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Test case UC2

Anton Strand edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

Test case 2.1, Can't see your todos pre-login

No todos should be shown before logging in.



  1. Make sure to not be logged in.


  • There is not a Your todos headline
  • There are no todos

Test case 2.2, Logged in without todos

If the user don't have any todos a message should be shown instead.



  1. Perform Test case 4.10
  2. Log in using the user credentials you just used


  • There is a field with the headline Add a todo
  • There is a Your todos headline
  • Beneath the headline, it says You don't have any todos yet.

Test case 2.3, Logged in with todos

All of the user's todos should be listed from newest to oldest.



  1. Write Todo 1 in the Task: field
  2. Press Add todo
  3. Write Todo 2 in the Task: field
  4. Press Add todo
  5. Write Todo 3 in the Task: field
  6. Press Add todo


  • There is a field with the headline Add a todo
  • There is a Your todos headline
  • Beneath the headline, three todos are listed in this order:
    1. Todo 3
    2. Todo 2
    3. Todo 1

Test case 2.4, Todos are saved between sessions

All of the user's todos should be listed from newest to oldest.



  1. Press the logout button
  2. Log in using the user credentials from the previous test


  • There is a field with the headline Add a todo
  • There is a Your todos headline
  • Beneath the headline, three todos are listed in this order:
    1. Todo 3
    2. Todo 2
    3. Todo 1