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Releases: AkaneTan/Gramophone

Gramophone 1.0.8

01 Jun 18:48
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Hotfix release to fix crashes on Android 5

Gramophone 1.0.7

01 Jun 16:16
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What's Changed

Highlights of this release:

  • Support moving now playing queue items (thanks @topazrn)
  • Fix various bugs in shuffle implementation
  • Update lyric color system to make sure it always is readable
    • Make sure lyric color is same in system-dark-app-light and system-light-app-system modes
  • Some bug fixes
  • Fixed reproducible builds (hopefully now back in F-Droid)

For more information about what the last release had to offer:

New Contributors

Gramophone 1.0.6

24 May 07:45
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Highlights of this release:

  • Reverted back to old icon
  • Show sleep timer end time in tooltip and remaining time in dialog
  • New shuffle implementation
  • Multi-level sorting (eg albums>track number)
  • better old (<9) Android and A12 compatibility
  • Nicely animated now playing indicator in song list
  • Added AboutLibraries
  • Migrated to Coil3 image loader
    • Fixed issue where thumbnails are too big while scrolling list
  • Many more bug fixes I forgot about

Gramophone 1.0.5

06 Apr 11:09
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What's Changed

  • Mark translated lines properly on "compressed" LRC by @strongville in #94
  • Fix inconsistent space on both sides of grid layout recyclerview by @VishnuSanal in #123
  • Support multiline LRC by @mikooomich in #135
  • Fix synced lyrics
  • Support loading album covers that aren't used in a song (needs images & videos permission)
  • Fixed detail screen displaying recording year instead of release year
  • Fix refresh snackbar going below navbar
  • Backport splash screen to Android 11 and older
  • Rework album caching, reduce memory usage, fix notification using different cover than ui
  • Improve performance (reportFullyDrawn API, and some multi-threading) and fix some rare crashes (by enabling android strictmode and fixing issues), disable obfuscation (readable crash logs)
  • Added "Remove spaces around lyrics" feature
  • Load album artists from mediastore on Q+
  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Unified top app bar look across app
  • Fix fast scroller edge cases
  • Don't crash when a blacklisted song is used in playlist
  • New app icon by WSTxda
  • Fix genre id edge case
  • Reworked edge to edge
  • Lyric high contrast mode
  • Code cleanup
  • Fix two bugs where player broke if in STATE_ENDED
  • Fix lyric smooth scroll animation
  • Fix lag after opening preference fragment and recreating ui
  • Better legacy android support (font weights, vibrations, and many more now backported)
  • Use new version of packaging (increased apk size, this is NOT because it contains more data but because the data is now uncompressed) -> the advantage this has is that the actual installed app size is DECREASED, because it does not have to unpack the data from the apk AND store the apk (duplication)
  • Performance optimization
  • Support m4a lyric

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


18 Feb 14:08
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Prepare for F-Droid submission. No code changes, sorry.

Gramophone 1.0.4

18 Feb 13:51
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What's Changed

  • Support for repeated lyrics on LRC format by @strongville in #86
  • Fix invalid LRC (all zeroed-out) handling to make it easier for users
  • Fix album cover page missing space on devices with weird aspect ratio
  • Make play/shuffle button in song list enable/disable shuffle/repeat as appropriate
  • Fix a couple of crashes related to race conditions
  • Fix search fastscroller not working and allow sorting search results
  • Fix .lrc file not being read in .WAV files
  • Prepare for F-Droid submission

New Contributors

Gramophone 1.0.3

15 Feb 17:49
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Not even half an hour later... Here's an hotfix that prevents a crash when you do not have any playlists on your device.

Gramophone 1.0.2

15 Feb 17:25
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Hello everyone!

It's been quite a while since the last release, and I felt the need to explain a few things that happened recently. After we got a shoutout on YouTube, a lot of people joined Akane's telegram channel to get new versions, but it's been dead since Christmas. The reason is simple: Akane was caught up in Telegram's anti-spam system and because the phone number under his account expired, he wasn't able to restore his account or regain access to the channel. Therefore, we made a new channel (it's linked in the README) and group, feel free to join :). To add to the confusion, the shoutout we got was based on a version of Gramophone that was currently in public beta, which is why people who downloaded Gramophone from GitHub were disappointed because it wasn't "as advertised". Don't worry, you can now have what you saw; it's all included in this release. The third thing I want to explain is why someone who is not Akane is making a release - Akane has less time because he is preparing for his university examination exam, which is why I, as the co-author of Gramophone, am doing maintenance in his stead. With all that said, enjoy the new release :) And lastly, I want to apologize to all fans of semantic versioning ;) we'll improve our version names in the future.

Cheers, Nick

What's Changed

  • Redesigned app icon
  • Redesigned main UI
  • Redesigned full player
  • Redesigned playlist queue
  • Redesigned settings UI
  • More sorting options
  • Support choosing display type in list (grid/list/compact list)
  • Loading time optimized
  • Added "folders"/"filesystem" differentiation to allow flat folder access
  • Support dynamic colors in full player
  • Support float audio output and skipping silence in songs
  • Support blacklisting folders
  • Support playing music on launch
  • Fixed uncountable amounts of bugs

...and more

New Contributors

Gramophone 1.0.0

13 Sep 17:58
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Gramophone 1.0.0 Pre-release


  • Made bottom sheet clickable
  • Added notification icon, shuffle button, loop button
  • Made player receives command from hardware/bluetooth buttons
  • Added an option for displaying album artists information
  • Bump minSdk to 21
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Added a sleep timer
  • Added a page for mediastore playlist (editing not available yet, but can manage the mediastore playlist from another app e.g. AOSP music+)
  • Updated version naming
  • Added a bug handler activity
  • Used a bottomsheet instead of a drawer
  • Used real preference fragment inside settingsfragment
  • Applied ripple effect to all buttons
  • Implemented resumption feature
  • Fixed animation bugs
  • Used Z axis transition globally
  • Made back button close player sheet instead of going to homepage
  • Import german translations
  • Fixed some bugs


High priority:

  • playlist tab decor
  • playlist in full player
  • detail page
  • recyclerview for album cover in full player so you can scroll
  • support editing playlist
  • recently added playlist
  • most played playlist
  • history playlist
  • swipe-to-left
  • mutl select

Low priority:

  • metadata editor
  • lyric
  • web streaming

Gramophone 0.0.1

07 Sep 13:47
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  • Initial release.


  • Timer button inside player is not available yet.
  • Lyric button inside player is not available yet.
  • Playlist button inside player is not available yet.
  • Details button is not available yet.