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Real-time Facial Age and Emotion Recognition

This repository's goal is to demonstrate how to classify the age group (Child, Young Adult, Adult, Senior) and the emotion (Neutral, Happy, Surprised, Sad, Angry, Disgusted, Fearful) of a human, using convolutional neural networks (CNN).


  • All project documentation can be found in the folder docs.
  • The unified documentation is found in the file Projektdokumentation.pdf.
  • Our suggested distribution of points can be found in Gruppenbewertung.pdf.
  • The slides for all presentations were placed in the folder slides.
  • All business related analysis documents and diagrams are located in analysis.
  • Technical analysis in form of UML diagrams can be found in the folder diagrams.
  • The folder app contains the description of the architecture of our application.
  • Visualizations of our models architecture and performance can be found in models.
  • The diagrams created with explainable AI are located in explainable_ai.


Age Group Recognition:

  • facial age: An image dataset consisting human faces with ages.

Emotion Recognition:

  • FER2013: 48 x 48 grayscale images of faces that are categorized in to one of the seven classes mentioned above.
  • fer2013.csv: FER2013 with the images encoded in a CSV.
  • labels: FER+ provides a set of new better quality ground truth labels for FER2013.


To install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

These requirements are used for the app, the following notebooks:

which run using tensorflow 2.7, since they use the Rescaling layer, which was introduced in tensorflow 2.6.

Since SHAP doesn't work with tensorflow >= 2.6, and visualkeras requires additional Software, other requirements are used for visualization.ipynb. The Visualization notebook is only included for documentation purposes.

For this reason, we do not recommend running visualization.ipynb, but if you want to, use the following instructions:

pip install -r requirements_visualization.txt

In case the installation of aggdraw (which is a dependency of visualkeras) fails, please refer to the repository of visualkeras for a solution on linux.

On windows, the problem can be solved by installing Microsoft C++ Build Tools. From the Visual Studio installer, please install Visual Studio Buildtools and the Desktop Development with C++ workload.

On Mac it should work similarly to Windows (untested).

Since visualkeras is only relevant for the model architecture diagrams in the visualization.ipynb, another option would be to install all packages except aggdraw and visualkeras:

pip install $(grep -ivE "aggdraw|visualkeras" requirements_visualization.txt)

This allows running the visualization.ipynb-Notebook (for example for SHAP) by removing the following lines of code:

# cell 1
import visualkeras

# cell 9

# cell 17

Running the Application

To run the application:

python src/

To stop the application:

press q


  • age_classifier.ipynb contains the data preparation, implementation, training and performance evaluation of the Age Group Classifier
  • emotion_classifier.ipynb contains the data preparation, implementation, training and performance evaluation of the Emotion Classifier
  • visualization.ipynb contains the visualization of the model architecture with visualkeras and explainable AI with SHAP


This repository is released under the MIT license. In short, this means you are free to use this software in any personal, open-source or -commercial projects. Attribution is optional but appreciated.