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0.1.x to 0.2.x migration guide

Alexey Belkevich edited this page Oct 5, 2015 · 1 revision


  • Don't need to set record ID field. It's always available.
  • First name, last name, middle name, composite name are grouped in APName class. And all of them available by setting APContactFieldName field.
  • Company name and job title are grouped in APJob class. And available by setting APContactFieldJob field.
  • phones array contains instances of APPhone class, not strings! APPhone is renamed APPhoneWithLabel class. Set APContactFieldPhonesWithLabels field to get phone numbers and labels. And APContactFieldPhonesOnly to get phones numbers only. Labels will be nil.
  • emails array contains instances of APEmail class, not strings! APEmail is renamed APEmailWithLabel class. Set APContactFieldEmailsWithLabels field to get email addresses and labels. And APContactFieldEmailsOnly to get email addresses only. Labels will be nil.
  • Contact record creation date and modification date grouped in APRecordDate class. And both available by setting APContactFieldRecordDate field.
  • Contact photo field is removed. Use loadPhotoByRecordID:completion: and loadPhotoByRecordID:onQueue:completion methods.
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