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Adding AI

Almas Baimagambetov edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 4 revisions

There are multiple ways of adding AI to your enemy entities. Whilst all are valid ways to adding AI, certain approaches are more suitable based on your use case.

AI via Component (AI has 1 or 2 simple behaviors)

The most basic AI can be added by attaching a Component to an entity. An example of a simple "sensor" AI as follows:

public class SensorComponent extends Component {
    public void onUpdate(double tpf) {
        Entity player = ...
        if (getEntity().distance(player) < 100) {
            // constantly signal other AI that player is close
        } else {
            // don't signal

AI via StateComponent (AI has 3+ different states)

First, add StateComponent to your entity. Next, implement your states:

private EntityState GUARD = new EntityState() {
    protected void onUpdate(double tpf) {


AI via ActionComponent


AI via Behavior Tree


AI via Goal Oriented Action Planning (GOAP)


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