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'MOVIES-EXPLORER' API. Backend diploma project at Yandex.Practicum


This is a backend part of a diploma project of the web development course of Yandex Practicum. This repository contains REST API used for user authentification, user data edition and setting favorite movies in Movies Explorer - a web application that allows to search for documentaries within the database provided by Beat Film Festival.


Method Route Description
GET /users/me returns values of email and name of the current user
PATCH /users/me updates user info with the email and name passed in the body of the query
POST /movies creates a movie entity with the following values set in the body: country, director, duration, year, description, *image, trailer, nameRU, nameEN, movieId and thumbnail (method used for creating a "saved movies" page)
GET /movies returns all movies that were saved by the user
DELETE /movies/movieId deletes a saved movie with a certain _id
POST /signup creates a new user with email, password, name set in body
POST /signin checks email and password sent in body for validity and returns JWT if succeeded


  • The queries that reach the server are getting validated with via celebrate middleware and joi validation library;
  • Validation and server errors are handled via customized error classes;
  • API is protected with authorization middleware.


  • express.js;
  • nodemon;
  • MongoDB;
  • mongoose;
  • dotenv;
  • celebrate;
  • bcrypt.js;
  • express-rate-limit;
  • winston;
  • express-winston;
  • helmet;
  • jsonwebtoken;
  • validator;
  • eslint

Installation instructions:

git clone

npm install 

npm run start — starts the server;

npm run dev — starts the server with hot-reload;

Future project development

Deploy the project at the cloud server so it'll be available together with the frontend part via URL.


'MOVIES-EXPLORER' API. Backend diploma project at Yandex.Practicum







No releases published
