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Alejandro Roldán edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of the program programatically.

Page Contents

Plugins Loading

Plugins are found in the batchpynamer/plugins/plugins/ folder or in the user configuration folder (~/.config/batchpynamer/plugins/ for linux, ~/AppData/Roaming/batchpynamer/plugins/ fow windows and ~/Library/Preferences/batchpynamer/plugins/ for mac).

The plugins are loaded dinamically and added to the plugin menu as found. Starting from the plugins directory, search recursively. Directories create a cascade menu with the directory name, and files add the classes defined in that file as menu buttons with the class name. The classes of each file are separated by a menu separator. Files and classes starting with _ are ignored. Hidden files/directories are ignored. Only classes that are child of BasePlugin are added.

Keep in mind that when using the same dirname-basename structure, the plugins in the user config take precedence. That means, for example you can find with the base code some plugins already, one of them are under Metadata-Plugins/; so, if i were to create a the same directory structure in the user plugins directory, the files under the directory would be loaded to the same sub-menu, but if the there are any files in that structure with the same name, only the plugins in the user file would be loaded.

Examples: Lets say we have plugins/Metadata-Plugins/ and plugins/Selection-Plugins/ in the base code plugins folder. And plugins/Metadata-Plugins/ and plugins/Selection-Plugins/ in the user config plugins. In this case a Metadata-Plugins cascade menu would be added and it would be filled with the classes from and, another caascade menu would be created for Selection-Plugins but this time only the classes from the user file would be added.

Using Plugins

To run a plugin just click the menu button for it. It will be applied to each selected item (unless the code does otherwise)

Base Plugins

  • Format "tracknumber": formats the "tracknumber" of the selected items. Adds left 0s padding, removes anything that's after "/", inclusive (e.g: "1/12" would end "01")
  • Format "date" as year: Format metadata date to just be the year
  • Format full "date": Format metadata date to have dashes between year-month-day
  • Delete Selection: Deletes the selection. files and empty dirs.
  • Force Delete Selection: Also deletes non empty dirs
  • Select last modified 24h: Selects the items that have been modified in the last 24 hours

Developing Plugins

Plugins must heredate from BasePlugin class. They Must define the run method. If not, a NotImplementedError will be raised.

They can also define the selection, pre_hook and post_hook methods.

It also has a short_desc, finished_msg and allow_no_selection attributes. short_desc will be used for displaying in GUI if available (with limited chars)

A NoSelectionError will be raised if no selection unless allow_no_selection=True When no selection and allow_no_selection=True: run() will be run once. Else it will run on each selection item

from batchpynamer.plugins.plugins_base import BasePlugin

class MyPlugin(BasePlugin)
    short_desc = "Name to display"
	finished_msg = "MyPlugin finished"
    allow_no_selection = False

	def pre_hook(self):
        *do pre hook stuff*

    def selection(self):
        *do selection stuff*

	def run(self, item, pre_hook_return=None):
		*do stuff to each item*

	def post_hook(self, run_return=None, pre_hook_return=None):
        super().post_hook(run_return=None, pre_hook_return=None)
        *do post hook stuff*

    *Some more stuff that you want*

Get as creative as you want ;) and would love if you shared the plugins that you create.

You can find some examples already in the base code, and also I have a repository with some extra stuff Batch-Pynamer-Plugins