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Author: Ahsan Ayaz

This project is created for the 3rd meetup of ngPakistan and was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.0


Angular4 Rockstar Chat - Ngrx

App Details

The app is built on top the basic version of Angular4Rockstar Chat project with the inclusion of @ngrx/store usage.

There're two simple pages:

  1. Landing Page
  2. Chat Page (home)

Landing page is a simple page with link to Chat Page.

Chat Page has the following heirarchy of components:

home (chat page)
-- ar-chat (chat component)
---- ar-chat-messages (chat messages list)
---- ar-write-message (component to write and send a new message)

How the components work / Data Flow

With the use of @ngrx/store, we have eliminated the component interaction using @Input and @Output with EventEmmitter of course.

  • The ar-chat component is the parent and ar-chat-messages and ar-write-message are the children.

  • The ar-chat component loads the initial messages using loadMessages method utilizing chatService.getMessages(). Then dispatches the action LOAD_MESSAGES. This sets the State of messages in @ngrx/store i.e. loads the message into state.

  • The ar-chat-messages which displays messages, loads the messages on ngOnInit and subscribes to it using the messages$ model which is assigned an Observable from the @ngrx/store. Therefore the messages are displayed in the component.

  • The ar-chat-messages component also contains the functionality to remove messages. When the delete button is triggered, the component dispatches REMOVE_MESSAGE event which updates the state of messages refreshing the view with the remaining messages.

  • The ar-write-message dispatches the event ADD_MESSAGE which updates the state in the store. As a result, the ar-chat-messages component gets its messages$ model updated since it was subscribed to the @ngrx/store

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Plugins used

Used ngx-bootstrap for mainly the bootstrap styles. Didn't use any component yet. For testing, I also installed karma-spec-reporter via npm so we can see the specs running in the consoles.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

The unit test is written for chat.component mainly. Can be found under app/components/chat/chat.component.spec.ts

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. The e2e test is written for the chat component of course. The file is at e2e/chats/chats.e2e-spec.ts

Editor: VS Code


An example app based on Angular4, Angular Cli and NgRx for state management.







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