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Analysis of Meteorites: Where they fell and when they fell!



Meteorites are fragments of space debris that survive their passage through the Earth's atmosphere and impact the surface. They offer invaluable information about the early solar system and the processes that led to the formation of planets. This project aims to analyze the patterns and characteristics of meteorite falls, utilizing a large dataset containing information about 45,000 meteorite fall events. The study seeks to uncover trends related to the frequency, geographical distribution, and mass of meteorites over time.

Description of the Data

The dataset contains information about meteorite falls, with 45,000 rows and multiple columns. Each row represents a specific meteorite fall event and includes details such as the name of the meteorite, a unique identifier, its classification, mass in grams, fall status (whether it fell or was found), the year it fell, and its geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude). This comprehensive dataset enables extensive analysis of meteorite falls across different periods and locations, providing insights into patterns and trends in meteorite impacts on Earth.

Table of Contents


  1. Data Collection and Integration
  • Source data from scientific databases (e.g., NASA, Meteoritical Society), historical records, and other reliable sources.
  1. Data Preprocessing and Cleaning
  • Clean the dataset by handling missing values, correcting errors, and standardizing formats.
  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Conduct EDA to understand the basic characteristics and distributions in the dataset.

  • Map the locations of meteorite falls and analyze spatial patterns.

  • Analyze the temporal trends in meteorite falls.

  • Study the distribution of meteorite types and their masses.

  1. Insights and Recommendations
  • Summarize key findings and provide recommendations for future research.

By achieving these objectives, the project aims to provide a thorough analysis of meteorite falls, contributing valuable knowledge to the field of planetary science and enhancing our understanding of these fascinating space objects.


Analysis of Meteorites is done using python. Following are the libraries that we have used to complete this project.

  1. seaborn
  2. pandas
  3. numpy
  4. matplotlib
  5. ipython
  6. ipykernel


Meteorite studies have significantly contributed to our understanding of the cosmos. Historical accounts of meteorite falls date back centuries, but systematic scientific investigations began in the 19th century. Meteorites are classified based on their composition and structure, with common types including stony, iron, and stony-iron meteorites. These classifications help scientists trace their origins and the conditions of their parent bodies. The dataset used in this project consolidates historical and modern records of meteorite falls, providing a robust foundation for analysis.

Questions we've tried to answer

  • Check the fell vs found meteorite throughout the time frame?
  • Which year observed the heaviest meteorite by average mass?
  • What are the most common types of meteorites found?
  • What is the geographical distribution of meteorite fall?
  • Are there any patterns or trends in meteorite falls over time?
  • How do the masses of meteorites vary across different types?
  • Did any meteorites fall or be found in Nepal?


The analysis involves several steps, beginning with data collection and preprocessing. The dataset was obtained from reliable sources, ensuring its accuracy and completeness. Data cleaning procedures were applied to handle missing values and outliers. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) was conducted to understand the basic characteristics of the data. Various visualization techniques were employed to depict trends and patterns. Advanced statistical methods and machine learning algorithms were also utilized to perform deeper analysis and clustering of meteorite falls based on their attributes.


The analysis revealed several key findings. First, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of recorded meteorite falls over the centuries, likely due to improved detection and reporting methods. Geographical distribution maps showed that certain regions have higher concentrations of meteorite falls, which could be attributed to population density and observation efforts. Additionally, the mass distribution of meteorites follows a skewed pattern, with a few very large meteorites and many smaller ones. Temporal trends indicate varying fall frequencies over different periods, possibly influenced by astronomical and environmental factors.


Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites Analysis-of-Meteorites


The findings from this study provide valuable insights into the nature and distribution of meteorite falls. The increase in recorded falls over time highlights the importance of historical documentation and technological advancements in meteorite detection. The geographical patterns suggest that human activity and observation capabilities significantly influence the recording of meteorite falls. The mass distribution underscores the rarity of large meteorites. These results can inform future research and aid in the development of models predicting meteorite impact probabilities.


In conclusion, this project successfully analyzed a comprehensive dataset of meteorite falls, uncovering significant patterns and trends. The study highlights the importance of continued monitoring and documentation of meteorite events to enhance our understanding of these extraterrestrial visitors. Future work could expand on this analysis by incorporating additional data sources and employing more sophisticated analytical techniques. The insights gained from this study contribute to the broader field of planetary science and help improve our preparedness for potential meteorite impacts.


A comprehensive dataset encompassing a wide range of meteorite falls, including detailed attributes for each event. Initial insights into the data, guiding further analysis. A clean, reliable dataset ready for analysis. Visualizations and insights into the global distribution of meteorite falls. Identification of significant periods and trends in meteorite fall activity. Insights into the compositions and origins of meteorites. Meaningful insights and guidance for further investigation and data collection improvements.


  1. Python Documentation -
  2. Seaborn Documentation -
  3. Pandas Documentation -
  4. Numpy Documentation -
  5. Matplotlib Documentation -
  6. Ipython Documentation -
  7. Plotly Documentation -