I will scar the throat of "Flash" with you and wait a couple of times until it breaks out my heart ..."

To the proclamation that cursed.

Kirito responded with a quiet voice, which hardly shows emotions.

"No, that's it, you will never log out of this underworld." Immediately afterwards, the black sword gives off a blink of flash.

When the light fell, Kirito slowly withdrew the sword from the hole in the chest of PoH and retreated several steps. Even when there was no support, PoH did not collapse. I will try to say something further with a gruesome grinning laugh.

However, the boss that opened it became rigid with the sound of obscurity.

It is the same as limbs. The limbs that stop in a normal position will change the texture while feeling squeaky with shshshsh. Lean black leather, finely cracked fibrous. Metal rivets, raised noses.

Kirito spoke again to the death god who is trying to achieve a strange transformation.

"...... This sword was originally a big tree that was called "Demon Cedar"in the village of Rulid, even if the villager shook the ax for two hundred years, it could not defeat it. I poured the "memory of the sword " into your body "

As the word said, the body surface of PoH was transforming into a black bark of charcoal more than mid. Both feet merge into one and are starting to stretch the ground. Both hands are strangely twisted branches, the hair is sharp and pointed leaves ... and both eyes and b are in three small rows.

"If you check the logout of the Chinese and Korean player, your colleagues will resume time acceleration. You will not know how many years ...... decades before getting out of the STL, but as long as possible. If you can make a pioneer village someday, children with an ax might cut down you. "

I have not figured out whether that word has reached consciousness of PoH. It is not a human being already in front of Kirito, it was an undesirable cedar tree about a height of about two meters.

After seeing the tree for a while, Kirito turned around and saw the Asuna first. Smile with a smile nod, transfer to the Japanese player and the wounded worlders who hurt the gaze.

Keep the black sword still leaving a golden shine behind the blade, high again with your right hand.

"System Call. Transfer Durability, Right To Area."

Saaaatz .......

And the battlefield filled with a faint, but infinite spreading sound.

It started raining.

Resources freed from the sword become materialized in the sky and fall as a drop of light shining light. I will heal the body of the wounded, men of the men of the human defense army who have been exhausted with a series of fierce battles with Japanese players lying exhaustively.

Or, the mind too.

Kirito gently dropped the black sword that exhausted the accumulated resources and the white sword on the left into the back sheath.

Asuna just watched the appearance of the sword fighter in the black clothes who is stepping up with steady footsteps one step at a time under the rain that heals everything.

I could not move or even voice. When I talked, I felt that everything would be a vision. So, just spread your eyes firmly, with a smile on your lips, Asuna waited. Instead it was Klein.

The trimmed left arm and the penetrated body wounds are completely restored. However, in Katana use, as I feel pain again, while digging strongly around my chest, I go forward.

"Kirito, so much Kirito."

The usual cheerful, but slightly damp voice sounded.

"Every single time, great and fun time. You are the man ... ...."

The word that was issued was almost crying.

When using a long-sleeved Katana, when you grasp the shoulders of the black cloth warrior, pushed the remnants of bandana against the shoulder of the shorter partner. The back trembled, thick fatty leaking.

"Wo ... Oooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Kirito also turned his arms over the back of a friend who cries. There was something to shine even for the god of Kirito who closed the eyes and tightly bound the teeth.


As soon as this murmur Asuna, Ronier and Tiese began running. While grinding tear drops in the air, they hit Kirito's right shoulder. Soon, Solterina will follow.

Egil's eyes were also wet. Lisbet and Silica cry, hugging each other Japanese players gathered from the surroundings - drops of light rain and tears fall down the face of the ALO lords Sakuya, Alisha, Eugene, Sleeping Nights' Siyune and Jun, and many others.

Soldiers and monks of the Human Army who lined up in the distance went uniformly turning their eyes. When they kneel all at once, they drooped deeply in the sky while placing the right fist on the chest.

"... From the time I first met you, I knew ... When that man and the two swords rescued everyone"

Suddenly, a gentle voice was applied from behind.

The turnaround Asna saw was a young knight Renri and a follower dragon behind it. Both were supposed to have died deeply wounded, but their trace remains only in the armor.

Asuna was chested whenever she could only nod once. When Renri nodded back again, he walked up to Teyse with his knees on the ground and dropped his waist next to her.

Once again looking around, VRMMO players in China and South Korea who had over 20,000 people all disappeared.

If they confirm their logout, the assailants will stop the strategy of drawing force from the real world and raise the time acceleration rate again to the upper limit. Klein who is diving with Amusphere will be automatically disconnected at that point.

Kirito may be aware of that, when he released his body by hitting Klein's shoulder, he overlooked the surrounding Japanese players.

Then, he bowed his head deeply, he said.

"Everyone ... Thank you. I will never waste everyone's feelings and the blood and tears they shed in. Thank you so much."


The battle is not over yet.

Attackers from the enemy PoH and the United States, China, and Korea were eliminated, but the emperor Vector which is the enemy's head still remains. Now that he abducted integrity knight Alice, which is the essence of the Alisization plan, he is now flying away for this moment as well for the "World End Alter" in the south. Asuna breathed heavily and quickly stood up.

Go through between the players who are beaten by each emotion and stand up and slowly walk up to Kirito.

Kirito who raised his face watched Asuna soon.

At the moment, she is attacked by the extreme ulterior impulse, and it breathes.

Now I want to jump into the chest of my beloved. I want to cry like a child, I want to unleash the feelings I had been suppressing.

However, Asuna barely curtailed the overflow of feeling and told the concern of the present.

"Kirito-kun ... ... Emperor Vector, Alice..."

"Oh, the situation is cheap but I am remembering"

Kirito also tightened his expression and nodded, holding out his right hand.

"Let's help. Now, help me, Asuna."

"... <”tsu” — sound of Asuna, surprised, taking a short breath in> ..."

It was already a limit.

Asuna rushed to the small run and took the hand and pushed herself to him.

Kirito's left arm was turned around and drew strongly.

A hug was instantaneous, but Asuna felt that as much information as could be unlikely to be worded instantaneously to and from the two souls.

Kirito nodded again while keeping his line of sight from close range and turned his eyes towards the south sky.

Raise your right hand in that direction. Five fingers move to explore something.

"…I found it"

"Wha ...?"

Asuna blinked but Kirito did not answer, he only smiled smallly.

Kirito looked around all over again and said to lightly tap the shoulder of Klein and the head of Ronjie. "Well then, let’s go"

Let’s do it ….

Then Lisbet saw Kirito and Asuna wrapped in brilliant green light fly away to the south sky at a terrifying speed.

After having blinked both eyes opened wide, Lisbet sighed a long, long. "Absolutely ... ... as usual he is unreasonable, or it is better to say trackless..."

Silica on the other side smiled and smiled.

Kline shouted at a waving with both hands in a rush.

"C’mon, show it to that bastard! — He is not it invincible, damn it. Revenge me ... "

A new kind of tears glows on the Katana of kind which use the name of the protagonist of an ancient boys' battle manga. That was the very Kirito she loved with since they first met at Incrad. Invincible, absolute, eternal hero.

And for me as well.

Lisbet also turned her eyes tears to the south sky.

I will log out shortly, to possibly memorize this world that would never come again.

To tell a lot of players who were disconnected in pain and humiliation that our efforts were not in vain.