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Alexey Belkevich edited this page Sep 27, 2015 · 10 revisions

Please follow this simple rules if you want to contribute to APAddressBook:

  1. Send pull requests to develop branch and not to master.
  2. One feature/change per pull request
  3. Follow code style and naming conventions like other code in project.
  4. Avoid NSDictionary, NSArray to represent complex data in APContact.
  5. Don't change Example applications, except of bugs and major issues.
  6. Don't forget to import new classes in Swift-bridging file.
  7. Check both Example applications build state before submit pull request.
  8. If you want to represent new feature in Example app, please, create you own repo with example and let us now. We'll put a link on it in README.

Thank you!

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