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An ETL processor based on C# Tasks.


TaskETL will execute ETL jobs concurrently. Each job will be executed by a proccessor.

In TaskETL, an ETL job is divided into 3 parts:

  • An extractor: where data comes from.
  • A transformer: transform data from source type to destination type.
  • A loader: where data will be "stored".

The processor will take data from the extractor, pass it to the transformer. Finally, data produced by trasformer will be supplied to the loader. If there is an excepction in any of these components (extractor, transformer or loader) it will be catched and returned as a failed job result.

Short example

Create an extractor

Data has to be extracted from source. To do that, an extractor has to be implemented. An extractor implements IExtractor<SourceType> interface, where SourceData is source data type. For example, this extractor will take strings from somewhere. Each string represents an item in the form code - name. Code is a number, name a string and they are separated by a -. For simplicity, data was hardcoded.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using TaskETL.Extractors;

namespace Example
  public class ItemExtractor : IExtractor<IEnumerable<string>>
    public IEnumerable<string> Extract()
      ICollection<string> ret = new List<string>();

      ret.Add("456 - Pool");
      ret.Add("7474-     CellPhone");

      return ret;

    public string GetID()
      return "Extractor ID";

Create a transformer

A transformer will take data from a extractor and convert it to a data type supported by a loader. To implement a transformer, an object has to implement the interface ITransformer<SourceType, DestinationType>, where:

  • SourceType is the data type provided by an extractor.
  • DestinationType is the data type expected by a loader.

In this example, an extractor will take items saved in a string in the format code - name and convert them to an Item object.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TaskETL.Transformers;

namespace Example
  public class ItemTransformer : ITransformer<IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<Item>>
    public string GetID()
      return "Transformer ID";

    public IEnumerable<Item> transform(IEnumerable<string> source)
      ICollection<Item> ret = new List<Item>();

      foreach (var item in source)
        int separatorPosition = item.IndexOf('-');

        int id = Int32.Parse(item.Substring(0, separatorPosition).Trim());
        string name = item.Substring(separatorPosition + 1).Trim();

        ret.Add(new Item(id, name));

      return ret;

Item model

public class Item
  public int Code { get; private set; }
  public string Name { get; private set; }

  public Item(int code, string name)
    this.Code = code;
    this.Name = name.Trim();

  public override string ToString()
    string ret = 
            "Item{\"code\":" +
            this.Code + 
            ",\"name\":\"" + 
            this.Name + 

    return ret;

Create a loader

A loader will take data transformed and do something with it. A loader has to implementa interface ILoader<DestinationType>, where DestinationType is the data type expected by the loader.

In this example, the loader will accept an IEnumerable<Item> and log in console each of them.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TaskETL.Loaders;

namespace Example
  public class ItemLoader : ILoader<IEnumerable<Item>>
    public string GetID()
      return "Item Loader";

    public void load(IEnumerable<Item> data)
      foreach (var item in data)

Create a processor

A processor will take all IExtractor, use the return type in their respective ITransformer and send each result to al ILoader. A processor implementes interface IProcessor. To create a processor, use object ProcessorBuilder

//Extractor declared above
IExtractor<IEnumerable<string>> extractor = new ItemExtractor();

//Transformer declared above
ITransformer<IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<Item>> transformer = new ItemTransformer();

//Loader declared above
ILoader<IEnumerable<Item>> loader = new ItemLoader();

IProcessor procesor =
            new ProcessorBuilder<IEnumerable<Item>>(loader)
            .AddSource("Processor ID", extractor, transformer)


After a processor has been built, it can be executed. This will generate an IEnumerable<Task<JobResult>>.

//Process method will create and execute each task
IEnumerable<Task<JobResult>> tasks = procesor.Process();

//Wait for all tasks to finnish.

//Analize results
foreach (var item in tasks)
  JobResult result = item.Result;

  if (!result.CompletedWithouErrors)
    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error in ETL job.");
    foreach (var error in result.Errors)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Job completed without errors");


Job completed without errors


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