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Release Notes (0.13.2)

dyf edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 6 revisions

The 0.13.2 release is a major update for the Brain Observatory modules and data. All Brain Observatory NWB files have been regenerated, and a large number of new experiments have been released. All NWB files now contain demixed traces. These traces are used for neuropil subtraction and dF/F computation, so those traces are affected as well.

To get new lists of experiments and metadata, please delete/rename the directory containing the BrainObservatoryCache manifest. You can then re-run your data access scripts and the new data will be downloaded. The new NWB files are a bit larger because of the new traces.

The cross-session alignment algorithm has been updated and re-run, so all cell specimen IDs have changed. We have built a mapping table to help map from previous cell IDs to new cell IDs available here: cell_specimen_mapping.csv. For examples of how to download the file with the SDK and use it to map between IDs, see this notebook.

The cell specimens table now has a large number of new features. Read the technical whitepapers on stimulus analysis to learn more.

Code changes include:

To find out more, take a look at our CHANGELOG.