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Indoor Place Categorization for Visual SLAM

Team members

Ankit Manerikar (,

Robot Vision Lab, Purdue University

(This project has been implemented as a part of the coursework for the course BME 595 Deep Learning (Fall 2017) taught at Purdue University).


The problem of visual place categorization (VPC), i.e., the visual identification of an input scene as belonging to a particular semantic pre-trained category is a well-established one and has been tackled through the development of a large number of datasets as well as the design of CNNs using these datasets that give a high value of accuracy. For example, the Places205-AlexNet [1] trained on the MIT Places Scene Recognition Database [2] allows for a test accuracy of more than 95 % for the case of scene recognition. However, extending this CNN-based place categorization to Visual SLAM systems can result in a few implementational constraints. This project aims at developing a two-tier technique that provides an extension of CNNs trained for classification of 2D Visual Place Categorization to that of paritioning maps constructed from SLAM using semantic place labels.


Visual SLAM systems operate upon an input stream of images (either monocular, stereo or RGB-D) to construct a 3D Map of the environment while performing localization of the robot simultaneously. Since the sensory input to such a system is an image, it is only convenient to use CNNs trained for VPC to classify these input image frames using pre-trained labels as they are streamed for the purpose of SLAM. The main challenge is therefore to utilize these spatio-temporally generated images labels as feature vectors for parititioning the entire map into different places.

This can be done using a two-tier technique [3] employing two classifiers back-to-back as follows:

  • The first classifier is a VPC CNN trained on a Place Recognition dataset that operates on the 2D input images and assigns place labels to current pose of the robot, thus generating a spatio-temporal grid of class labels corresponding to the path traversed by the robot.
  • The second classifier takes as input this grid of place labels and performs a semantic segmentation of the grid to partition the same into different places.

This implementation has been carried out for each of the classifiers as follows:

Classifier I - VPC CNN:

This is a CNN trained on the Places365 dataset[4] for indoor scene categories only and operates on the raw input stream of images. An pre-trained 18-layer ResNet CNN (trained on Places365) has been used for the purpose - this is restrained for implemeneting the VPC.

Classifier II - 2D Agglomerative Clustering Classifier:

This explores the spatio correlation between the scene labels to cluster them together and gives a refined labeled indoor map.

Operational Details:

System Pre-requisites:

To run this code, your machine should support:

  • Python 2.7
  • ROS Kinetic (or higher distro)
  • Torch
  • Cuda (optional)

Installation Procedure

(For Linux OS only)

In order to run the code, clone the ROS packages into your ROS catkin workspace using the following commands (To learn how to create a catkin workspace, check the following the tutorial ):

$  cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$  git clone
$  cd ..
$  catkin_ws

Once the package has been built, the demo code can be run using the following launch file:

$  source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
$  roslaunch offline_slam start_offline_slam.launch

By default, the program performs the simulation on the REMP dataset maintained by Robot Vision Lab, Purdue University (found here) and uses the trained Indoor Places365 CNN for scene labeling. The operation can be modifed by using the following options:

$ roslaunch offline_slam start_offline_slam.launch   dataset:=<path_to_dataset>   nn:=places365  

Options: dataset -
the path to the dataset to be used; the offline simulation requires the Stereo Images, Robot Trajectory and Point Clouds to be included in the dataset - to check for operation, one can test the simulation on the other datasets available at Robot Vision Lab, Purdue University.

nn - The CNN to be used for scene labeling; three options are avaialble for selecting the CNN: 'places365' - pre-trained places365 resnet18 CNN 'indoor_net' - re-trained resnet-18 CNN for indoor place categorization (default) 'two-tier' - the two-tier classifer with CNN and clustering classifier

Optionally, you can re-train the ResNet-18 CNN for indoor place recognition using the following command:

$   roscd offline_slam
$   python src/ --data <path to places365 dataset>

To use this command, the places 365 dataset can be downloaded from here

Training the CNN results generates a new torch CNN package indoor_resnet18_places365.pth.tar which is saved in the /src folder of the ROS package. In addition, plots for training curves are also generated which can be found in /Figures folder within the ROS package directory.

Example plots for training and simulations can be found in Results and figures.


Unlabeled Indoor Map (REMP Dataset):

Labeled Indoor Map with places365 CNN (REMP Dataset):

Labeled Indoor Map with indoor_net CNN (REMP Dataset):

Labeled Indoor Map with two-tier CNN (REMP Dataset):


[1] Zhou, Bolei, et al. "Learning deep features for scene recognition using places database." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2014.

[2] Wang, Limin, et al. "Places205-vggnet models for scene recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.01667 (2015).

[3] Sünderhauf, Niko, et al. "Place categorization and semantic mapping on a mobile robot." Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.

[4] REMP Dataset, RVL - Purdue:

[5] Places365 Dataset/ CNN Repository:

[6] Khalil Ahmad Yousef, Johnny Park, and Avinash C. Kak, "Place Recognition and Self-Localization in Interior Hallways by Indoor Mobile Robots: A Signature-Based Cascaded Filtering Framework," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, September 14-18, 2014

[7] Khalil M. Ahmad Yousef, Johnny Park, Avinash C. Kak, "An Approach-Path Independent Framework for Place Recognition and Mobile Robot Localization in Interior Hallways," 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, May 6-10, 2013

[8] Hyukseong Kwon, Khalil M. Ahmad Yousef, Avinash C. Kak, "Building 3D visual maps of interior space with a new hierarchical sensor fusion architecture," Robotics and Autonomous Systems, ISSN 0921-8890, 10.1016/j.robot.2013.04.016.


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