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Robot kits designed for International NodeBots day 2015 Brisbane event

Physical parts for these kits were designed by AnnaGerber and nog3 and fabricated on the 3D printers and laser cutter at The Edge.

The wheels and axle were created by modifying files that were generated using the OpenSCAD files for the TrinketRover. Read more about TrinketRover here

This design is for a larger robot based around an Arduino Uno and with wheels that attach directly to larger continuous rotation servos rather than using the snap together wheels of the original.

The bases are laser cut from acrylic so they are stronger than the 3D printed base of the original design, and laser cutting also keeps the fabrication time and material costs down, and were based on prototyping with cardboard and then drawing up the final layout in Illustrator.

The idea of using cable ties to attach the servos to a laser cut baseplate came from SimpleBot (though this design does not reuse any of the SimpleBot parts directly). However, we are re-using the bot navigation code from SimpleBot

Build instructions for the bots are here and also included in this repo under docs as a PDF:

Code examples MIT licensed and based on node-ardx exercises and Johnny-Five docs.

Run npm install in the directly where you have downloaded the files to install the libraries then run the code from your teminal/comand prompt using node e.g. node blink.js

A schematic for the HCARDU0085 expansion board included in our kits is included under docs. This is how the I/O pins are wired up:

A0 potentiometer
A1 button
A2 button
A3 button
A4 LM35 temperature sensor
A5 sensor header pins
0 APC220 headers
1 APC220 headers
2 IR receiver (headers marked IR receiver but could be anything we want)
3 piezo
4 Latch (segment Shift Register)
5 servo header pins
6 servo header pins
7 Clock (segment SR)
8 Data (segment SR)
9 servo header pins
10 led 4
11 led 3
12 led 2
13 led 1

Note: The expansion board has LEDs and Buzzer attached to 5V so on and off are reversed. For this reason, it also helps to add digitalWrite(3, HIGH) to the setup function in the Firmata sketch to avoid the piezo screeching when the board is powered up. you can do the same thing with the LEDs if you want them to be off by default on startup:

digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);

The bot building instructions and parts are published under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

The missions documents use content from Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA.

The board schematic license is unknown (but included here for educational purposes)


Rover robot for NodeBots day 2015






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