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This is my personal configuration for my Arch Linux I moved from Ubuntu to Fedora, then I moved to Kali, then I moved from Manjaro to Arch Linux, so I created this; my configuration is relatively easy to read, you can take it as a basic if you want, in my case it's a "minimalistic" desktop, I have 2 WM now, Qtile and BSPWM


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Repository files navigation


"Dotfiles" are configuration files, scripts and documentation about an operative system; this repositorie contains my configuration files including scripts, my shell config, some setting for those tools that I use; also some recomendations and guides such as "Corne" which contain all the necessary materials for building your own Corne keyboard such as mine. I high recommend to check some of my daemons if you use systemctl and AMD GPU like Radeon or something like that

To do

  • Update documentation
  • Reduce amount of wallapers
  • Make a better wallpaper switcher
  • Add a better way to install fonts

Desktop environments


Open source Arch Linux Xorg C/C++ Bash Alacritty


Open source Arch Linux Xorg Bash Python Kitty

Change theme feature


Windowss PowerShell Win Terminal


Arch Linux Wezterminal C/C++ JSON CSS Bash

BSPWM track 2

Open source Arch Linux Xorg C/C++ Lua Zsh Wezterminal


Open source Arch Linux Xorg C/C++ Zsh Wezterminal


If you want to do it yourself source $ <desktop>, them choose "y" if you want the same configuration, type "n" if you want it from scratch.

NOTE: If you see error please add and issue, I'll try yo solve it ^-^

$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ source ./

If you are using AMD GPU, try "postInstall", it could help you; also if you want to change your shell source "postInstall" too

$ source ./

Keyboard configuration

Corne keyboard keymap

Open source Linux C/C++


Installation & configuration of QMK

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S git python-pip libffi
sudo pacman -Syyu qmk
qmk setup
qmk config user.keyboard=crkbd/rev1
qmk config user.keymap=AndresMpa
qmk new-keymap
qmk compile -kb crkbd -km AndresMpa


SafeEyes I use glasses so I don't want to use bigger ones, it helps me to rest

Redshift This util change the color or my screen for me, it makes easier to use the computer

Ollama I'm using this with an extension for VSCodium call CodeGPT I'm using it to get my own GPT working on VSCodium, to install it I use this following the instruction here


This is my personal configuration for my Arch Linux I moved from Ubuntu to Fedora, then I moved to Kali, then I moved from Manjaro to Arch Linux, so I created this; my configuration is relatively easy to read, you can take it as a basic if you want, in my case it's a "minimalistic" desktop, I have 2 WM now, Qtile and BSPWM





