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This is keras implemenration of SSD for Object Detection, optimized to be run on local system.

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Objet Detection using Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD)

This is a Keras port of the SSD model architecture introduced by Wei Liu et al. in the paper SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector. This implementation is focussed towards two important points (which were missing in originall implementation):

  1. Training and inference can be done on mediocre discreate local system GPUs (like I have used Nvidia gtx 1660 on my local setup).

  2. A universal note book to perform all task:- training, training on custom dataset, inference on video or images, etc.

APIS and Usage

Training API

This apis will be need to train any custom dataset. (Though some are common in both training and inference)

limit_gpu: bool, by default True

Enable Tensorflow's limiting memory graph. This will need if the job is performed on local setup. True: To enable False: To disable

mode: str

What job to perform, either 'training' or 'inference'

img_height: int, by default 300

Height of image

img_width:int, by default 300

Width of image

img_channels: int, by default 3

Color channel, 3 for RGB

Loading annotation

annotation_type: str, by default 'csv'

Format of annotation, either 'csv' or 'xml'

train_load_images_into_memory: bool, by default True

True:Will load all images into memory; False: Keeeps on disk, but much slower

validation_load_images_into_memory: bool, by default True

same as above

Dataset location

train_img_dir: str

csv or path containing training data


To be used only in coco data set.


validation data


vidation data annotation


To used only in coco dataset.


list of all classes

n_classes no of classes: int

no of classes

Training Hyperparameters

l2_regularization:float, by default 0.5

L2 regularization penalizing factor

pos_iou_threshold:float, by default 0.5

IOU threshold used for localization

learning_rate: float, by default 0.001

Learning rate to train


no of steps per epoch to take

batch_size: int

size of batch of data to train


no of epoch to train on

Saving training assets

weight_save_path: str

path to save weights

csv_log_save_path: str

path to save training job monitor csv

Inference API

This apis will be used for inference job

limit_gpu: bool, by default True

Enable Tensorflow's limiting memory graph. This will need if the job is performed on local setup. True: To enable False: To disable

mode: str

What job to perform, either 'training' or 'inference'

img_height: int, by default 300

Height of image

img_width:int, by default 300

Width of image

img_channels: int, by default 3

Color channel, 3 for RGB

weights_path: str

path to load trained weights

confidence_threshold:float, by default 0.5

Threshold to select prediction

Saving Inference Assets


frames with predicted bounding box will be saved here


video with predicted bounding box will be saved here

Technology Used

Core Technology:

Python, Keras (Tensorflow:114),OpenCV, FFmpeg, Nvidia cuda


MLflow (tracking experiments), DVC(version control data), Git(version control project)


This is keras implemenration of SSD for Object Detection, optimized to be run on local system.







