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Akash Bora edited this page Mar 29, 2024 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the Easy-Tier-List wiki!

As the app name suggests, this software is super easy to use. Here you can find how these useful features work:

Adding a Tier

To add a category or tier, simply click the Add Category button from the menu bar.

A dialog box will open where you can write the name and choose the color of the new tier.


You can edit any tier by right-clicking on the tier box, a menu will popup with some options: image

  • Delete Category: Delete the whole tier and sent the images back to the content frame
  • Clear List: Clears all the placed images and sent them back to the content frame
  • Move Up: Move this tier in top of the previous tier
  • Mover Down: Move the tier below the next tier
  • Configure: Open the dialog box again to change the name or color of the tier

Adding Content

Content are simply images which you can arrange in the tier list, you have to click the Add Content button from the menu bar to open the content dialog box.

You can add local image files by clicking the add images button and selecting the images from the file dialog.

You can also import an image from the web by pasting the link/data of the image, this is a huge advantage of easy-tier-list which saves your time.


After selecting the content, you can simply click on the import button to import the images in the content frame. Then you can arrange them in the tiers.

Pro Tip: You can even drag and drop images in the application directly.

Arranging Content

To arrange any imported image, just click on the image and drag it to the tier you want it to be. As shown here:


You can rearrange everything again after placing it, just place wherever you want...

To delete a content from the tier-list, click on the image and press the <DELETE> key on your keyboard.


Some basic functionalies like font and theme colors are available in the settings tab, we have these options:

  • Adjust Font: Opens a dialog box where you can choose font family, size, weight and some more properties of the text.


  • Adjust Theme: Opens a dialog box where you can change the background, foreground or the overall text color of the tierliest.


  • Toggle Fullscreen: enable/disable fullscreen mode
  • About: Get information about the app like version name.


To save a tier-list, click the menubar>file>save option. There are 3 ways to save the tier-list:

  • JSON: Simply makes a json file where it stores the image paths and links, this allows you to reuse the template.
  • JSON+IMAGES: Makes a json file where it stores the relative path of local images, and also copies the images in an asset folder. This is suitable if you want to share the tier-list with others.
  • SCREENSHOT: This will simply export the full tier-list as a .PNG image file.


To open a saved tier-list, you just have to click the open button from the menubar>file>open and select the correct JSON file, it will import all the data as a new tier-list.



  • Control+S: Save as file
  • Control+O: Open a file
  • N: Make new category
  • F: Open font dialog
  • T: Open theme dialog
  • Spacebar: Open content editor
  • F11: toggle Fullscreen mode
  • Esc: Turn off full mode

That's All

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