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Alignak checks package for the monitoring plugins

Checks pack for checking a lot of services: Dns, Http, Dhcp, ...

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This checks pack is based upon the check plugins of the Monitoring Plugins Project.

This project is a bundle of around 50 standard plugins for monitoring applications. Some plugins allow to monitor local system metrics, others use various network protocols for remote checks.

Our bundle was previously known as the “official” Nagios Plugins package. The new name reflects both the success of the straightforward plugin interface originally invented by the Nagios folks, and the popularity of our package, as the plugins are now used with various other monitoring products as well.


The pack configuration files are to be copied to the monitoring objects configuration directory. The most suitable location is the arbiter/packs/ directory in the main alignak configuration directory.

Note: The main Alignak configuration directory is usually /usr/local/share/alignak/etc or /usr/local/etc/alignak or /etc/alignak but it may depend upon your system and/or your installation.

The pack plugins (if any ...) are to be copied to the executable libraries directories.

Note: The Alignak librairies directory is usually /usr/local/var/libexec/alignak but it may depend upon your system and/or your installation.

From PyPI

To install the package from PyPI:

sudo pip install alignak-checks-monitoring

From source files

To install the package from the source files:

git clone
cd alignak-checks-monitoring
sudo pip install .

Note: using `sudo python install` will not correctly manage the package configuration files! The recommended way is really to use `pip`;)



To use this checks package, you must first install some external plugins. We recommend that you download and install the Monitoring plugins.

Check if it exists a binary package for your OS distribution rather than compiling and installing from source. Else, the source installation procedure is explained here.

An abstract:

$ wget
$ gzip -dc monitoring-plugins-2.X.tar.gz | tar -xf -
$ cd monitoring-plugins-2.X
$ ./configure --prefix /usr/local/libexec/monitoring-plugins
$ make

$ sudo make install

$ sudo make install-root
$ # This for plugins requiring setuid (check_icmp ...)

After compilation and installation, the plugins are installed in the /usr/local/libexec/monitoring-plugins/libexec directory!

The /usr/local/etc/alignak/arbiter/packs/resource.d/monitoring.cfg file defines a global macro that contains the monitoring plugins installation path. If you do not install as default, edit this file to update the path:

#-- Monitoring plugins installation directory

Many information is available on the project github repository, espacially in the REQUIREMENTS file.

Alignak configuration

You simply have to tag the concerned hosts with the template you are interested in.:

define host{
    use                     dns, ftp, http
    host_name               my_host

Each template declares the associated services on the concerned host. You can easily adapt the configuration defined in the templates.cfg, services.cfg and commands.cfg files.

Bugs, issues and contributing

Contributions to this project are welcome and encouraged ... issues in the project repository are the common way to raise an information.