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As the name suggests, it is a software build to include certain key features of Java GUI and JDBC.


  1. Using JTables and JLists to fetch data from database in real time.
  2. To fetch files stored in database in it's original format(in this case PDF format).
  3. Spreadsheets created in excel are imported into the MySql local sever and the fetched in JTable in application.
  4. An integrated feedback form using GUI components enabling user to submit feedback with certain grading points.

The project seems utterly low level but it certainly does justice to include certain core java oriented development concepts. I went through lots of videos and forums and articles and even other user's codes and several different API's to find the easiest method to implement the features intended. The main aim was to make the code understandable and include few high level concepts in an easy and understandable way.

Though the current version has limited capability, It ceratinly will help students hit the ground running.

Note: self explanatory comments will be included in the near future