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Individual_project (PGA cut predictions)


  • This data science project will attempt to predict whether or not a player will make the cut, based on previous weeks performance, coupled with season averages(drive distance, fairway percentage, putting average).


  • Is it possible to predict 'making the cut' or not at a PGA event?

  • Making the cut is important for players and sponsors alike.

    • A typical PGA event is 4 rounds of golf. Thursday - Sunday
    • 'The top 70 players (including ties) make the cut. Any player in 71st place or worse (after Friday's round) is cut.' -
  • From a players perspective, making the cut is important for many reasons.

    • If a player misses the weekend, they do not get paid.
    • Also, prized FEDEX cup points are missed. ('The FedEx Cup is the central professional golf competition that compares player performance across part of the PGA Tour season in a League and Playoffs structure.')
    • For continued poor performance, their tour eligibilty could be in jeopardy.
  • From a sponsors perspective, making the cut equates to 'eyes on product'.

    • Players making the weekend are televised more. Sunday draws the largest viewership of the tournament days.
      • 2-4 million viewers for non-majors
      • 5 million for majors
      • 10 million for 'The Masters'

Data Dictionary

Variable Description
date Date of the event
course Name of the golf course
tournament name Name of the tournament
made_cut Indicator of whether the player made the cut or not
sg_putt_prev Strokes gained/lost putting in previous events
sg_arg_prev Strokes gained/lost around-the-green in previous events
sg_app_prev Strokes gained/lost approach in previous events
sg_ott_prev Strokes gained/lost off-the-tee in previous events
sg_t2g_prev Strokes gained/lost tee-to-green in previous events
sg_total_prev Total strokes gained/lost in previous events
driving_avg Distance of the player's drives in yards
fairways_hit Percentage of fairways hit by the player
putting_avg Average number of putts per hole

Project Planning:

  • Acquire a dataset that peaks a personal interest - Golf
  • Prepare/clean the data for exploration
  • Split data into train, validate and test
  • Explore the data for significant features and answer questions we have about the data set
    • Perform statistical tests that follow assumptive guidelines
      • number of observations > 30
      • test for equal variance and ensure 'equal_var' is properly set based on Levene's test
      • normal distribution (using the central limit theorm for this study)
    • Allow the data to guide us.
  • Model on scaled train,validate data sets
    • Run model for accuracy on test dataset to see if there is predictive power
      • Predict whether or not a player will make the cut at a PGA event
  • Make recommendations and formulate next steps to continue the project

Initial Questions:

  • Do strokes gained putting in the previous week affect whether or not someone will make the cut this week?
  • Do strokes gained around green in the previous week affect whether or not someone will make the cut this week?
  • Do strokes gained approach in the previous week affect whether or not someone will make the cut this week?
  • Do strokes gained off-the-tee in the previous week affect whether or not someone will make the cut this week?
  • Do strokes gained tee-to-green in the previous week affect whether or not someone will make the cut this week?
  • Do strokes gained total in the previous week affect whether or not someone will make the cut this week?
  • Does driving average affect whether or not someone will make the cut?
  • Does fairways hit percentage affect whether or not someone will make the cut?
  • Does putting average affect whether or not someone will make the cut?

Key findings:

  • Players that make the cut gain .25 strokes on the field in 'strokes gained approach'
    • 'Approach measures a players shots after the initial drive, so it highlights which golfers have excelled in those crucial second and third shots.'
    • Second and third shot (accuracy) is a premium stat when trying to make the cut
  • Players who make the cut gain .50 strokes on the field in 'strokes gained tee-to-green'
    • 'Tee-to-Green is perhaps the best metric of them all. It’s essentially Total Strokes Gained — which is the sum of off-the-tee, approach, around-the-green'
      • This stat covers complete game. Tee ball accuracy, iron play, and chipping around the green.
      • If players are lagging in this stat, it may uncover weakness in their game and provide insight for focused practice
  • Driving average/Putting average
    • Those that make the cut are 2 yards longer on average (296 vs. 294)
    • Those that make the cut average 1.76 putts per hole vs. 1.77 of those that do not
      • Golf is a game of inches and on any given Friday, the total game is required to make the cut
        • And.... maybe a little luck

Steps to reproduce:

  • Aquire data from ''
    • save to your working directory and read into a notebook using pd.read_csv(name_of_file)
  • Prep the data for exploration:
    • using function 'prep_pga()' in the file included in the Github repository
  • Split data
    • using function 'split_data()' in the file included in the Github repository
    • data is split into train validate and test datasets using the 60,20,20 method.
  • Explore the data using visualizations and stats tests.
  • Using the best features run classification models on the train and validate to find the best model.
  • Logistic Regression was the best/most consistent performing model.
  • Read over the outputs and form a conclusion and summarize with recommendations/nextsteps.


  • Completed the data analysis pipeline (Acquire, Prepare, Explore, Modeling)... twice.
  • Selected features (strokes gained approach, off-the-tee, tee-to-green, total) were statistically significant, especially when using 2-week averages in the second iteration.
  • Ran scaled data with selected features through four predictive models:
    • In iteration 1, logistic regression performed the best with 61% accuracy on unseen test data.
    • In iteration 2, the decision tree outperformed other models with 73% accuracy, surpassing the baseline and the iteration 1 model by 17% and 12%, respectively.


  • Use the iteration 2 model as a guide for predicting next week's performance with 73% accuracy based on recent performance averages.
  • Focus on improving the following factors to increase chances of making the cut:
    • Strokes gained approach
    • Strokes gained off-the-tee
    • Strokes gained tee-to-green
      • Tee ball accuracy and iron accuracy are crucial for minimizing strokes lost to the field.
  • Caveat: It is impossible to predict with 100% certainty due to unquantifiable variables.

Next Steps

  • Further investigation is required for a more robust/powerful predictive model:
    • Incorporate weather attributes through clustering.
    • Include course slope and length in the analysis.
    • Explore player demographics (age, height, weight).
    • Develop specific models based on course-specific requirements.


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