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JM.PASCAL edited this page Jun 18, 2015 · 4 revisions



Even if it's possible to create the Android application via Gradle command line, we heavily recommends to use Android Studio.

Build the application

In Android Studio

Please follow the Prerequisites if you haven't Android Studio installed and configured.

First you need to configure the type in

  • Open file
  • Find DEFAULT_PUBLISH key and replace debug value by release (if necessary)

Next you need to change Build Variant Type

  • Open Build Variants View
  • Select customRelease for activiti-app project
  • Wait the end of the automatic build
  • Launch the application
  • APK is available at Root project folder\activiti-app\build\outputs\apk
  • Your application file is : activiti-app-custom-release-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT.apk

NB: The application can be build on Debug Mode or Release Mode. In Debug you can replace all previous mentions of release & customRelease by debug and customDebug.

In command line

  • Open a Command Prompt in root project folder
  • Tap and execute gradlew assembleCustomRelease -PDEFAULT_PUBLISH=release
  • Wait the end of the build
  • Go to Root project folder\activiti-app\build\outputs\apk
  • Your application file is : activiti-app-custom-release-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT.apk

####More informations