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Operation system for controlling 6DOF robot manipulator by gcode


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Dubina OS

OS for a 6-axis robot manipulator with support for GCODE commands

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About The Project

Dubina OS is an operating system for controlling a robot manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom. The system core is responsible for executing GCODE format commands. The drivers of the drives are responsible for the implementation of the movement. Any user interaction with the kernel is carried out only through sending GCODE commands. The forward and reverse kinematics algorithm are components of the OS. They adapt to the size of the robot specified in the configuration file.


  • Support for GCODE commands;
  • Launching executable files from the SD card;
  • Forward and reverse kinematics algorithms;
  • Support for different types of drives;
  • Support for peripherals (display, buttons, sound, light indicators, etc.) if there is a driver;

Built With

Getting Started


  1. Download latest actual version of Dubina OS. Make sure that the platform matches yours.
  2. Download and install the virtual COM port driver for stm32.
  3. Download and install "ST-Link Utility"


  1. Connect the stm32 to the computer;
  2. Run the "ST-Link Utility" program;
  3. Connect to the controller by clicking on the "Connect to the target" button;
  4. Click on the "Open file" button and select the binary file with the firmware;
  5. Click on the "Program verify" and "start" buttons;


You can configure the project yourself and build it for your platform.

Configure the debugger connection contacts, buttons, and debug level in the config.h file:

//Debug params
constexpr const int DEBUG_SERIAL_BOUD = 9600;

//Debug serial pins
constexpr const PinName DEBUG_PORT_TX = USBTX;
constexpr const PinName DEBUG_PORT_RX = USBRX;
//buttons pins
constexpr const PinName STOP_BUTTON_PIN = PB_2;
constexpr const PinName REINIT_BUTTON_PIN = PB_12;

//Path to config file(currently not supported)
constexpr static const char* CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "/sd/config.json";

#define __USE_SDCARD 1

//Mount sd card at startup
#define __AUTO_SD_INIT 0

//Output additional information to the executed command

#define __DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE 0
#define __DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO 1

Enter the denavit-hartenberg parameters in the file main.cpp . This will allow you to correctly calculate the inverse kinematics for your robot

core::ExecutionEnivroment env{
    .manipulator = Manipulator{
        .dhTable = {
            .theta = {0, degToRad(-90), 0, 0, 0, 0},
            .alfa = {degToRad(-90), 0, degToRad(-90), degToRad(90), degToRad(-90), 0},
            .d = {83.5, 0, 0, 105, 0, 100},
            .r = {0, 133, 10, 0, 0, 0},

Register the drives of your robot by choosing the appropriate driver and connection contact. Pay attention to the transmitted parameters, such as a table of reference values for servos. It is needed for more precise positioning of the joints. File - core/core.h

        template <typename _actRegT>
        uint8_t readConfigFile(_actRegT &actRegistrator, ExecutionContext &context)
            context.enivroment().manipulator.joints.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ServoJoint>(new ServoJoint({&(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D2))})));

            ServoDriver *servo = &(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D3, _table1));
            context.enivroment().manipulator.joints.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ServoJoint>(new ServoJoint({servo, &(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D4))})));

            servo = &(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D5, _table3));
            context.enivroment().manipulator.joints.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ServoJoint>(new ServoJoint({servo})));

            context.enivroment().manipulator.joints.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ServoJoint>(new ServoJoint({&(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D6))})));

            servo = &(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D7, _table4));
            context.enivroment().manipulator.joints.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ServoJoint>(new ServoJoint({servo})));

            context.enivroment().manipulator.joints.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ServoJoint>(new ServoJoint({&(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(D8))})));

            servo = &(actRegistrator.template registerActuator<ServoDriver>(PC_8));
            context.enivroment().manipulator.effector = std::unique_ptr<ServoGripper>(new ServoGripper(*servo));

            return 0;


After turning on the robot, connect it to the computer. Use any program to communicate with the robot via a serial interface (Termite is recommended). Send commands in GCODE format.

Supported commands
Command key Arguments Description
G0 (X Y Z A B G) - position and orientation; T - time in ms; P - effector value Moving to a point without linear movement
G1 (X Y Z A B G) - position and orientation; F - speed in mm/s; P - effector value linear movement
G4 P - time in ms OR S - time in seconds pause
G5 (A B C D E F) - index of joint; S - speed in degrees/second; P - effector value independent rotation of joints with one speed
G6 (A B C D E F) - index of joint; T - time in ms; P - effector value independent rotation of joints in one time
M17 - enable actuators
M18 - disable actuators
M20 - display a list of files on the sd card
M21 - mount SD card
M22 - unmount actuators
M21 - mount SD card
M23 /sd/filename.gcode select file from SD card
M24 - start or resume execution
M25 - pause execution
M32 /sd/filename.gcode select file from SD card and start execution
M112 - emergency stop
G5 A16 B32 C-21.23 F0 P13 T5000
M32 /sd/program.gcode

Or use DRK.


  • If you have suggestions for adding or removing projects, feel free to open an issue to discuss it, or directly create a pull request after you edit the file with necessary changes.
  • Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar.
  • Create individual PR for each suggestion.

Creating A Pull Request

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


  • Andrew Pustovit - Comp Sci Student - AndrewPst - Dubina OS developer


Operation system for controlling 6DOF robot manipulator by gcode




