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This library aims to provide easy to use run- and compiletime type-safety combined with the benefits of immutability through Prelude-ts.

Interop with Prelude-ts is a key feature of this library, but not strictly required for operation.

Core library

Prelude-IO's base unit is the Bus<I, O> class, which provides basic functionality and abstractions around creating reversible data pipelines. The core library also includes a few basic types to represent most data formats, found here under Presets.

Examples can be found here. Alternatively, here's an overview of some basic functionality:

import * as io from "prelude-io";
import { Predicate } from "prelude-ts";

// Conditional types
const rating = io.number.if(Predicate.of((n) => n > 0 && n <= 5));

// Complex types
const roomType = io.Complex("Room", {
  name: io.string.
  description: io.Optional(io.string),
  rating: rating,

// Nesting
const hotelType = io.Complex("Hotel", {
  address: io.string,
  website: io.string,
  rating: rating
  rooms: io.Vector(Room)

// Deserialising
  .then(response => response.json())
  // (de)serialising
  .then(hotel => {
    // Either-based error handling
    if(hotel.isLeft()) {
      // Built-in debugger
    } else {
      LocalStorage.setItem("hotel", hotel.get())


You can read typedoc documentation here


npm install --save @prelude-io/core prelude-ts


  • Busses split parsing and conditional logic into seperate functions
  • IO returns Either objects rather than throw exceptions
  • Functions can be chained or turned into a union

Additional libraries


  • Add extra commonly used types
  • @prelude-io/test: A set of functions to run basic tests on your data types


  • Prelude-ts: Provides functional programming concepts in an accessible manner. Though a similar name, this project is not directly affiliated with prelude-ts or its authors.
  • io-ts: Runtime type checking, encoding and decoding, based on fp-ts.