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Agora React Native API Reference

The AgoraRtcEngineModule.js file enables use of the JavaScript Agora SDK API through the AgoraRtcEngine class. AgoraRtcEngine contains the event emitter, which allows the client to listen for events.

The AgoraRendererView.js file renders the video stream.

You must include both JavaScript files in your project.

Quick Start

Create the AgoraRtcEngine

In the render() method in your React Native App.js file, add AgoraRtcEngine.createEngine() to create the Agora engine. Ensure YOUR APP ID is replaced with your Agora App ID. After your Agora engine is created, you may begin applying Agora API methods and event listeners.

render() {

    AgoraRtcEngine.createEngine('YOUR APP ID');


API Methods

General Methods

These methods handle general API communication with the Agora SDK.

Method Description
createEngine(appId) Creates an Agora Engine instance.
rate(callId, rating, description) Rates the call.
complain(callId description:(NSString*) description Submits a complaint about a call.
renewToken(token) Renews a token.
destroy() Destroys the call.
setEncryptionSecret(secret) Sets the encryption to secret/not secret.
setEncryptionMode(mode) Sets the encryption mode.
getCallId(callID) Retrieves the call ID.
getSdkVersion(sdkVersion) Retrieves the Agora SDK version.
RCTBlcok Retrieves a RTC block value.

Logging and Testing Methods

These methods are used to set logging preferences and to test call connectivity.

Method Description
setLogFile(filePath) Sets the file path for the logs.
startEchoTest() Starts the echo test.
stopEchoTest() Stops the echo test.
enableLastmileTest() Enables the last mile test.
disableLastmileTest() Disables the last mile test.

Device Control Methods

These methods are used to manage device capabilities.

Method Description
switchCamera() Switches the camera.
isCameraZoomSupported(isSupported) Checks if camera zoom is supported.
setCameraZoomFactor(zoomFactor) Sets the camera zoom.
isCameraFocusPositionInPreviewSupported(isSupported) Checks if the camera focus position within the Preview is supported.
setCameraFocusPositionInPreview(position) Sets the camera focus position within the Preview.
isCameraTorchSupported(isSupported) Checks if camera torch (lighting) is supported.
setCameraTorchOn(isOn) Turns on/off the camera torch (lighting).
isCameraAutoFocusFaceModeSupported(isSupported) Checks if the facing camera's auto-focus is supported.
setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled(enable) Enables/disables the facing camera's auto-focus.
isSpeakerphoneEnabled(isSupported) Checks if the speakerphone is enabled.
setEnableSpeakerphone(isSpeaker) Enables/disables the speakerphone.
setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone(defaultToSpeaker) Sets the speakerphone as the default audio device.

View, Preview, and Render Methods

These methods are used to manage views, previews, and rendering.

Method Description
setLocalView(reactTag, renderMode) Sets the local view.
setRemoteView(reactTag, remoteId, renderMode) Sets the remote view.
startPreview() Starts the preview.
stopPreview() Stops the preview.
setLocalRenderMode(mode) Sets the local render mode.
setRemoteRenderMode(uid, mode) Sets the local render mode for a user.

Client, Channel, and Stream Methods

These methods manage the client, channel, and streams.

Method Description
setChannelProfile(profile) Sets the channel profile.
joinChannel(token, channel, info, uid) Joins the user to the channel.
leaveChannel() Leaves the channel.
enableDualStreamMode(enabled) Enables dual stream mode.
setRemoteVideoStream(uid, streamType) Sets the remote video stream for the user.
createDataStream(streamId, reliable, ordered) Creates the data stream.
sendStreamMessage(streamId, data) Sends a stream message.

Audio Control Methods

These methods manage audio settings and controls.

Method Description
enableAudio() Enables audio.
disableAudio() Disables audio.
setAudioProfile(profile, scenario) Sets the audio profile.
muteLocalAudioStream(muted) Mutes/unmutes the local audio stream.
muteAllRemoteAudioStreams(muted) Mutes/unmutes all the remote audio streams.
muteRemoteAudioStream(uid, muted) Mutes/unmutes the audio stream for a user.

Audio Effect Methods

These methods manage audio effects.

Method Description
getEffectsVolume(volume) Retrieves the volume of sound effects.
setEffectsVolume(volume) Sets the volume of sound effects.
setVolumeOfEffect(soundId, volume) Sets the effect volume of a sound object.
setLocalVoicePitch(pitch) Sets the local voice pitch.
setLocalVoiceEqualizationOfBandFrequency(bandFrequency, gain) Sets the local voice equalization of a band frequency.
setLocalVoiceReverbOfType(reverbType, value) Sets the local voice reverb type.
playEffect(soundId, filePath, loop, pitch, pan, gain) Plays an effect from a file path for a sound object with loop, pitch, pan and/or gain.
stopEffect(soundId) Stops the effect of a sound object.
stopAllEffects() Stops all sounds effects.
preloadEffect(soundId, filePath) Preload an effect from a file path, for the sound object.
unloadEffect(soundId) Unload the effect from a sound object.
pauseEffect(soundId) Pause the effect from a sound object.
pauseAllEffect() Pause all sound effects.
resumeEffect(soundId) Resume the effect from a sound object.
resumeAllEffects() Resume all sound effects.

Audio Mixing Methods

These methods manage audio mixing capabilities.

Method Description
startAudioMixing(filePath, loopback, replace, cycle) Starts the audio mix saving to a file path applying loopback, replace, and/or cycle.
stopAudioMixing() Stop the audio mix.
pauseAudioMixing() Pause the audio mix.
resumeAudioMixing() Resume the audio mix.
adjustAudioMixingVolume(volume) Adjust the volume of the audio mix.
setAudioMixingPosition(pos) Set the position of the audio mix.
getAudioMixingDuration(duration) Retrieves the audio mix duration.
getAudioMixingCurrentPosition(currentPosition) Retrieves the current position of the audio mix.
setInEarMonitoringVolume(volume) Sets the volume of the in-ear audio.

Audio Recording and Playback Methods

Method Description
startAudioRecording(filePath, quality) Starts recording audio of a specified quality, to a file path.
stopAudioRecording() Stops the audio recording.
adjustRecordingSignalVolume(volume) Adjusts the recording signal volume.
adjustPlaybackSignalVolume(volume) Adjusts the playback signal volume.
enableAudioVolumeIndication(interval, smooth) Enables the audio volume indicator based on a smooth/unsmoothed specified interval.

Video Control Methods

These methods manage the video source and video previews.

Method Description
enableVideo() Enables video.
disableVideo() Disables video.
setVideoProfile(profile, swapWidthAndHeight) Sets the video profile based on a specified orientation.
setVideoProfileDetail(width, height, frameRate, bitrate) Sets the video profile's width, height, frame rate, and bit rate.
muteLocalVideoStream(muted) Mutes the local video stream.
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams(mute) Mutes all remote video streams.
muteRemoteVideoStream(uid, mute) Mutes the remote video stream for a user.
setVideoQualityParameters(enabled) Enables ability to set video quality parameters.
setLocalVideoMirrorMode(mode) Sets the mirror mode of the local video.

Event Listeners

General Event Listeners

These are general listeners to check for errors, call quality and client changes.

Listener Name Callback Parameters Description
DidOccurWarning message, code Triggers when a warning occurs.
DidOccurError message, code Triggers when an error occurs.
RequestToken nil Triggers when a token is requested.
CameraFocusDidChangedToRect left, right, top, bottom Triggers when the camera focus rectangle changes.
DidRefreshRecordingServiceStatus status Triggers when the recording service status refreshes.
DidClientRoleChanged oldRole, newRole Triggers when the client role changes.
CameraDidReady nil Triggers when the camera becomes ready.

Channel and Connection Event Listeners

These event listeners detect changes to the channel or connection.

Listener Name Callback Parameters Description
LocalDidJoinedChannel uid , elapsed Triggers when a user joins the local channel.
CurrentDidRejoinChannel channel, uid, elapsed Triggers when a user rejoins the channel.
RemoteDidJoinedChannel uid, elapsed Triggers when a remote user joins the channel.
RemoteDidOfflineOfUid uid, reasonCode Triggers when the remote user goes offline.
ConnectionDidInterrupted nil Triggers when a connection is interrupted.
ConnectionDidLost nil Triggers when a connection is lost.
ConnectionDidBanned nil Triggers when a connection is banned.

Audio Event Listeners

These listeners detect audio event changes.

Listener Name Callback Parameters Description
ReportAudioVolumeIndicationOfSpeakers speakers Triggers when a speaker's audio volume indicator changes.
DidAudioEffectFinish soundId Triggers the audio effect of a sound finishes
LocalAudioMixingDidFinish nil Triggers when the local audio mix finishes.
RemoteAudioMixingDidStart nil Triggers when the remote audio mix starts.
RemoteAudioMixingDidFinish nil Triggers when the remote audio mix finishes.
DidAudioRouteChanged AgoraAudioOutputRouting Triggers when the audio route changes.
FirstLocalAudioFrame elapsed Triggers when the first local audio frame elapses.

Video Event Listeners

These listeners detect changes to the video.

Listener Name Callback Parameters Description
FirstLocalVideoFrame width, height, elapsed Triggers when the first local video frame elapses.
FirstRemoteVideoDecoded width, height, elapsed Triggers when the first remote video is decoded.
FirstRemoteVideoFrame width, height, elapsed Triggers when the first remote video frame elapses.
VideoDidStop nil Triggers when the video stops.
VideoSizeChanged uid, width, height, rotation Triggers when a user's video size changes.

User Event Listeners

These event listeners detect changes to user information.

Listener Name Callback Parameters Description
DidAudioMuted uid, isMuted Triggers when the user mutes/unmutes audio.
DidVideoMuted uid, isMuted Triggers when the user mutes/unmutes video.
DidVideoEnabled uid, isMuted Triggers when the user enables/disables video.
AudioQuality uid, quality, delay, lost Triggers when the user's audio quality changes, is delayed, or is lost.
NetworkQuality uid, txQuality, rxQuality Triggers when the user's network quality changes.
ReceiveStreamMessageFromUid uid, streamId, message Triggers when receiving a stream message from a user.
DidOccurStreamMessageErrorFromUid uid, streamId, error, missed, cached Triggers when a stream message error from a user occurs.
ActiveSpeaker speakerUid Triggers when the active speaker changes.
FirstRemoteAudioFrame uid, elapsed Triggers when the first remote audio from for the user elapses.

Statistic Event Listeners

These event listeners detect statistical changes.

Listener Name Callback Parameters Description
LocalVideoStats sentBitrate, sentFrameRate Triggers when the local video stats change.
RemoteVideoStats uid, width, height, receivedBitrate, receivedFrameRate, rxStreamType Triggers when the user's video stats change.
ReportRtcStats duration, txBytes, rxBytes, txAudioKBitrate, rxAudioKBitrate, txVideoKBitrate, rxAudioKBitrate, userCount, rxAudioKBitrate, userCount, cpuAppUsage, cpuTotalUsage Triggers when the RTC stats report changes.
DidLeaveChannelWithStats duration, txBytes, rxBytes, txAudioKBitrate, rxAudioKBitrate, txVideoKBitrate, rxAudioKBitrate, userCount, rxAudioKBitrate, userCount, cpuAppUsage, cpuTotalUsage Triggers statistics information, when users leave the channel.