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The ZeroMQ XOP allows to interface with Igor Pro over the network using ZeroMQ as messaging layer and JSON as message format. Reading and writing JSON documents can be done with the JSON XOP.

The XOP provides the following functions:

  • :cppzeromq_client_connect()
  • :cppzeromq_client_recv()
  • :cppzeromq_client_send()
  • :cppzeromq_handler_start()
  • :cppzeromq_handler_stop()
  • :cppzeromq_pub_bind
  • :cppzeromq_pub_send
  • :cppzeromq_server_bind()
  • :cppzeromq_server_recv()
  • :cppzeromq_server_send()
  • :cppzeromq_set()
  • :cppzeromq_set_logging_template
  • :cppzeromq_stop()
  • :cppzeromq_sub_add_filter
  • :cppzeromq_sub_connect
  • :cppzeromq_sub_recv
  • :cppzeromq_sub_remove_filter


Here XX denotes your major Igor Pro version, e.g. 8 or 9.

  • Download the ZeroMQ-XOP*.zip file from the latest release.
  • Extract it to a folder


  • Quit Igor Pro
  • Create the following shortcuts in "$HOME\Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro XX User Files"
    • In "Igor Procedures" a shortcut pointing to "procedures"
    • In "Igor Help Files" a shortcut pointing to "help"
    • In "Igor Extensions" a shortcut pointing to "output/win/x86"
    • In "Igor Extensions (64-bit)" a shortcut pointing to "output/win/x64"
  • Start Igor Pro


  • Quit Igor Pro
  • Unzip the files in "output/mac"
  • Create the following symbolic links (symlinks) in "$HOME/Documents/WaveMetrics/Igor Pro XX User Files"
    • In "Igor Procedures" a symlink pointing to "procedures"
    • In "Igor Help Files" a symlink pointing to "help"
    • In "Igor Extensions" a symlink pointing to "output/mac/ZeroMQ"
    • In "Igor Extensions (64-bit)" a symlink pointing to "output/mac/ZeroMQ-64"
  • Start Igor Pro

In the following the JSON message format is discussed.

Direction: World -> Igor Pro

Call Igor Pro functions and return the result

The following table lists all currently supported function parameter and return types. PRs adding support for new parameter/return types are welcome.

Type by-value Parameter by-ref Parameter optional Parameter Return value Multiple return values
Variable aka double
Variable/C aka complex

The Igor Pro function FooBar(string panelTitle, variable index) can be called by sending the following string

  "version"   : 1,
  "messageID" : "my first message",
   "CallFunction" : {
     "name" : "FooBar",
     "params" : [

Calling a function without parameters:

  "version" : 1,
   "CallFunction" : {
     "name" : "FooBarWithoutArgs"

Possible responses:

  "errorCode" : {
   "value" : 0
  "messageID" : "my first message",
  "result" : {
    "type" : "variable",
    "value" : 4711


  "errorCode" : {
    "value" : 100,
    "msg" : "Function does not exist"
  "messageID" : "my first message",

If the function has pass-by-reference parameters their results are returned as

  "errorCode": {
      "value": 0
  "passByReference": [
        "type": "variable",
        "value": 4711
        "type": "string",
        "value": "hi there"
  "result": {
      "type": "variable",
      "value": 42

Functions can also return datafolder references

  "errorCode" : {
   "value" : 0
  "result" : {
    "type"  : "dfref",
    "value" : "root:MIES"

result.value can also be free or null.

Functions with multiple return values

Since Igor Pro 8 functions can return multiple values.

Function [variable erroCode, string message] FooBarMRS()

   return [42, "Hi there!"]

The function FooBarMRS() will return the following message:

    "errorCode": {
        "value": 0
    "result": [
            "type": "variable",
            "value": 42
            "type": "string",
            "value": "Hi there!"

Functions returning waves

Example wave contents (rows are vertical, colums are horizontal)

5 8
6 -inf
7 10

Waves with standard settings only:

  "errorCode" : {
   "value" : 0
  "result" : {
    "type"  : "wave",
    "value" : {
      "type"     : "NT_FP64",
      "dimSize"  : [3, 2],
      "date"     : {
        "modification" : 10221232
      "data" : {
        "raw" : [5, 6, 7, 8, "-inf", 10]

In case the function returned an invalid wave reference $"":

  "errorCode" : {
   "value" : 0
  "result" : {
    "type"  : "wave",
    "value" : null

The following is an example where all additional settings are present because they differ from their default values:

  "errorCode" : {
   "value" : 0
  "result" : {
    "type"  : "wave",
    "value" : {
      "type"     : "NT_FP64",
      "date"     : {
        "modification" : 10221232
      "data" : {
        "raw"       : [5, 6, 7, 8, "-inf", 10],
         "unit"      : "m",
         "fullScale" : [5, 10]
      "dimension" : {
        "size"  : [3, 2],
         "delta" : [1, 2.5],
         "offset": [1e5, 3e7],
         "unit"  : ["kHz", "s"],
         "label" : {
           "full"  : [ "some name", "blah" ],
           "each" : [ "..." ]
       "note" : "Hi there I'm a nice wave note and are encoded in \"UTF8\". With fancy things like ï or ß.",


Messages consist of JSON RFC7158 encoded strings with one speciality. NaN, Inf and -Inf are not supported by JSON, so we encode these non-normal numbers as strings, e.g. "NaN", "Inf", "+Inf" and "-Inf" (case insensitive).

Sent JSON message

Name JSON type Value Description Required
version string v1 global for the complete interface Yes
operation object CallFunction operation which should be performed Yes string non-empty ProcGlobal function without module and or independent module specification, i.e. without #. Yes
CallFunction.params array of strings/numbers holds strings/numbers function parameters, conversion will be done eagerly. No
messageID string user settable will be returned in the reply message if present No

Received JSON message for operation CallFunction

Name JSON type Description
errorCode.value number indicates the success/error of the operation, see :cppREQ_SUCCESS
errorCode.msg string human readable error message, only set if errorCode.value != 0
history string Igor Pro history ouputted during function execution, only set if errorCode.value != 0
return object or array function result, will be an array when multiple return value syntax functions are called.
-> type string type of the function result, one of string, variable, wave or dfref, only for errorCode.value == 0
-> value number, string or object function result, only for errorCode.value == 0
passByReference array of objects Changed parameter values for pass-by-reference parameters.
-> type string type of the function result, one of string, variable or dfref
-> value number or string possibly changed input parameters, only for errorCode.value == 0
messageID string message ID from the sent message. This entry is not present if the sent message did not contain a message id.

Callers are encouraged to always check errorCode.value before processing the rest of the JSON. Functions returning waves will hold the wave data and metadata as object below value. All strings are UTF8 encoded. The messageID allows to correlate responses with requests.

Wave serialization format

When the serialization is done as part of the function call reply as shown above, one has to prefix each name with value..

Name JSON type Description
type string wave type; one of NT_FP32, NT_FP64, NT_I8, NT_I16, NT_I32, NT_I64, TEXT_WAVE_TYPE, WAVE_TYPE or DATAFOLDER_TYPE; or'ed with NT_UNSIGNED or NT_CMPLX if needed
dimension.size array of 1 to 4 numbers either "32-bit unsigned int" or "64-bit unsigned int" depending on Igor bitness. An empty wave has [0]. array of 1 to 4 numbers delta for each dimension
dimension.offset array of 1 to 4 numbers offset for each dimension
dimension.label.full array of 1 to 4 stringss dimension labels for the full dimensions
dimension.label.each array of strings dimension labels for each row/column/layer/chunk, colum-major format as
dimension.unit array of 1 to 4 strings arbitrary strings denoting the unit for each dimension. The contents are most likely SI with prefix, but this is not guaranteed.
date.modification number time of last modification in seconds since unix epoch in UTC. 0 for free waves.
data.raw array of numbers/strings column-major format, read it with np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, "-inf", 10]).reshape(3, 2, order='F') using Python. For complex waves raw has two keys real and imag both holding arrays. For wave reference waves raw holds an array with wave objects or null.
data.unit string arbitrary strings denoting the unit. The contents are most likely SI with prefix, but this is not guaranteed.
data.fullScale array of 2 numbers min and max of the data (non-authorative)
note string wave note


Numeric wave with properties set to non-default values:

  "type"     : "NT_FP64",
  "data" : {
    "raw"       : [5, 6, 7, 8, "-inf", 10],
     "unit"      : "m",
     "fullScale" : [5, 10]
  "date"     : {
    "modification" : 10221232
  "dimension" : {
    "size"  : [3, 2],
     "delta" : [1, 2.5],
     "offset": [1e5, 3e7],
     "unit"  : ["kHz", "s"],
     "label" : {
       "full"  : [ "some name", "blah" ],
       "each" : [ "..." ]
  "note" : "Hi there I'm a nice wave note and are encoded in \"UTF8\". With fancy things like ï or ß."

Text wave:

  "data": {
      "raw": [ "abcd", "efgh" ]
  "date": {
      "modification": 1685115358
  "dimension": {
      "size": [ 2 ]
  "type": "TEXT_WAVE_TYPE"

Wave reference wave:

  "data": {
      "raw": [
              "data": {
                  "raw": [ 1, 2 ]
              "date": {
                  "modification": 1685115583
              "dimension": {
                  "size": [ 2 ]
              "type": "NT_FP32"
              "data": {
                  "raw": [ 3, 4 ]
              "date": {
                  "modification": 1685115598
              "dimension": {
                  "size": [ 2 ]
              "type": "NT_FP32"
  "date": {
      "modification": 1685115607
  "dimension": {
      "size": [ 3 ]
  "type": "WAVE_TYPE"

Direction: Igor Pro -> World

The XOP implements Publisher/Subscriber sockets. This allows applications outside of Igor Pro to be notified about events in Igor Pro. The implementation uses plain PUB/SUB sockets, but XPUB/XSUB sockets should be compatible as well.

The published messages will be a multipart message with two frames, see also the official documentation:

Frame 1: Filter
Frame 2: Data

where Filter is the message type and Data the payload. No serialization format of Data is enforced, but users are encouraged to use standard serialization formats like JSON.

Subscriber sockets will only receive messages from their subscribed filters. By default there are no subscriptions to any filters.

One publisher message is sent out every five seconds, this is the "heartbeat" message with no data.

Users are encouraged to offer a list of available message filters via server/client sockets and calling a pre-agreed function which returns a text wave.


zeromq-xop has the following 3rd party dependencies, which must be installed to compile:

  • (Windows only) Visual Studio 2019 - Windows development environment.
  • (MacOSX only) Xcode - Mac OSX development environment.
  • CMake (version 3.15 or later) - build system.
  • XOPToolkit 8 - toolkit for creating XOPs (such as this one), to communicate with Igor Pro.

zeromq-xop also depends on a couple of additional repositories, which are included in the repository and do not require separate installation:

Lastly, unit tests requires setup of the following (with instructions on doing so further below):

Building the ZeroMQ.xop

To get set up, we must install prerequisites, clone our repository, set up our submodules, and 'position' the XOP toolkit.

We will use the following variable names for clarity below:

  • $xop-toolkit-dir is the path to the XOP Toolkit's source directory (e.g. subdirectory IgorXOPs8 for XOP Toolkit 8); and
  • $zmq-xop-dir is the path to our ZeroMQ-XOP code;

Installing prerequisites

Before continuing, ensure you have installed the prerequisites listed in the 'Dependencies' section above. For a Windows system, ensure Visual Studio is installed; for a Mac system, ensure XCode is installed. For both, ensure you have cmake installed, and the XOP Toolkit downloaded.

Repository setup

To clone the repository (and clone the required submodules), perform the following:

git clone --recurse-submodules
  • Here, --recurse-submodules is responsible for recursively initializing and updating the submodules (described above). If you have already cloned, init and update the modules via git submodule update --init --recursive.
  • If you are using SSH or another mechanism to obtain the repository, replace the http link above with your repository ID.

XOP toolkit setup

Our build system (cmake) must know where the XOP toolkit's main code files are (located in $xop-toolkit-dir/XOP Toolkit 8/IgorXOPs/XOPSupport). By default, cmake will search for them in: $zmq-xop-dir/XOPSupport.

If using the default location, one should make a shortcut/symbolic link between $xop-toolkit-dir/XOP Toolkit 8/IgorXOPs/XOPSupport and $zmq-xop-dir/XOPSupport:

# Windows (Note: mklink requires administrator privileges)
# {
mklink \d $zmq-xop-dir/XOPSupport "$xop-toolkit-dir/XOP Toolkit 8/IgorXOPs/XOPSupport"
# }
# MacOSX
# {
ln -s "$xop-toolkit-dir/XOP Toolkit 8/IgorXOPs/XOPSupport" $zmq-xop-dir/XOPSupport
# }

This can be alternatively be changed by changing cmake's ${XOP_SUPPORT_PATH} variable, either via the UI (cmake-gui for Windows, ccmake for Linux/Mac OSX), or when invoking the generator:

cmake -DXOP_SUPPORT_PATH="$xop-toolkit-dir/XOP Toolkit 8/IgorXOPs/XOPSupport"

Compilation instructions

The compilation procedure involves:

  1. cmake generates the environment-specific 'projects', based on its CMakeLists.txt files. This is achieved by the initial cmake call.
  2. The development environment builds the XOP library, via the '--build' portion of the cmake call.
  3. The development environment 'installs' the XOP library (and dependencies) in an install location (as defined in the CMakeLists). Note that 'install' here simply refers to a copy of appropriate files to a predefined location (and thus differs from our "Installation" instructions).

The commands below perform this. (See also for up-do-date build instructions.)

# Windows
# {
cd $zmq-xop-dir/src
md build build-64
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S .. -B .
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
cd ../build-64
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S .. -B .
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
# }

# MacOSX
# {
cmake -G Xcode -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S .. -B .
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
# }

After cmake 'install', the created libraries will be located in $zmq-xop-dir/output/$os, where $os is mac for Mac, and win for Windows. For Mac, they will be in an xop directory, whereas for Windows they will be in an xop directory within a 'bitness' directory (x64 for 64-bit, x86 for 32-bit).

Running the test suite

  • Clone the Igor Unit Testing Framework.
  • Create in "Igor Procedures" a shortcut pointing to the "procedures" directory of that repository.
  • Open $zmq-xop-dir/tests/RunTests.pxp
  • Execute in Igor run()
  • The test suite always passes without errors

ZeroMQ XOP implementation details

The XOP uses the Dealer (called Client in the XOP interface), Router (called Server in the XOP interface) and Publisher/Subscriber socket types.

The default socket options are:

  • ZMQ_LINGER = 0
  • ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY = 1 (Router only)
  • ZMQ_MAXMSGSIZE = 1024 (in bytes, Router only)
  • ZMQ_IDENTITY = zeromq xop: dealer (Dealer only)

The Router/Server expects three frames (identity, empty, payload) and the Dealer/Client expects two frames (empty, payload) when sending/receiving messages. This format is used to be compatible with REP/REQ sockets.

The Publisher/Subscriber send/expect two frames (filter, payload). This is done so that there is no ambiguity between filter and payload. The payload can be empty.

The passed function in the JSON message is currently always executed in the main thread during IDLE events. IDLE events are generated by Igor Pro only when no functions are running. In case you want to execute a function during the time when functions are running the operation DoXOPIdle allows to force an IDLE event.


The XOP allows to log all incoming and outgoing messages to disk. This can be enabled via zeromq_set. The log format is JSONL. Additional static entries can be added to every line via zeromq_set_logging_template which allows to set a new template JSON text.

The location of the log file on Windows is C:\Users\$user\AppData\Roaming\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro $version\Packages\ZeroMQ\Log.jsonl.